Recently, I was reading one of my favorite friend’s blogs. She shared a fun question focused themed blog hop. See The Blended Blog apparently asks questions monthly. This month’s questions are focused on all things entertainment oriented.
Plus this week’s FTSF, focuses on 10 things people might not know about you.
So, I decided to combine the two here today.
[socialpug_tweet tweet=”What don’t you know about me? Find out now! #FTSF” display_tweet=”What don’t you know about me? Find out now! #FTSF”]
Therefore, read on to find the 10 things you may very well not know about me and entertainment now…
10+ Things Many Don’t Know Me & Entertainment
1. Comedy or Drama?
Comedy all the way first and foremost. Because I can always use a laugh if nothing else.
2. Fiction or Non-Fiction?
Fiction mostly. Don’t get me wrong have read a few non-fiction books in the past. But much rather escape reality and read a fiction novel anyway of the week.
3. Movies in Theater or At Home?
Movies at home by far are the thing to do now that we have kids. So much easier to buy or rent the movie. Plus, love indoor movie nights in the winter, as well as outdoor movie nights in the summer.
4. Musical or Play?
Musicals always seem to just be the thing to do.
5. Which Meal of the day is your favorite to eat out?
Dinner by far. See I tend to eat lighter earlier in the day. So dinner has always been the meal I would choose to eat out for that reason.
6. Favorite Book ever read?
I have truly read so many books over the years. that this is a hard one to decide on for me. Way back during my teen years, I would say it was totally The Catcher in the Rye. But if you want my most recent favorite then I would have to go with Still Me, by Jo Jo Moyes, which I just recently gushed about HERE.
7. Game Night: Yes or No?
Yes totally and can clearly see why HERE!
8. Favorite Outside Game to play?
When I was a kid, I would have totally said hop scotch. But nowadays I really don’t play games outside. But if I had to pick a game to go see outdoors, it would definitely be baseball and The NY Mets!
9. Favorite TV Series EVER?
This is another hard one to answer for I clearly had many over the years. But I guess if I had to say from my younger years this would have to be the original Beverly Hills 90210! And more recent years, This Is Us now rules.
10. Sitcoms growing up or Sitcoms of today?
Growing up clearly wins this as I still can watch old reruns of many of my favorites including Three’s Company, Facts of Life, Family Ties and more. But still so happy that a few of my old favorites, such as Roseanne and Will & Grace are back on TV in newer versions! Plus, do enjoy, the likes of The Goldbergs, which are throw backs to my younger days, as well.
11. Miniature Golf or Bowling?
Not a true fan of either. But bowling definitely isn’t a favorite at all. So if I had to pick, then I’d go with Mini Golf as this was something my husband and I did on one of our first dates. Still have a soft spot, because of that for this. Plus, we have even taken our girls a few times over the years, too.
12. Favorite Movie Theater Candy?
Sour Patch Kids rule! Or anything gummy honestly.
13. How do you like your popcorn?
With tons of butter. Seriously the unhealthiest way probably. But has to be saturated in butter.
14. 3D Movies with Glasses. Yes or No?
Yes, why not!
15. Favorite Genre of Book to Read.
I have a few honestly. Fiction is up there. But in fiction genre, I like mysteries/thrillers, women’s fiction, romance and even historical fiction, too.
And there you have over 15 items, which you may or may not have known about me. Hope you indeed learned something new about yours truly today.
Meredith Spidel says
This is so fun! Funny how we all have these little surprises about ourselves! Thanks for sharing!
Janine says
Happy to share and agree about these fun little surprises, too 🙂
Dara says
Glad I inspired you on this one, and another thing we have in common is that I loved Beverly Hills 90210 too! I’d love to watch that series over again!
Janine says
Thank you again, Dara for the inspiration on this one. I really had so much fun answering these questions. As for 90210, I also still totally watch over and over again 😉
William Holland says
I knew you were a baseball fan; I didn’t know you were a Mets fan. Well that’s better than the Yankees, so you get points for that. 🙂 Happy Friday Janine! Have a great weekend!
Janine says
Yes, tried and true NY Mets fan here. And definitely not the Yankees as my grandfather even though being from the Bronx wouldn’t have this any other way with us! Happy Friday right back at you and have a wonderful weekend, too 🙂
Kenya G. Johnson says
I love sour patch kids. It’s one of those things I’m better off not starting because then I want them all the time. My husband is practically a pro bowler. I think it’s more than a hobby at this point. I’m not a fan. I tried and decidedly I can’t like it.
Janine says
Kenya, I am seriously with you and just CANNOT like bowling no matter what!
Tamara says
I’m mostly fiction too, unless it’s really compelling nonfiction. Ultimately, though, I like to be swept away in something not real.
Also, I have never missed an episode of 90210, including the new series! I shouldn’t have admitted that.
And you know we’re twins but breakfast/brunch is my favorite meal out!
Janine says
Aw, always be twins even if we enjoy opposite meals of the day out! 🙂
K says
I need to read Still Me! And mmmmmm to lots of butter on popcorn! Now I want some. Beverly Hills 90210 for the win. I loved that show so so much.
Janine says
Kristi, I am totally smiling because we most definitely have quite a bit in common it would seem 🙂
Vickie says
I am totally with you on the “Movies at Home” and Dinner out. There will be no bowling or miniature golf, though 🙂
Janine says
Vickie, I am with you pretty much on all, except the mini golfing. I will take that one for the team for my girls 😉
Pat B says
Musicals are a favorite for me.
I really enjoy non-fiction.
Milk Duds for theater candy, although we never really buy candy at the theater.
Dinner out anytime 🙂
What a good idea for combining the two blog hops.
Janine says
Thanks Pat and loved getting some of your answers here, too 🙂
Jen says
Haha 90210 FOREVER! Movies in are so much better once you have kids, but for me with 4 kiddos, dinner out is expensive and something that takes way more work than just eating at home!
Janine says
Jen, even with 2 eating out can get expensive. So I totally here you on that, too!
Julie Clarke says
Oh my goodness, I’d forgotten how much I loved 90210 :O
Janine says
Aw, Julie glad it wasn’t just me! 🙂
Allie says
I think we may be soul sisters. I agree with all your answers except the popcorn. I hate butter on my popcorn – ha!
Janine says
Aw, I love that we are and wouldn’t have it any other way!! 🙂
Christine Carter says
This was SO MUCH FUN to read, Janine! I just went to my library online and ordered the audiobook for “Still Me”. Thank you for that. 🙂
I LOVE the Goldbergs! And reading about those tv shows of our younger years brought so many memories back. Oh, those were such good shows!
I nodded in agreement pretty much all the way through here. I’m SO with you on all of these things!
Janine says
Aw, you are so welcome and truly think you are going to just love “Still Me”! And love that we have so much in common, too 🙂
Seana Turner says
I find my taste changing on a couple of these. I used to be all fiction, but now I’m learning to love non-fiction as well. I mix it up. I think I would have said musicals in the past as well, but I’m coming to love plays. I definitely prefer mini golf. And popcorn just needs to have lots of salt:)
Janine says
Love that you have changed up a few of these over the years, Seana!! 🙂
Emily says
Yes to buttered popcorn! And I’m going to add “Still Me” to my kindle next because I always like your book recos!
Janine says
Thanks Emily and truly always so happy to share my book reviews with you, too 🙂
catherine says
Beverly Hills 90210. OMG, so many memories!
Janine says
I know, right?!! 🙂