Bearded dragons make great pets, but like any animal, they require care and attention. To maintain a bearded dragon healthy and happy, it is not difficult to care for one, but it is vital to know what it requires.
Below are some of the most important things you can try to keep your pet reptile healthy & happy.
1. Provide a Cozy place
Temperature is a major factor in bearded dragon care. Walking into a room with powerful air conditioning on a hot summer day may make you feel like you’re about to die of cold, but that’s simply an exaggeration.
Still, for small reptiles, even small changes in temperature can mean the difference between life and death. Keeping your bearded friend warm and cozy is crucial to his health and happiness.
Proper temperature is just as important as the right size, lighting, and heating for their terrarium. The ideal temperature for a basking region is between 95 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit, while the ideal temperature for the entire tank is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Proper Diet plan
Bearded dragons eat both insects and plants in their natural diet. Feed young dragons once a day and adults twice a week.
The dragon has to have access to clean water at all times, and this water should be replaced every day. Live insects such as crickets, woodies, and silkworms, as well as kale, apple, carrot, broccoli, and beans, are all acceptable foods. As a treat, they enjoy the occasional pinkie mouse, which may be purchased from stores catering to exotic pets.
Extra nourishment can be added by mixing commercially available lizard pellets with diced fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind that crickets can attack infant bearded dragons, so if you want to feed your dragon any live insects, you should always leave some food for the crickets in the enclosure, too.
3. Keep an eye on their health
Parasites, gastrointestinal bugs, skin illnesses, and dietary shortages are all potential killers for bearded dragons if not addressed.
Be on the lookout for indicators of illness in your dragon on a consistent basis. Take note of any flaking, blistering, abrasions, ulcers, or discolorations in the skin. Not eating could be a symptom of an illness or a normal part of their hibernation cycle. Get in touch with your neighborhood Vets if you have any questions.
Vegetables and insects can help keep your pet healthy. Maintain a spotless environment for them. Keep their energy and vitamin levels up by letting them spend time in the sun.
4. Provide Plenty of Vitamins
If you own a bearded dragon, you definitely should provide it with a balanced diet and plenty of vitamins.
While your bearded dragon’s diet should provide most of the vitamins and minerals it needs, supplementing it with vitamin powders is a good idea.
Vitamin D3 is necessary for your bearded dragon to properly absorb the calcium in its diet. Bearded dragons need UVB light in their vivarium since it is a good source of Vitamin D.
Final words
If you want a bearded dragon, you should be ready for a long-term commitment since these reptiles may live for 10 to 15 years. Bearded dragons need a lot of time and attention.
They have quite specific requirements, ranging from the habitat in which they are housed to the food that they must consume. We hope you found our article beneficial.