*I’m working with Snapfish to let everyone know how easy it is to make the perfect family holiday card.
Like it or not, it is that time of the year. November symbolizes a time where as a mom I must create the perfect family holiday card to send out to family and friends.
Many will set up photo shots months in advance. As a mom though, I have many photos of my kids throughout the year. I usually tend to use the photos what we have from the past year. I mean why re-create the wheel. Plus, adding another fee to the cost of a family card to me isn’t necessary.
So, here is the 5 easy steps I utilize to make the perfect family holiday card online.
Check them out below…
1. Sort through the year’s photos.
Again, no sense in taking more family photos if you already have a amassed a ton over the past year. So now is the time to got through those photos for your family holiday card.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Sort through the year’s photos + 4 more tips to create the perfect holiday card. #ad” quote=”Sort through the year’s photos + 4 more tips to create the perfect holiday card. #ad” theme=”style1″]
See I usually narrow it down to no more than 5 – 7 choosing both horizontal or vertical photos as card photo layouts usually vary between the two.
2. Check out online card options.
Next, I check some of the different online holiday cards sites. I scope out the deals, as well as the card designs.
This year, I was more than pleasantly surprised at how convenient SnapFish is for creating a family holiday card. Not only were their holiday card options abundant, but they were gorgeous in my humble opinion. Plus, they now offer Foil-Stamped Holiday Cards! They also allow for free return address printing on the back of the card envelopes with Foil-Stamped Cards.
See these budget-friendly beauties will shine and shimmer their way onto fridges all season long. These include Floral, Classic, Confetti, Dots, Sparkles, Brushstrokes, and even more design options available.
And their deals are quite budget-friendly, as well. Right now, they are offering 40% OFF for all CONFESSIONS READERS with the promo code JANINE40.
3. Try out a at least two different card layouts.
So, now that you have chosen a place to make your perfect holiday card. Next, I recommend checking out the different holiday card selections. Try a few out with your family photo selections.
You can easily upload your family pictures from your device, Facebook, Instagram or Snapfish album.
Also, if possible now is the time to play around on SnapFish’s site. See you can also browse color options, photo layout options for your card choice and even browse more card designs.
You can also even include a yearly family update and/or additional photos on the back.
This really is a wonderful way to send holiday cheer to friends and family. So have fun and be creative.
4. Narrow down your card layout options.
Once you have had some fun playing with a few different photo layout options, it is now time to get serious. It is now that you will want to narrow down the family holiday cards that you mocked up.
My rule of thumb is get your selections down to two different holiday card layouts.
Check out the two family holiday card, I created.
Which do you like better?
Vote now for our 2017 family holiday card below:
5. Use current promo codes and order your family holiday card like a pro!
If you have made your decision from the two card, then it is time to order your perfect family holiday card from SnapFish. Don’t forget to check out the latest pros and deals with 40% OFF specially for my readers with promo code JANINE40, as well as the current shipping options, as well.
There you have it family holiday cards done easy, peasy lemon squeazy (as my almost 7 year old says)!
Dara says
There are so many choices it is hard to narrow it down!
Janine says
I know, Dara. They really have so many awesome options that I couldn’t agree more 🙂
AnnMarie John says
We haven’t done holiday cards in almost 2 years, but this year we plan on changing that. I think now that I might just have to go to Snapfish to get them done. We have a few from our vacation this past summer, but would prefer to get a new photo just for the holidays, maybe in front of the fireplace. BTW the photo of the family is always a good choice.
Janine says
I hope you do use SnapFish as they really are so easy to use, plus have so many great design options to choose from. Plus, I love the family photo option, too. But still love seeing just my girls together, as well. Thus the dilemma for holidays cards for me 😉
William Holland says
That’s something that has died away, right? Real Christmas cards. We hardly ever receive any but of course, we don’t send them, either. That used to be such a huge production when I was a kid, mom writing a note on each one, me addressing the envelopes. Sigh!
Have a great Tuesday, Janine!
Janine says
I know and I refuse to let the Christmas card sending end. Even if it is created online. I still like a physical card to send. So this truly is something that is all me still! Happy Tuesday now, too Bill 🙂
Mary says
I love Family Christmas Cards, my fridge is always covered with fun and festive Holiday Cards from my friends and family. These tips are great Janine, especially the idea of checking out multiple card options, options are always great. I l love how your holiday cards came out.
Janine says
Aw, thanks Mary and hope you can check out SnapFish now for your holiday card needs now, too 🙂
Laura says
Love the card you chose. What a beautiful family!
Janine says
Aw, thank you so much Laura!! 😉
Kelly Siech says
i have pretty much given up in the past with holiday cards. however, this looks so simple, maybe i can even manage sending them out this year!
Janine says
This is seriously so simple and highly recommend, Kelly 🙂
Diane Hill Roark says
I love your holiday cards. They both turned out beautiful. Thank you for all the tips. I need to try Snapfish this year. You make it look so easy.
Diane Roark
Janine says
Aw, thanks Diane and do hope you can check out SnapFish now, too 🙂
Malini says
Great tips! You make it sound so easy — I always wait until the last minute and then I scramble!
Janine says
Thanks Malini and I just can’t bring myself to wait until the last minute as I am just too much of a planner though.
Jennifer says
Those are both so cute! I love that you can edit the photo. That’s super helpful!
Janine says
Thanks Jennifer and I agree that editing photos for this is indeed super helpful 😉
Jen says
I love your card! I need to get cracking on my cards fast! Time to look into Snapfish 🙂
Janine says
Thanks Jen and I most definitely recommend SnapFish 🙂
Aunt Gloria says
Can’t wait to see your card! xxoo
Janine says
Thanks Aunt Gloria and can’t wait to share it with you, too xoxo 🙂
Christine Carter says
Aw I actually love both of those photos!! But the girls alone made my heart swell! <3
We haven't done Christmas cards in forever. We really need to get back on this… I might go for it with your savings code! We love snapfish for our photo copies!
Janine says
Aw, hope you use the code here and would love to see the card you come up with if you do, too 🙂
Tamara says
Aw, this is my life! Helping my clients with cards. I’m so glad making the card is easier than trying to get four kids to look at me at once! That’s why I love your ideas. Doing collages is wonderful. Snippets of life.
Janine says
Aw, I love your life and agree with your snippets of life as it definitely helps with designing a Christmas card 😉
Leslie says
Very cute! You reminded me that I need to get a move on with our Christmas cards this year. Eek! Thanks so much for sharing at the #happynowlinkup!
Janine says
Happy to share and hope you can use SnapFish for your holiday card now 😉
Catherine Gacad says
Your holiday cards look so lovely! I prefer photos with the whole family…mainly because I’m friends with the parents and want to see them and not just their kids. HA!
I like the idea of sorting through the photos you already have instead of taking more! We hire a photographer every year and it really is such a chore. I’m seriously considering stopping the whole process because it’s so laborious. i just don’t have the time!
Janine says
We totally hired in the past, too. And I agree such a chore to be honest. I enjoy looking back on the photos from he year to make a card. It just feels more personal. Plus takes the stress off a bit, too!