There are many ways to save money on your car insurance, but not all of them are obvious. In fact, many people don’t realize how much they can save by making a few simple changes. Here are ten easy ways to trim costs without sacrificing quality or coverage.
1. Always Look Around for Better Deals
The first and most important thing is always lookout for a better deal. Insurance companies constantly change their rates and offer new discounts, so it pays to shop around every year.
You can use an insurance comparison website like to get quotes from different companies and see which offers the best rate.
2. Raise Your Deductible
One of the best ways to lower your car insurance bill is to raise your deductible. You’ll have to pay more out of pocket if you have an accident, but it will also lower your monthly premium. Ensure you have enough money saved up if you need to make a claim.
3. Get Rid of Unnecessary Coverage
Do you need to have collision and comprehensive coverage? If your car is old and not worth much, it might not be worth paying for this coverage. You can check your car’s Kelly Blue Book value to see how much it’s worth and then decide from there.
4. Drive Less
If you can, try to drive less. Insurance companies typically offer discounts for low-mileage drivers. If you can carpool or take public transportation sometimes, you might save a significant amount on your premium.
5. Improve Your Credit Score
Your credit score has a significant impact on your car insurance rates. If your score is not good, you will likely pay more for your coverage.
You can check your credit report for free once a year to see where you stand. If you find your score is not as high as possible, take steps to improve it and then shop around for a better rate.
6. Take Advantage of Discounts
Many insurance companies offer discounts for having a good driving record, being a student, or owning a home. You might also get a discount if you belong to specific organizations or have certain types of car safety features.
Ask your insurance company about all the discounts they offer so that you can take advantage of them.
7. Bundle Your Policies
If you have more than one type of insurance with the same company, you might get a discount by bundling your policies. This could include car insurance, homeowners insurance, or even life insurance. It’s worth asking about this discount when shopping around for a new policy.
8. Get a Usage-Based Policy
Usage-based insurance policies are becoming popular and for a good reason. They can save you a lot of money if you are a safe driver. These policies track your driving habits and give you a discount if you are a low-risk driver. It’s worth considering if you are looking for ways to save on your car insurance.
9. Ask About Other Discounts
There are many other discounts that your insurance company might offer, so it’s always worth asking about them. Some companies offer discounts like having a certain type of car, taking a driver’s education course, or even paying your premium in full.
10. Shop Around
Finally, the best way to save money on your car insurance is to shop around simply. Get quotes from several different companies and compare them. You might be surprised at how much rates vary from one company to the next.
There are many ways to save money when it comes to car insurance. By following these simple tips, you can trim costs and ensure that you are getting the best possible rate.