Welcome back to Finish The Sentence Friday Blog Hop (FTSF). We give you a sentence and you finish it (however long or short you’d like). Please feel free to link up and follow any or all of our hostesses, which are below.
And now for this week’s sentence to finish: “If I could hang out with any celebrity, it would be…”
Next week’s sentence to finish: ”A typical day in my life looks like..”
If I could hang out with any celebrity, it would be…JK Rowling. I admit I am not really into anyone nowadays in the Hollywood inner circle. I can’t get past so much of the crazy antics, sex, drugs and rock and roll, like the Lindsay Lohan’s, Paris Hilton’s, Kim Kardashian’s and so many others.
That said as a writer, I do look up to more than fair share of those who are published and the most famous of them would be the Harry Potter novelist. She embodies all I could wish and hope for. It all began in 1997 with her first published novel. The first in the series with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and sixteen years later she truly is one of the most renowned authors of our time.
The Harry Potter Series may be finished for now, but she has gone to have creative control on all the Warner Brothers Gig Screen versions of all her books and even published her first adult novel with The Casual Vacancy.
I have always had a love for her books and even wrote an article with a giveaway included this past week. If you didn’t enter you still have a chance below. But seriously, I cannot say enough how reading her books has changed my life. I honestly enjoyed and looked forward to each and every book I have read by her, especially the magical world of Harry Potter.
To this end, she gave a little known writer like myself for hope that I could write my heart out and that maybe someday someone other than my own mother would read my work (not that I don’t love my mom’s eternal support!). She also made me want to strive to be the best writer I could possibly be.
It is a known fact that Rowling’s Harry Potter was rejected by more than a few publishers before Bloomsbury Children’s Books. Which again gives hope to me as a writer, who does hope to be published someday in the future. I am not saying I could ever be in her caliber, but nice to know that one of the best was published on her first try and dealt with her fair share of rejection before getting her chance at a published novel.
So to me JK Rowling is truly a hero and would love to meet her to be able as a writer pick her brain a bit. Would love to ask her so many questions and it would just be such an honor to me.
Probably sounds a bit corny and as Kevin would say cheesy, but this is totally a dream of mine.
Now tell me, in the comments, about your celebrity induced dreams (think champagne and caviar dreams and now worries you’re in good company as you can see from above). Or write a post and link it up! And be sure to share my story with all your FB and Twitter friends. We’ll also be featuring some of our favorites on Twitter with the Hashtag #FTSF and our Facebook pages too, so make sure to follow. Don’t forget to grab a button and put it somewhere people will see. We’d are hoping to keep this hop going strong and continue this for a long time to come!
Jean Heff says
I love that you picked an author. I agree that she is a success story to aspire to and that her books are so wonderful. Do you look forward to reading them to your girls someday? My students are just starting to discover her books and it's lovely to watch them get sucked in to the world she created.
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Jean and I totally plan on getting my girls into these books. I have all of them in Hard Cover Books and so can't wait until my girls are old enough to read and enjoy. I also taught middle school before having kids and my students all loved this series and loved seeing it through their eyes, too (so I can relate)!!
Ruchira says
I agree Janine. She is an inspiration to many esp when she got turned down many times, and look at her now.
Great choice of celebrity.
Voted for you
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks as always Ruchira and I just couldn't help, but choose her she really is just such a wonderful success story for all writers to aspire to!! 🙂
Emily says
She was a great pick – I really admire her too! I couldn't pick just one person…as you'll see in my link-up, I picked FIVE! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
I loved your linkup Emily and seriously thank you for linking up. I know you have been through a lot lately and just know I am totally thinking of you!!
Stephanie Sprenger says
I actually think this was the perfect choice, and for a second,before my laziness and indecisiveness took over, I thought about choosing one of my favorite writers. I haven't read her newest book, but I am really curious about it!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Stephanie and I have her newest book on my iPad and need to read it. Truly so bad right now and have about 5 books I need to read (just need more time in the day now!!).
Blond Duck says
We writers have to stick together and believe! We can do it! We just have to find that one editor!
Janine Huldie says
Yes, you are so right and we definitely have to stick together and believe!! 🙂
Bill says
Matt Damon or Robert Redford….they both are political activists who care about the world and they both stay out of the limelight and don't act like idiots. 🙂 Have a great weekend, Janine.
Janine Huldie says
Great choices Bill and truly agree with you about both men. You too have a great weekend, my friend!! 🙂
Break the Mom Mold says
This one was awesome. Thank you so much, I had a lot of fun writing my post!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks and so glad you had fun writing it. Can't wait to read it now!! 🙂
Leslie says
Without a doubt I would want to meet Sarah Jessica Parker. I love her, I adore seeing her being a normal mom with her kids. She has great fashion sense too, maybe she could help me out LOL
Janine Huldie says
Oh do love Sarah Jessica Parker and she was one of my all time favorites in Sex in the City. Still watch her and that show in reruns. Great choice Leslie!! 🙂
Lisa Newlin says
Fricking Janine! You made me want to cry with this post with all the talk of inspiration and hope. I had no idea you looked up to JK Rowling so much. I know from your recent posts that you love the Harry Potter books, but I didn't realize you looked up to her so much. She's a great role model to have, because if I remember correctly, weren't they ridiculously poor and she was trying to take care of her kids?
You should absolutely chase your dreams! I'm proud of you for doing it and for keeping a positive attitude in the process. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much Lisa and from what I have read of her, yes she was very poor and somehow made her dreams of publishing come true and becoming so well known and renowned. I just love her books and seriously am in awe of how she persevered. I can only hope someday to have half the respect that she has garnered!! 🙂
Cyndi says
JK Rowling…one of my all-time heroes because she rose up from poverty to so much. She's such an inspiration to so many. Wonderful FTSF post…I wish more of my art/photos would fit into the categories. Oh well, lol…I love to participate when I can. HUGS!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much Cyndi and couldn't agree with you more on this. I do hope that when it fits with your art and photos you can participate, because you know ho much I love you girl!! 🙂
Robin Rue says
I think she is a very inspirational woman and I love her story. Harry Potter books are GREAT. I've read them all numerous times and can't wait until my kids are a little older so they can read them. They are only 5 & 8 and I think the story line is still a bit too heavy for them.
Janine Huldie says
I am with you Robin and hope that someday when my girls are old enough that they will get into these books. I have them all in hard copy and they are just waiting to be read again by my kids!! 🙂
Eddy Jones says
I also have great respect for J K Rowling Janine and if you are being cheesy then so am I, ha ha!!! As always my dear friend a great share and have a wonderful day. Lots of love from my little corner of Wales.
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Eddy and glad to know I am not the only one that Jk Rowling!! Hope you too are having a great day and send you love!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh sounds like an awesome dinner party and would love to be a fly on the wall for that one, Clark. Thanks as always!! 🙂
The Dose of Reality says
I LOVE this topic!! So much fun! 🙂 She would be a fascinating person to spend time with, I totally agree with you! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks and I agree I had a ton of fun with this topic! Also, think it would be a blast to hang out with her 🙂
Paula J says
This is a difficult question! I don't know if I could choose! Hmmmmm how about Kevin Bacon. Weird maybe, but I've always liked him, and am addicted to his new show, even though it's totally gruesome 😛
Janine Huldie says
Oh Paula J, loved Kevin Bacon especially his Footloose Days. Great choice!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Kelly, thank you. And seriously whatever help you need, please ask and will try my best to help out and get you linked up when you are ready!! 🙂
Jane Marsh says
I'd love to meet Ms. Rowling too. And hug her. Harry Potter was the first "we all love it!" book I read aloud with my two eldest. And soon, they'll be reading it to the little. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
I could so see Cinder and Flora reading this to Ender!! Seriously I cannot wait to get my girls interested int these books, too!! 🙂
Kerri Ames says
I got through labor and delivery reading her books 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Lol, Kerri I made it right under the wire, but if I haven't I definitely would have been reading during Emma's labor!! 🙂
Lanaya @ Raising Rea says
Ok … so fact {and you are going to die!} I have never read the Harry Potter books or seen the movies. I know who she is obviously {who doesn't?} but still … shocker right??
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo http://www.raising-reagan.com
Janine Huldie says
Lol, finally something that we don't have in common. Will forgive you 🙂 But seriously, love you and hope you will read or see some of the movies in the future (think you would so enjoy just knowing how much we usually do think alike!!) xoxo!!!
Kat Biggie says
I wouldn't have thought of her, but that is a great choice! I'd love to pick her brain too!
Janine Huldie says
Alexa, I had to think a bit too at first on this sentence and then it hit me and when it did it truly was like this huge lightbulb that went off. Just would love to see what she thinks though 🙂
Betty Taylor says
I have never read the books or seen the movies, but I believe she must be an incredible woman. Her books have been read by so many people!
Janine Huldie says
Betty, it still shocks me when someone hasn't read or seen the movies, but then again I have never read or seen the The Hunger Games. So guess it does even out a bit in some respects!! 🙂
Dawn says
So, you're another one of those Potters…I don't think I can like you anymore…
Janine Huldie says
Guilty as charged, Dawn, lol!! 🙂
Dawn says
I'm going to have to unfollow you on everything now…watch your readership drop…ok, not really, but I should 😉
Kat Biggie says
I am linked up. I picked Ashley Judd!
Janine Huldie says
Awesome Alexa and will check it out right now!! 🙂
Terrye says
I adore Harry! 🙂 Great pick, Janine!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Terrye and just couldn't resist!! 🙂
Katie says
Gosh, this is a tough one. Maybe "Wentworth Miller" Just because we are watching the "Prison break" series on Netflix right now and he's just super dreamy! 🙂 He inspires me to wear blush and a push up bra out of the house everyday, just in case by chance he happens to be in my neighborhood. 😉
Dysfunction Junction/a>
Janine Huldie says
Love it Katie and seriously anything that would make me do either of those would have to be pretty big now!! 🙂
Chris HyeThymeCafe says
I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, but I have yet to read any of the Harry Potter series … I haven't read 50 Shades either, but that's another story. I think I saw part of the first movie, but I can't even say I've seen them. I don't know that I'll ever go back to read HP, but I'll have to keep an eye out for her new works. And yes, all writers should take comfort in knowing that even the "top sellers" were passed by several times before hitting the right desk at the right time.
Janine Huldie says
I also read 50 Shades and loved it. Very trashy and steamy, but just couldn't resist!! That said Harry Potter still for me is a class of its own and I truly do recommend it to all, Chris!! And you are right about being able to take comfort knowing that even the best writers have had their far share of rejection and goes with the territory.
Rose A says
I would pick Thurgood Marshall if he was alive. He's not really a celebrity, but he was famous for his role on the US Supreme Court and I bet he'd have a million wonderful stories to tell.
Janine Huldie says
Awesome pick Rose and I do agree he would probably some very interesting tales to tell!! Thanks as always!! 🙂
Kate Hall says
I STILL have not read these books. They're on my list.
Janine Huldie says
Kate, I have to be honest and tell you I truly do not think they will disappoint when you do read them!! 🙂
Mod Mom Beyond Indie says
Thanks for hosting the hop Janine! I've been meaning to jump in and finally this week, here I am. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh so glad you did Linda and loved your contribution!! 🙂
Kristi Campbell says
She really is amazing and her story is inspiring. Good choice and thanks for hosting!
Janine Huldie says
Oh my pleasure and thanks Kristi. Couldn't agree more as you can tell!! 🙂
joan robertson says
Hi Janine, you are so right, Rowling's story is inspiring, and provides hope for us lowly striving writers! Enjoyed this post! Have a good day
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much for your kind words Joan and for linking up as always, too!! 🙂
Stephanie @ Life, Un says
I have my problems with JK Rowling in so far that a lot of the myths she created around her persona are actually not true. But meeting with her, we might find out why she saw it necessary to lie about her past 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Stephanie, this doesn't shock about most to be honest I am just too honest for my own good, but too many aren't completely honest. But you may just be able to get to the bottom of it if anyone could!! 🙂
stephanie_m_powell says
What I just don't get into my head is why she deems it necessary to make up these lies instead of letting her abilities speak for themselves. Better say nothing than a lie.
Janine Huldie says
Totally not sure Stephanie and probably something we may never for know for sure.
Kat Biggie says
Oh wow! Refreshed your page and the colors changed! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the pink!!!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Alexa. I decided first to play around with the widgets and cleanup them up a bit and then just kept going. Might do a bit more before all said and done. Just needed a bit of a change 🙂
Kat Biggie says
I understand. It does look really good!
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Alexa. I am trying to play around with the sidebars and would love one on the right and one on the left. My theme should support this, but doesn't seem to want to do it though. Frustrating!!
Melissa S. says
Love JK as well, though I might be too intimidated by her to ask very good questions, lol. I'm fascinated by how she came up with all her ideas, enough to carry her through 7 books. wow. Nice that you picked an author as your celebrity, too. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Melissa and if I met her I so would have to have questions written beforehand, because I probably would be star-struck and forget all I would want to ask, too lol!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Lol, Richard I think we definitely know each other a bit too well, but then again couldn't be happier about that one!! That said if I were to pick a celebrity male to spend some time with it wouldn't be Channing Tatum, but Christian Bale circa American Psycho. Oh well better quit now though while I am ahead, lol!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
I know Michelle and truly love the language she created. Thanks and my pleasure truly Michelle!! 🙂
Rachel Demas says
I love that you chose a writer! You know that most of the people will choose actors or someone in entertainment. You are unique, Janine!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much for saying that Rachel and this one was truly my pleasure, because I really couldn't just pick on Hollywood actor that would do it for me and then it dawned on me with JK Rowling (coming all together!!).
The Sadder But Wiser says
I think she is a wonderful choice. Such an inspiration to women writers! I always have been inspired by the fact that she wrote these wonderful books while her kids napped. I'm thinking that if my kids would have napped, I could have done gret things!
I couldn't choose just one person, therefore I chickened out on this particular FTSF, but next week I hope to do better!
Janine Huldie says
Oh no worries Sarah and seriously my kids do nap and I did write a book, but I am still struggling with the editing part. So is life I suppose. If it isn't on thing it is another!! Hope you can totally join us next week!! 🙂
Mod Mom Beyond Indie says
What a terrific pick. Her story is an inspiration and wow, what an imaginative mind. It would be fascinating to pick her brain.
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Linda and truly would love to pick her brain, because I am sure she would be a wealth of knowledge for me!! 🙂
Melanie Chisnall says
She definitely gives the rest of us writers inspiration to keep going and believe in ourselves. You picked a good one! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Melanie and happy to have you back!! 🙂
Sandy Ramsey says
I have no idea who I would have picked if I had written this post. I would want to seem like an intelligent human being and pick someone inspirational but then again, Charlie Hunnam from Sons of Anarchy or Peyton Manning would have been more likely. Wait, then there's Henry Cavill…..I'm terribly shallow, I guess. J.K. Rowling is a great choice! I never read the books (I hear you crying!) and never wanted to watch the movies until my son begged me (he's a HUGE fan!) and I was immediately hooked! Loved them….so now I feel compelled to own the whole lot of the books (the will be classics) and read them! Nice post….very heartwarming and tells so much about you….like you are not shallow….like me :)!
My recent post Birchbox October 2013
Janine Huldie says
You are so not shallow, just don't seem to like anyone that much currently, but back in the day, I so would have picked Brad Pitt (before the whole Angelina/Jennifer thing). So trust me just no one swoon worthy enough I suppose at this point. But I know Harry Potter books and movies are just amazing and still can't help, but be my favorites of all time!! 🙂