Welcome back to Finish The Sentence Friday Blog Hop (FTSF). We give you a sentence and you finish it (however long or short you’d like). Please feel free to link up and follow any or all of our hostesses, which are below.
And now for this week’s sentence to finish: “In church (place of worship), I learned to..“
And the next sentence to finish: “The best and worst parts of blogging are…”
In church (place of worship), I learned to..
Growing up I would have answered about Jesus, his life, the resurrection, the disciples and so much more from my religious instructions classes, as well as church attending, while preparing for my sacraments.
As an adult, I must admit going to church less. My family wasn’t very religious. Like I said I did my sacraments, but my mom and dad weren’t ever really big church goers (my dad was an altar boy and was a bit turned off by the whole Catholic Church) and in turn never forced me once I did become of age.
But then, I met Kevin born and raised Irish Catholic, whose parents still to this day attend church every weekend.
In the beginning of our relationship, he would also attend church every weekend with his family or by himself if he couldn’t go with them to a different mass.
So, if I wanted to spend more time with Kevin, I found myself going to church on the weekends with him.
My dad, even though not a church goer as I stated, still was impressed by this and even commented as such.
It was honestly a nice, quiet time that we spent together deep in our own thoughts or so I thought.
But, then as time went on I slowly realized one church going Saturday day during the homily while sitting in between Kevin and his father something about why they may very well enjoy this quiet, introspective period of mass.
I just so happened to snap out of my own deep thoughts and look at Kevin, when I realized he wasn’t actually in meditative thought, but rather asleep and napping. Guess what, I glanced over at his dad and he was doing the same thing.
When I questioned it later on, I was told by Kevin (jokingly, of course) that these were truly the best naps he could catch. Apparently, it was similar for his dad.
Who knew!!
On a side note, I am not implying that anyone should sleep their way through a church mass, but was just trying to bring a bit of levity and light humor to this subject.
In church (place of worship), what you have you learned!!
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Dana says
Sometimes I'll catch someone dozing off during a service – it amuses my kids. But I try to keep a straight face because I don't want to encourage them!
My recent post Finding my home in a house of worship
Janine Huldie says
Dana, I would never want to encourage my kids and am so going to have to keep a good eye on him when it gets to this point, but at that point in our lives (pre-kids), I couldn't help, but find a bit of humor in this one!! 🙂
erinmcirish says
Yeah most of us Catholics nap during the homily!!! It happens – especially after going to church every week for years and years and years!! I used to go all of the time and even converted Joey 4 years ago. I haven’t gone in a long time though.
Janine Huldie says
Seriously makes me feel better knowing it wasn't just my husband. Thanks Erin!! 🙂
Billybuc says
Two answers: I learned to look at good looking girls without appearing to, and I learned to be quiet so my dad wouldn't have a melt down. 🙂 Have a great weekend Janine.
Janine Huldie says
Oh trust me Bill, I too learned the art of silence so as not to drive my dad crazy. And well can't say the same about the girls though, lol!! Seriously though thank you and have a great weekend, too!! 🙂
stephsprenger says
HA! That is so funny and cute. I totally didn't see that coming!
My recent post Partners in Crime? Having Kids 5 Years Apart
Janine Huldie says
Glad you enjoyed Stephanie and tried my best to surprise a bit here!! 🙂
gigigirl says
Very cute….xxoo
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Aunt Gloria!! 🙂 xoxo!!
dawnsdisaster says
I've dozed off in church before. Not one of my finest moments…then again, either was my post…
My recent post FTSF~I Learned This in Church
Janine Huldie says
Lol, heading here now and thanks for sharing it wasn't just Kevin!! 🙂
Rich Rumple says
My problem would be snoring. My wife would drop off and the whole church would think the Devil had appeared. Exorcists would be called, movie producers would pour in by the hundreds, and little children would have bad dreams forever. The local airport tower personnel would sustain neck injuries looking upwards for that jet that had lost radio contact, and fire truck sirens would be droned out of action, as her snores would over ride their effectiveness. So, I play the Good Guy and keep all of that from happening by abstaining attendance. At least, that's my excuse! lol
Janine Huldie says
Well that is a great excuse and Rich I really loved this comment. By far the best I have had all week. Thanks for the smile this morning!!! 🙂
catherine says
Since we are in San Francisco, there are a ton of Catholic churches around. We make sure we only go to the masses where the priest is good and will give a thought-provoking homily. It's all about finding the right priest!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks the problem Catherine, we apparently are lacking a bit and just lucky what we have. But sounds like you are just that fortunate. Thanks 🙂
@LRConsiderer says
Hah! Very good!
The thing I struggle with in terms of Irish Catholic church (in Irish Catholic Ireland, in particular) is that it seems very prescriptive, what with the missal and everything. I understand the point, but sometimes it seems a bit…musty and overdone.
My church is vibrant and exciting, and bare anyone falls asleep in the sermons 🙂
My recent post 7 Quick Takes #38 x FTSF
Janine Huldie says
I know what you mean about the missal and do agree with you on this. Glad your church is vibrant though and we need some of that here!!!
Karen says
LOLOLOLOL…bwahahaha love it…. Tony rarely goes to church with us, mostly just on holidays and he wants to fall asleep too, when he isn't freaking out internally. Kevin is looking sharp in that photo…what a perfect photo for this post
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Karen and I thought long and hard which picture I wanted to use and then it hit me! Glad you got my humor 🙂
The Dose of Reality says
Bwahahahahaha!!! My husband has enjoyed many a "deep meditation" just like this on a Sunday morning!! 😀 So funny!! –Lisa
My recent post Pinterest Nightmare #345: The Nubrella
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Lisa and again happy that I put so smiles on peoples face (your included) this morning!! 🙂
massholemommy says
I was not raised catholic – or with any religion, although I was baptized as a baby. I chose to get my communion and confirmation as an adult, but I decided I don't like church that much and only go when I have to take the kids for ccd.
My recent post Watch Your Own Damn Kids
Janine Huldie says
Robin, totally understandable and think this is truly a personal choice.
Katia says
😀 I totally didn't see this one coming, Janine. I love that you introduced some humour to the topic and you've done it in a very sweet way!
My recent post Nostalgia
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Katia and glad to bring a bit of levity to this topic today!! 🙂
Chris @HyeThymeCafe says
Yup, just so long as they don't snore! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh snoring is the worst, lol!! 🙂
Sarah says
Oh so funny! For a time I went to a UU church, and I found that it was perfect for incorporating moments of silence and introspection into my weekend. But I never fell asleep!
My recent post Kill the Buddha. Keep Meditating.
Janine Huldie says
I know neither have I Sarah, but I guess it is common for some like my husband. Like I said, "Who knew!!" 🙂
Ruchira says
haha…I totally agree J9.
The naps during sermons are the BEST ever!
I have also experienced them and honestly, feel so refreshed after it as if I slept for a good 8 hours…lol
Voted for ya!
Happy Friday 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Nice to know it wasn't just Kevin or his dad, Ruchira. And thank you as always!! 🙂
Rosey says
THAT is hilarious. And I love the picture!
My recent post The Balloons are Here!!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Rosey and glad you enjoyed!! 🙂
Lisa @ Golden Spoons says
HaHa! I didn't link up this week because 1) little time to write and 2) I couldn't come up with anything other than "about God & Jesus and etc." I love that you inserted a little humor!
My recent post This Never Happens
Janine Huldie says
Lisa, trust me there was no way I could do this one seriously and if I had taken it from the stand point it would have fell flat, because I am not very religious person. I have my faith don't get me wrong, but I don't go to church every week at this point, so I didn't want to come off as preachy or hypocritical.
Cindy Buccieri says
The best parts about blogging are being able to share your passion and help others. I also love connecting with other bloggers. The worse part about blogging is… sometimes dealing with writer's block. But this doesn't happen for me very often because as long as you are focused what you love, the words will flow easily.
My recent post Radio Show Broadcast: Turn Your Passion into a Lifestyle Business
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Cindy and will say the positives pretty much outweigh the negatives for me so that is a huge plus in my book!! 🙂
findingninee says
That's really funny, Janine! That they both enjoyed napping is awesome! Ha!
My recent post I’m not a big church person
Janine Huldie says
I know Kristi and swear I can't make this stuff if I tried!! 🙂
GirlieOnTheEdge says
You made me laugh Janine:)
Who could look at the pic of Kevin and think that cute Irish boy would even think about sleeping through the homily! LOL
Janine Huldie says
I know, kind of a shocker, but I laugh whenI think about it too and pay it forward with that laugh!! 🙂
Michelle Liew says
Not unusual to nap during the homily, our attention spans are very short. We are all out there trying our best! Thanks, Janine!
My recent post Should I dress up my pet?
Janine Huldie says
Very true Michelle and guess it may be more common then I first imagined!! 🙂
Joan V. Robertson says
Hi Janine, me again! Last week I thought I was too late for the Hop, although the linky was still open. This week I had trouble again with YOUR linky, but went in through Kate's with no problem at all! I just thought I's let you know. Big Hugs from Joan.
Janine Huldie says
Oh Joan I am sorry you are having trouble linking up on my page and truly not sure why to be quite honest. Just glad you were able to at Kate's. And big hugs right back at you!! 🙂
MelChi says
Hahaha! That's so funny. I know some services can be extremely boring and way too long. I don't go to church, I used with my grandparents years ago and I tried going a year or two ago. My belief of God and relationship with him isn't confined by the four walls of a church. I learnt this on that last trip there. This church was as pretentious as they come. It was all about making money for the church and there were cameras everywhere as it was televised (didn't know this when we walked in). Anyway, I didn't actually agree with some of the stuff the pastor was saying and decided then and there that church isn't for me. I don't need someone telling me how to live my life and what to do in order for me to have a relationship with God. I pray, I believe, I have faith, I talk to Him and that's good enough for me! Have a super Sunday x
Janine Huldie says
Melanie, I with you on this for the most part and I must agree with you. I too wasn't raised to go to church to be a better person. My mom always told me that it is the way you are all the time and not just going to church that makes or breaks you. If you believe in good and treat others the way, you would want to be treated then that should be good enough. So, yes it isn't about those 4 walls only and really is about the type of person you are and the way you are in life in general that I feel counts. Hope you have had a great weekend and know it is probablt heading to Monday for you now!!