Welcome back to Finish The Sentence Friday Blog Hop (FTSF). We give you a sentence and you finish it (however long or short you’d like). Please feel free to link up and follow any or all of our hostesses, which are below.
We have a very special announcement to make tonight. We now will have a very, wonderful brand new co-host joining our ranks in the form of Kristi from Finding Ninee. I just love this lady and seriously couldn’t be happier or more excited that she is going to indeed join us from now on!
But it is definitely bittersweet, because Dawn will be leaving us after this week, but totally understand why. However, she has agreed to continue to linkup and join us when she can, but she just will not be co-hosting any more due to other obligations.
And now for this week’s sentence to finish: “I have a bad habit of...”
And the next sentence to finish: “I used to love…”
I have a bad habit of…
And I am the first to say I am sorry when I do do or say something wrong.
The other thing I have been told and mentioned here is that I am indecisive not being able to make up my mind very often.
So now that I have told you mine, what are your bad habits??
![Finish the Sentence Friday Finish the Sentence Friday](https://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo325/zepplin305/BlogHopButton.jpg)
To enter this past week’s giveaways that I have been a part of and had running on my page, please click here to enter all the rafflecopters. Thanks and good luck, too!!
Last, but certainly not least, please don’t forget to check out my web design company for specials running at J9 Designs for all your web design needs.
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lrconsiderer says
Sorry about Dawn, but YAAAAAY Kristi! XD
Janine, you're so sweet, seriously – if that's all you got for bad habits you're as good as I think you are 🙂
My recent post 7 Quick Takes #41 x FTSF
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks o much Lizzi and seriously I love Dawn too, but so love Kristi. So truly very bittersweet for me tonight!!
lrconsiderer says
You will cope, by being as awesomerockin as ever – look at this here amazing hop you help make happen every week! Dawn will always be an important part of it, but for now, onwards and upwards 🙂
My recent post 7 Quick Takes #41 x FTSF
Janine Huldie says
You are right Lizzi and I will totally cope. Seriously thank you for saying this and you know I love co-hosting this hop. It is just too much fun!! 🙂
notinjersey says
I can be indecisive, but my husband is the worst at that! he is always changing his mind about things!
My recent post My Breastfeeding Story Plus Worthwhile Items
Janine Huldie says
Sounds like I am in good company with both you and your husband Dara. Thanks for letting me know it isn't just me!! 🙂
Karen says
OMG Janine…I swear I could have written this post. I always apologize and Tony yells at me for being indecisive . So why did I leave that out…I have no idea. I so understand your post…must be a teacher thing babe.
Janine Huldie says
I love you just that much more Karen and I already knew we had quite a bit in common, but this always validates that for me. But loved your list, too and could so relate as I commented, too!! 🙂
Karen says
oh poops…i added a bad link Janine, re-entered it…so the first one is the bad one… now I get to apologize for real, I'm sorry.
Janine Huldie says
Karen, I had already changed it in the Inlinkz, when I saw it didn't work. I guess we were doing that at the same time, lol!! But seriously, I just deleted the first now and no worries!! 🙂
Billybuc says
I don't even know which one to choose. LOL Let me just say that I have a very bad habit of being Bill. 🙂
Have a great weekend!
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Bill. I happen to think that being Bill is very good habit for you and seriously you too have a great weekend!! 🙂
findingninee says
Actually figuring out where to go for dinner is hard! For me, there's what I know I want (that nobody else wants), what I know my husband wants (that nobody else wants) and what our son wants (that we end up all eating). Fun post! Thanks so much for letting me be a new cohost!!!
Janine Huldie says
See that is exactly what I am talking about Kristi and has only gotten harder once we did add the kids into the mix, too! Thanks for making me feel a bit better that it isn't just me. And really so glad to have you as our newest co-host!! Very excited about it and thank you again for joining us!! 🙂
Sarah says
Funny you mention this, I am reading the Highly Sensitive Child, and this is a major characteristic. My daughter is exactly like this. If we go the bookstore, she agonizes over the decision of which book to buy…. maybe you're just highly sensitive? 🙂
My recent post Bad Habits and Blurred Lines
Janine Huldie says
Maybe I am and funny you say that, because I was told when I was younger that I was very sensitive. So, it could be a possibility!! 🙂
dawn says
Thanks for being so supportive, Janine!
My recent post FTSF~My Bad Habits
Janine Huldie says
Dawn, my pleasure and seriously love you. Thank you for always being such a great friend and all your support, as well!! 🙂
M&K says
Love Olive Garden! Thanks for sharing! Xo, M&K at brewedtogether.com
Janine Huldie says
My pleasure and thank you!! 🙂
MelChi says
Janine, we simply have to meet one of these days! I also say sorry way too much (I hate fighting and always first to apologise…usually). Just like an argument "closed" – if you know what I mean! Also very, very indecisive sometimes and I also drive Geoff up the wall. Haha. Have a lovely weekend. It's a long one here and it's Women's Day today 🙂
My recent post How Five Minutes in The Morning Changes My Day
Janine Huldie says
Melanie, I would love if we could meet up and seriously does sound like we are so very similar on so many different levels now and this just confirms what I already knew though that I am so very happy that we are friends!!! Happy Women's Day and have a great long weekend now!! 🙂
tinarobmorley says
I would say that those are cute bad habits to have! It's hard writing about bad habits, but I took the plunge. Enjoy your weekend!
My recent post Make My Saturday Sweet – Blog Hop #44
Janine Huldie says
I know it is definitely hard to write about them Christina, but these were the two that came to my mind immediately when I started writing. Thank you so much for joining us again and so happy to have you back now with us!! 🙂
massholemommy says
Someone once said to me that saying sorry is a sign of weakness. While I don't agree with that statement at all, I do try to watch how many times I say it, but when I think an apology is necessary, I definitely say it.
My recent post Heritage Museum & Gardens – Sandwich, MA
Janine Huldie says
Robin, I could see that, but it is just so who I am I suppose. But I do agree with you that I do think there are definitely times where it is so very necessary and know a few people, including my husband that just don't say it enough. Not sure what that means, but still!!
NuggetOnABudget says
So great that Kristi is joining as a co-host! I also have a horrible time making decisions most of the time. My sister is even worse! It can take her a hour in the dressing room when trying to decide if she likes a piece of clothing. Then, she has to decide whether or not to buy it lol. For me, I always hate when RJ asks me what I want to do or where I want to go out for dinner, because I'd rather him just decide or at least give me a few options to narrow down my choices. But he never does lol! So I feel you on this one. I also have the worst habit of procrastinating. Or basically just wanting to do something like a craft and never finding time to do it. I have NO idea how I can be OCD and still procrastinate, especially where cleaning is concerned !! Happy Friday mama!
My recent post 22 months & a little know-it-all.
Janine Huldie says
I know with giving the choice for dinner. I am with you Kera on wanting Kevin to at the very least give me options. I need choices and not just a blanket statement of "You Decide". And I sadly can relate to your sister though, because sometimes I too have no shopping agenda and forgot that when writing this post. That is another thing that can drive Kevin crazy, going shopping with me, lol!! Happy Friday right back at you and seriously hope that rain goes away for us now!!! 🙂 xoxo!!
The Dose of Reality says
If I started writing about my bad habits it would take FOREVER. I'll just say one of my worst is that I am messy. Not dirty, just messy. My house is totally clean, it's just cluttered. I can't seem to change that way no matter what I do. Piles of papers, clothes to be donated, and bags from Target just seem to find there way onto every surface. Go figure. –Lisa
My recent post Pinterest Nightmare #744: Think Before You Ink
Janine Huldie says
Lisa, lol and I only picked my two major, but could probably go on all day, because as I read more linked up posts I can totally relate and shaking my head in agreement with so many others, too!!
Lisa @ Golden Spoons says
I don't do the "I'm sorry" too much, but I can be indecisive as well. I totally copped out this week an linked up an old post that fits the topic perfectly. Hope that's o.k.!!
My recent post Tuesday Ten – Birthday Edition
Janine Huldie says
Lisa, I wish I had an older post that I could have revised to link up. Thank you though for linking up and can't wait to read it now!!
maggieamada says
I think one of my many many bad habits is the opposite of yours – I make decisions quickly and then, I insist on sticking with them.
My recent post Actually, This Is The Worst Habit
Janine Huldie says
That is my fear I suppose that I will make the decision too quickly and then regret it, Maggie!!
Dana says
I have the opposite problem – I make up my mind too quickly sometimes, and then I backtrack and change it. I tell myself I should take a moment before I jump in and take a stance, but my mouth is fastest than my head.
My recent post Don’t interrupt when I’m talking to myself
Janine Huldie says
Like I said to Maggie, I am far too afraid that I will regret the decision (even something small and trivial) that I then have trouble making up my mind. Might be a switch though to just decide first and then worry later. Total food for thought, Dana!! 🙂
katbiggie says
I have no bad habits. I'm perfect. Seriously! Hahahahaha. So I take on too much and get in way over my head. I don't put things away after I use them and that drives my hubs NUTS! And I could go on and on and on!
My recent post A Place I Belong
Janine Huldie says
Lol, Alexa I so wish this were the case for both of us! But I too leave things out at times and Kevin also will complain about this, too!!
Erin Callaway says
Happy Friday! I am with you on not being able to make a decision. I really need a push everytime that I am faced with something. I used to do the same thing with restaurants! Now that we don't go out as often I am a little better at voicing my opinion!!!
Have a great weekend Janine!
PS – I will contact you next week about the back up details!!! Thanks
My recent post Finish the Sentence Friday – Week 31
Janine Huldie says
Happy Friday to you, too. And seriously thanks for sharing this, because I always think it is just me who has trouble making up my mind, but you are right nowadays it isn't as hard with this, because with the kids it usually ends up being a kid friendly place like Friendly's. But when we have gone out just the two of us, we have hit into this a bit still I suppose. And definitely contact me when you have time about the backup!! 🙂
tamaralikecamera says
Now, why am I not surprised about Finding Ninee?! I love Kristi too. This blogging world – just gets better and better. I always set aside a good time to visit your blog every morning you post because I know I'm going to want to read each word. Twice.
Anyway, I have a bad habit of being passive aggressive when I'm angry at family members. Luckily it doesn't extend to friends or..shudder…Facebook. Don't you love when your friends have passive aggressive status updates?! Not. When I'm mad at my husband it's hard to just tell him. Instead I nearly explode.
My recent post You're Extraordinary.
Janine Huldie says
Tamara, I feel the same way about your reading your blog and always love to read a new post from you, too. And yet again we have this is common, I usually will let thing go until I am ready explode. My poor husband sometimes too is at the end of that wrath!! But definitely can see over and over why I truly love you so much, because yet again we have more in common here!! And yes you are so right about Kristi, too!! 🙂
tamaralikecamera says
I feel the same way! More each time. It's funny because I saw your name here and there on mutual blogger friends' posts for a long time and I remember thinking, "Oh, I hope we 'meet' each other soon. She seems so cool!" So glad it happened.
My recent post You're Extraordinary.
Janine Huldie says
Tamara, I know I actually thought the same thing and here we are now. So thankful and happy that we did get to know each other and are friends, because we really have way too much in common to not be!!! 🙂
Ruchira says
Janine, feels so good to have the pandora box open cause honestly, I have the same traits.
Actually, after having a kid, I have become more indecisive and it annoys me that I do have have my opinion and always banks on my family to make decisions with regards to going out, shopping etc.
Happy Friday & voted for ya!
Janine Huldie says
Oh so happy to help open Pandora's Box, Ruchira and I know I think being a mother we just tend to go more with the flow, which leads to us letting everyone sometimes make these kinds of decisions for us!! Thanks as always and Happy Friday right back at you!! 🙂
pictimilitude says
Dang, my bad habit is that I chew my nails when I'm nervous, lol
Happy friday! I hope you have a wonderful day/weekend. I'll try to get in a blog post this weekend. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh Emma just started bitting her nails. I have never done this myself, but when I asked her why, she told me because she can! Seriously got to love little kids answers. And do hope to see a post from you, but know you are busy. Just happy to see you stop by today. Happy Friday Cyndi!! 🙂
realhousewife says
Janine those aren't even anything I'd consider a bad habit!
My worst habit is not using my brain filter. Everyone knows exactly what I'm thinking because I say it before I have a chance to edit or you know, change all the words around so it can be all passive aggressive and construed as "nice". I'm vulgar about stuff…I know, I need to clean my mouth up:) lmAo. Ain't gonna happen soon probably:)
Janine Huldie says
Lol, after the morning I have had I so needed your response Kelly. Seriously, I forgot having a bit of a vulgar mouth at times, too. I do edit myself when possible, but the language not always the classiest I suppose, but then you can so relate!! 🙂
Rosey says
LOL at the caption. 🙂
I don't think I've ever heard my husband say I'm sorry. I'm not dissing him, just stating a fact. I say it, if I mean it.
My recent post Heartfelt Books
Janine Huldie says
I couldn't resist Rosey with that caption and truly kind of refreshing to know it isn't just my husband who doesn't say he is sorry for something!
jamie@southmainmuse says
Janine — another bad habit I can sooo relate to, In fact, I made it a goal at the beginning of the summer to be more decisive. Oops. And I have forgotten it till I read your post. Thanks for the reminder and good luck to the both of us on making up our minds quickly. And sticking with it.
Janine Huldie says
Totally good luck to both of us Jamie and here is hoping to being more decisive real soon!! 🙂
Cathy says
Interesting post I guess everyone has one and oh my so hard for me to make a decision too so I know how it feels like 🙂
Vintage Inspired Girls
My recent post Debbie's Zebras Blue Stripes Leggings
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Cathy and I couldn't agree more, because I think we all do have our own bad habits!!
Katia says
I am not a gemini or even a libra, but boy decision making, you know what I'm saying, ladies??
I've identified with so much of what you describe, including the interaction with my husband. I guess it's something about male ego, not allowing them to apologize as easily as we do. 🙂
My recent post Applying Parenting Book Principles to Your Spouse
Janine Huldie says
Oh Katia, I know maybe it is a women thing with the indecisiveness and even saying I am sorry. Just glad to know I am not the only one that does both of these!! 🙂
Chance of Wine says
Yup. I'm pretty indecisive, too. The good thing is, my husband is the complete opposite, so he balances me out. 🙂
My recent post My husband’s balls
Janine Huldie says
So is mine Dani, but doesn't stop from driving him crazy that I am indecisive!! 🙂
Lanaya says
Bad habits? … No, just awesome character flaws that of course we both share!
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
My recent post Feature Friday Week 33
Janine Huldie says
Love that we share them any which way you get!! 🙂 xoxo!!
@TaoOfPoop says
As far as bad habits go, I think the ones you mentioned are pretty mild! Good for you!
My recent post Sleeping Vicariously
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Rachel and according to my husband they aren't but I will take you words for it!! 🙂
Kate Hall says
Well, if those are your main bad habits, then things can't be too bad. I can't get anything done, I can't stay present, I'm too busy, I'm lazy, I get angry at my kids easily, blah blah blah. Ugh. It's obvious you're a go-getter. I need those genes.
My recent post Stick a Cork In It! (Weekend Update #25)
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Kate!! Trust me, I just never stop. And I am constantly back and forth on here with the kids all day. Just try my best, but I have my days too!!
Undiagnosed but okay says
I am quick to apologize, too quick. For things like global warming 🙂
My recent post Thanks for a weird week.
Janine Huldie says
Lol, Kerri. Hey you never know it could happen, but then again I think you are way too nice to be at fault for that or anything for that fact!! 🙂
anothercleanslate says
I bet you are often apologizing for not being able to make up your own mind! I am the same way. i found a good trick is to suggest three options and make the other person choose from those.
My recent post Ten Things of Thankful
Janine Huldie says
That is a great trick and so going to have to remember it!! Thanks Kate 🙂
Brigid O'Malley says
You know, my husband and I just had a discussion about the fact that I apologize too much. I was like, ummmm I don't think I even mean to say "sorry" all the time. It's just a bad habit. 🙂
Thanks so much for leaving such a thoughtful comment on my post, and for hosting this awesome link-up.
My recent post Liam and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Janine Huldie says
It truly is just a bad habit, but think do think it could be worse I suppose and thankful for small favors. And totally my pleasure to read and comment on your post. Just so very happy to have you linking up with us!! 🙂