Monday morning feels so bad,
Ev’rybody seems to nag me
Coming tuesday I feel better,
Even my old man looks good,
Wednesday just don’t go,
Thursday goes too slow,
I’ve got Friday on my mind – The Easybeats
For some reason I always loved Fridays, especially when I worked full-time and was a teacher. Friday signified the beginning of a new weekend and just general downtime. Every Monday, I would long for the next Friday (this repeated each and every week for me).
Seriously, like the old song said, I truly had ‘Friday on My Mind’ back in the day!
Still nowadays with family there usually is a bit less downtime on our weekend with soccer and more, but still so much fun to be had with Kevin and the girls.
And yet, I still get giddy when I realize it is indeed Friday and know that I will be in for some more good times whether it be a regular weekend or long.
So, when I was asked to play along with my very amazingly wonderful friend, Tamara from Tamara Like Camera for Ask Away Friday, not only was I excited, because I get to do this for my very first time on my favorite day of the week, but also with Tamara, whom I love and adore. Seriously, I have joked with her, but she really is my ting to my yang!
Now, what is Ask Away Friday?? Read on!!
[Tweet “My very first #AskAwayFriday with @TamaraCamPhoto -#dream come true with Friday on my mind!!”]
Thank Goodness it’s #AskAwayFriday…Welcome back to the best link up around…#AskAwayFriday!
Now to welcome our wonderful #AskAwayFriday hosts…
Tiffany from Mrs. Tee Love Life Laughter,
Christy from Uplifting Families,
Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings
Amber from Bold Fit Mom
And here are my ten questions from Tamara!!!
Question 1. We both got the iPhone 6, which was quite the upgrade from the 4 or 4S. What app on your phone do you find yourself using the absolute most? What’s your favorite upgrade of the new phone, compared to the old one?
Answer 1: Definitely a huge upgrade and not going to lie I knew my iPhone 4 was definitely on its last leg as shared here, but still had no clue how awesomely amazing the new iPhone would truly be once I finally got it here. And yet, it is so hard to pick one as my favorite. I will say, I love, love the camera and dying to see how you answered about the quality of the camera from a professional’s standpoint. Even the editing tools are pretty damn good and am shocked how clear and crisp the few photos I have take have come out.
I am also loving WordPress on the new iPhone, because I definitely couldn’t live without it as a blogger, as well as Instagram, but I loved those before on my iPhone 4 – yet on the iPhone 6 they are just better and thankful that they are working easier without always crashing on me (yes sadly my iPhone 4 was prone to this with apps.). But in all honestly, I just love this new phone so much and can’t stop gushing.
2. What’s something you have always wanted to do that you have yet to accomplish? What is something you have always wanted to do that you DID accomplish??
Answer 2: Something, I always wanted to do and accomplished would definitely become a teacher. Yes, as far back as I can recall and remember I wanted to teach. I would pretend as a kid that I was playing school and was teacher to my brother, who is 6 years younger than me.
And yet with all accomplishments, come those that are just out of reach. For me that is keeping my job as a teacher, but I do feel that this happened for a reason. I mean my grandmother would always say, “Everything does happen for a reason.” And if that didn’t happen, I wouldn’t have pushed myself to start writing once again, get into blogging, contributing to a book or even designing, too.
So, for this as crazy as many of my days are as a blogger and designer, I would have it any other way. Plus, we never would have become friends (Tamara) and I truly don’t ever want to think of that not being, because I am truly grateful for our friendship. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your friendship – it really means the world to me!
Question 3. Sorry for a third two-parter! What’s your favorite thing to write about? Do you have a favorite blog post of all time?
Answer 3: I love your two parters almost as much as I love you! But seriously, my most favorite thing to write about is my family, especially the craziness that sometimes can ensure, whether by Lily having a meltdown over donuts (yup this totally happened) or tender moments with my girls as with Emma registering for Kindergarten or even me be so very forgetful and being the worst mom for kindergarten orientation.
And yet, I am not sure which would be my favorite (this seems to change as I add new articles and find myself loving each and everyone for different reasons), but thinking right now it would be one of my recent ones, where Emma finally started Kindergarten, because I got to see in the photos just how excited she was to indeed be a ‘big girl’ going on the bus and school by herself for hours on end. As much as I was so very anxious and nervous for this, my heart is truly filled seeing these photos of her and knowing that she accomplished this, for she is the bravest girl in a small petite body!
Question 4. What would be your absolute dream trip to take with your family? Or just with Kevin?
Answer 4: I have two types of dream vacations – you will see why this is a moment.
The first is family rated and would be getting to finally take the girls to Disney to see their reaction and their ‘Hopeful Wonder’ with the ‘Happiest Place on Earth’! But seriously cannot wait to see them lay their eyes on Micky, Minnie and all the princesses, especially Elsa and Anna for the first time because I got a preview of that when we had breakfast with the cast of Frozen (it really was eye opening to see this from their perspective).
The second type of vacation, we already had with our honeymoon in paradise – the Bahamas! I would go back in a heartbeat if I could, but that is more of a grownup type of vacation for just Kevin and I – maybe someday, but I still have such great memories and hope if we do this again that it will live up to what I remember from a time before kids, when it was just indeed us – the two of us. Someday, until then, can dream of this…
Question 5. What is something about you that doesn’t translate as well in your writing? Basically, what is something that people are surprised to learn about you when they meet you?
Answer 5: I think, for the most part, I am a pretty open book when I write, because I am just an honest person and not sure how to not be, but still if you haven’t laid eyes on me or met me in real life, you might be surprised that I am pretty short in stature and petite, plus I have a mixture of accents being born and raised in Queens and moving to Long Island as a teen. So, sometimes even if I try my best you can a bit of nasally tone come through as hard as I have tried to combat that from public speaking classes in college to even teaching and speaking in front of my students all day long. Recently I had to do a Vlog for Influesnter to demonstrate the new Braun Thermometer and you listen to my video, you can see what I mean (why I am not big on Vlogging, because not a fan of my nasally voice on video!).
Question 6. What are your best tips for a new blogger? And what would you most like to go back in time and tell yourself NOT to do before you started blogging? (I have many..)
Answer 6: I actually wrote an article for SITS Girls on tips for new bloggers. We are both community leads, so this was a truly a treat for me and got to share my thoughts and advice for all bloggers, but specifically newbies just starting out. You can check that out here.
For the most part, my blog on J9 Designs is to help all bloggers with a myriad of different topics, bt was very humbled to be considered by SITS to give this type of advice out.
And yet, if I could tell myself one thing before I started to blog, it would be that I should set a schedule and stick to it, because blogging as much as I love it can take up tons of time and in the beginning I would spend hours morning, noon and night on my computer. Now, I have thankfully found a way to work around my family and my schedule is at least working for me. The thing is I would never want this to take away from them, especially the girls, because they are really only this age for so long.
I recently volunteered for Class Mom for Emma’s class and know this is going to probably be a huge responsibility, but she was so excited and pretty much knew she wanted me to do this. So, might be switching my schedule a bit more with this in the coming weeks, but still my blogging has to co-exist with my family not take away from them. So this is huge to me and my one piece of advice to those starting out to not lose sight of your outside world or take away precious time from your family or loved ones for blogging.
Question 7. Got this question from Kristen at Mommy in Sports: What is the most embarrassing thing one of your kids have done or said in public? And I know you had a recent doozy..
Answer 7: Oh god, where do I begin and yes you are so right as I mentioned this a bit earlier above, but still this was one that I wrote about this past week with Lily having the biggest, most volatile temper tantrum in Dunkin Donuts (yup I thought this was similar to having a temper tantrum in Disney or at least a happy place where tantrums don’t exist!).
I definitely admit I won’t be living this down anytime soon, but then again my girls have both done me in as far as being in public and nothing quite shocks me anymore. I will say, for the most part, Emma is more my quiet, shy child, whereas Lily is just well Lily, who will let all know she is there. I sometimes feel like I am on Candid Camera or being Punked with this child and someone is taping it to see what my reaction will be in any given moment. But then again, Emma said it right when she was a little bit younger in that, “Lily is just ‘Silly Lily’!”
Question 8. What is your most viewed blog post ever, and why do you think it was so popular?
Ok, I wasn’t sure which was so I had to consult my dear friend, WordPress Stats for this one. And survey says (sorry for the Family Feud reference, but couldn’t resist!): Barbie’s Dreamhouse Construction and The Best Google Has to Offer!!
I do know that this one is indeed very popular as the holiday season rolls around, because many little girls each year ask Santa, like mine did two years ago for Barbie’s Palace. I honestly couldn’t resist busting on Kevin a bit in this one, because watching him try to assemble it and beat the clock was priceless, plus I was amazed at when I looked up directions how to put this complicated kid’s toy together that some strange (trying to be as nice and politically correct here) person came up with some doozy of a video to share just how to do this complete with playing with it themselves ( I swear to god, you will get a good laugh from this video if you haven’t seen it yet.
Question 9. What is your favorite treat in the world?
Answer 9: Okay different times of the year, I may answer this differently, but since it is fall and I love all things pumpkin, I am going to have to go with Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Dunkin Donuts. Yes even after, Lily’s aforementioned meltdown, I still love DD for their Pumpkin Spice Lattes and nothing quite hits the spot like them. Now, if only Lily would leave there happy the next time, it might be a perfect world after all!
Question 10. What is your favorite thing about the town/city you live in?
Answer 10: I must admit I was just talking to my mom the other day about living in New York and complaining that winter will be here soon. But she summed it up perfectly saying, “Winter and all, it is still home and there is no place quite like home!”
So, to me no matter where I visit or go, New York, specifically my town will always be home. As a kid we would go visiting to other states, but I always knew I was home when I would see the signs saying I was in New York again – plus going to Met’s Games as a kid (yes was a Met’s fan from back in the day), hearing Frank Sinatra croon, New York, New York – always and still does give me goose bumps. And let’s face it no one sings it better then old blue eyes!
But still and all, I live close enough by train to the most fabulous and fascinating city in the world, where I finally got to introduce a bit of it this last summer to both my girls with our trip to the American Girl Store in NYC. And yet, still we live where there are trees and grass to roam, but not too countrified (sorry but this city girl could never do rural on the farm living). The perfect blend to me.
Our Family – Summer 2014 And Home To Me!1Want More?…
And please check out Tamara’s answers to my my questions, too now here!!
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Bill says
It’s fun learning more about you, Janine, and I have always loved that song. Happy Friday my friend.
Jen says
Wow, your new camera takes amazing photos. Worth the wait for sure!
I loved reading your answers and that Barbie dream house video sounds bizarre! Although does it count that I play Barbies with my girls, we just don’t film it!
Robin (Masshole Mommy) says
As a huge Disney whore, I can not wait for you guys to go so I can overwhelm you with all kinds of unsolicited advice.
Echo says
YAY! I love that you did an AAF with Tamara! You guys are so awesome! I have seen pictures from both of you know and I have to say, the iPhone 6 camera seems pretty dang sweet. You know, I still haven’t gotten myself to try a pumpkin spiced latte. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom says
Petite girls UNITE! LOL I’m small in stature too.
I love Tamara too – and this was a great way to get to know you better.
I loved watching your video. There’s something about hearing a blogger’s voice… so cool.
I would love to take my kids to Disneyworld, DIsneyland… some place Disney! I think they would go crazy over it.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
lisacng @ says
You two were just meant to exchange questions :). The photo really is sharp from the iPhone 6, yaaaay! And now I want a drink from DD :). Great family photo to end with!
Kim @ HappyPrettyBlog says
I loved reading all of your answers! I love “getting to know you” type things!
Pure Grace Farms says
Loved learning more about you today. Made me smile!:)
Bev says
So exciting to see you two paired up!
I think people are surprised to learn I am quite tall (I am 5’8″) when they meet me in person. And by the way, I was expecting a very thick New York accent, but it really wasn’t that noticeable in the video. I somehow (thankfully) didn’t develop a Jersey accent despite living there since I was 3 months old until I moved to Boston after college.
thedoseofreality says
You are just straight up adorable in every way Janine! Loved seeing this pairing! 🙂 Could not agree with you more on your advice for bloggers…oh my Gosh, it is so easy to get caught up in blogging and forget your real life. Definitely always good to get this reminder!-Ashley
Carrie Groneman says
Oh Janine, I MUST meet you! I LOVE your accent and want it. I went to NY once and was so intrigued and hope to go back again someday. You do a marvelous job as a mother, wife and blogger. Thanks for sharing with us. Carrie, A Mother’s Shadow
Dana says
I have the iphone 4 and was debating between the 5 (cheaper) and the 6, but after seeing your photos I may have to go for the 6! Amazing. Oh, and I like your voice 🙂
Rea says
So happy you got to pair up with Tamara! And just as I told her, I love both you and her. That photo of Bahamas is lovely I would love to visit that place as well if resources and time will allow. I love the idea of you being a class mom, that’s pretty exciting although not sure what exactly you’d be doing for that so I’m just gonna wait for your updates. Here’s to hoping you and Tamara will finally meet soooonn! 🙂
another jennifer says
So fun to see you and Tamara together for AAF! Love that photo of you wanting to be a teacher. 🙂 Day dreaming about the Bahamas now…
Tiffany says
I had no idea this was your first #AskAway …welcome Lovie! You and Tamara and definitely ting and yang 😀 I told Tamara we need to start an iPhone6Gals Club…I am still exploring and discovering the awesomeness that is trapped in my little 4.7 bundle of gold goodness 😀
I also would love to take a trip to some exotic location…just for the Kiddies to have the experience of it all. We went to Disney this year and I already know that will be a recurring trip…we all loved it!
Great swap Ladies…
PS – I’d love to swap with you sometime Janine…welcome to the #AskAway Family xoxo
Stephanie @ Life, Unexpectedly says
Bahamas honeymoon sounds wonderful.. We’re still waiting to go to our honeymoon to Rome one day when all the kids are old enough to stay with the grandparents for a week 🙂
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons says
As I told Tamara, I love that the two of you swapped questions and have such lovely friendship. Even though I knew you were from New York, I was kind of surprised by your accent the first time I heard you on a vlog. (This coming from a Southern girl who has a very thick southern drawl!) I haven’t gotten he iPhone 6 (still have the 5), but now I want it because I need all the photography help I can get!!!
Tamara says
Ahh! I finally got here! I was at our New England fair ALLLL day and just wanting to be here!
I also LOVE the WordPress app. It was fine on my 4S but is even faster now. I depend on it for comment replying! I can’t do all that on my computer!
People often think I’m taller than 5’6″ which I think is perfectly tall! I love the Braun thermometer – used it all week with both kids getting sick(ish). Also. I love your voice. I have heard it for two hours straight!
I love a pumpkin spice latte – iced – and I love to suck the whipped cream out with a straw first. Is that weird? I love Dunkin but they use canned whipped cream. Starbucks uses the real stuff. Better whipped cream, but I still go to Dunkin more.
You, my dear, are an ACE at Ask Away Friday!
Rosey says
Seriously, weekends are as busy if not busier than the week, during school. 🙂 That’s okay though.
Your camera does take nice pics, woot and hurrah for Apple.
I like the pumpkins, they’re painted cute and make for a cute picture w/your cute daughter. Ha, lots of ‘cutes’ in that sentence, huh? 😉 Have a great weekend. 🙂
Aunt Gloria says
Very interesting responses to the questions Janine….and well thought out as well. Things do happen for a reason, thanks Adele, and you are on the road you were meant to be on at this time in your life. I agree – New York is home and that’s where I’ll always be. We are lucky to be a short ride into Manhattan to enjoy all the city has to offer. Enjoy the weekend. Your iPhone is definitely taking sharper, clearer photos. Glad you are happy with it. And glad Lily is better. Love that Braun thermometer! Love to all……xxxxxooooo
Amanda @ Growing Up Madison says
Two of my favorite bloggers meeting up and finally doing an AAF. I love you both and don’t know why it took me so long to read your posts tonight. btw I miss Dunkin Donuts. Our closest store is about 30 minutes away and I try and go as often as I can but I miss seeing them on almost every corner in BK. We so have to meet up when I come back up and you both have to come and visit me. SOON! Have a great weekend.
Camille says
That is so awesome that you got to realize some of your biggest dreams! I hope to be a published author one day too. 🙂 By the way, wow, that new iPhone does take some really nice pics! It’s becoming very tempting for me to get a smart phone, finally.
Meredith says
Janine! Fun to read more about you, but the pictures in this post are priceless! I’m glad you’ve got the iPhone 6 so you can share even more wonderful ones. And that last picture–what a beautiful family!!! Enjoy your weekend, friend 🙂
Diane Roark says
I LOVED really the answers to all the questions. You are so opened and it is truly inspiring. I love your personality and your precious voice. It is so different than anything around me which makes you uniquely special and adorable. I cannot wait to meet you one day and give you a massive southern hug.
Diane Roark
Eli@coachdaddy says
Seriously, you two in one spot? It’s like watching my girls play soccer, with free pizza. Or pizza with Ingrid Michaelson – and J-Law. Or … just a lot of pizza.
Emma is adorable playing soccer. And although your girls’ faces are really sweet, I know when the Wrath of Girl strikes, it’s considerable. But, that’s OK. Just shows they have some gumption to go with that sweet – just like mama.
Brittnei says
I loved this swap of course because I love you both! I didn’t realize this was your first time participating in AAF! I love DDs as well. I used to always get a French Vanilla Coffee Coolatta. 🙂 While they are obsessed with Disney, I really hope your girls will get to see it. I think they will love it right now. I went when I was 16 for the very first time and I still had a blast. I listened to your video! You are right. You definitely have a NY accent! I think accents are fun to listen to though. People say I sound like I’m from Joisey! 🙂
Kim says
Best AAF ever because it is 2 of my favorite bloggers!!!
I truly hope that one day your girls get to meet Scarlet (and, of course, Des!) and that you and Tamara meet in person.
karen says
I’ve been so bad, I need to get back to reading the blogs, especially those of people I love. Sorry babe. So many great answers…
Sarah @ Beauty School Dropout says
Even with the possibility of tantrums, you are making me wish we had a Dunking Donuts nearby! Kid tantrums are so strange — I can never predict when or where they will happen or what ridiculous thing they will be about! The worst part is that they often bring out a tantrum in me, too.
I’m so happy to find your blog from Tamara’s AAF post!
Kenya G. Johnson says
I think it was you who shared Bokeh lens as an app that you liked? I can’t even see how you enjoyed it with the iPhone 4 camera. I think the 5 is awesome so I can’t even imagine the 6.
You know I saw a vlog that you did a while back and I swear I don’t remember hearing your accent. Maybe it was because you didn’t say the word “temperature.” Giggling 😉 I don’t like doing video because I hate that I have more of a southern accent than I thought I had. I only hear it when I listen to my recorded self – and there are certain words. Y’all doesn’t count.
I can’t wait for you and Tamara to meet so we can see that tall and short skinny mini’s standing side by side 😉
Kenya G. Johnson says
Dang now I wonder who it was? Well just fyi Bokeh lens you can make your background fuzzy. Like if you look back at the picture in my post with the bottle of syrup I used that app. I just wanted the syrup bottle and not for all the stuff visible on my countertop behind it.
Rosey says
I hit play to see if your voice sounded nasally, and I don’t think it does at all!! You did a good job w/the vlog, and I totally want one of those thermometers now. No kidding.
Love the iPhone pic, that is super crystal clear.
Christy Birmingham says
Hi Janine! Ah yes, Fridays are something special, aren’t they?! 🙂 I hope you had a great weekend! I also enjoyed reading your answers to the questions here – and hope you and hubby get to take your girls to Disney soon. They will love seeing all their faves from the movie Frozen!! Sending you hugs for your day!
Alison says
I love getting to know you better!
NYC is one my absolute favorite places in the world, so I’m a little jealous you only near it 🙂
Nina says
Hi there! Just popping in from the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop at Katherine’s Corner. Fun post! Thanks for linking up, hope to catch up with you next time at the Favorite Things Hop. Nina @ mamas*little*treasures
Nellie @ Brooklyn Active Mama says
Amen about sticking to a schedule when first starting out!! I also have blog hours which is why you usually see me commenting late at night (like this) or super early in the morning, because the day is so crazy with family and work. Loved this pairing from two of my favorite girls!
Pam@over50feeling40 says
As a teacher….I agree…love Fridays!! Thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog hop!
The Pinterested Parent says
What a great idea. I love getting to know the people I follow better. Although I feel I already know you pretty well from following you. I remember your munchkin meltdown. Lol! 🙂
Uplifting Families says
The camera quality looks amazing. I just upgraded to the Samsung Galaxy 5s a few months ago. I love the camera quality on it too.
Stacey Gannett says
What a great swap that you both had! Oh my, I just can’t imagine any little one having a fit in Dunkin Donuts…my kids’ eyes glaze over the minute they walk in the door! LOL! Though my kids are much older, I would still love to take them to Disney, soon and a trip to the Bahama’s would be amazing! Have a great week, Janine!