Being a stay-at-home mom can be a real challenge, and that’s no more obvious than during the school summer break. Without school, you and the kids are spending 24/7 together, which makes it extra difficult to find a few minutes here and there to enjoy some quality me-time.
It is important to work me-time into your daily routine like any other task. Finding time for yourself will get easier as your kids get older and more independent, but there are still plenty of ways to enjoy your own company even when the kids are small. You may find that you need help, whether from your partner, relatives, or another parent. What is important is that you find the options that work best for you and your family.
Do Plenty Of Meal Prep
Prepping meals in advance gives you more spare time to focus on other things – like me-time! It can also drastically cut down on the amount of time spent prepping and cooking food, so it really is a win-win. You can even get the kids to help out around the kitchen, which is a great way to keep them occupied and can even help kids overcome picky eating habits.
Organize Playdates
Playdates can be a lifesaver for any parent during the summer. It is a good idea to get to know your kids’ friends and their parents and arrange a few playdates throughout the summer. You can alternate with the other parent for hosting duties, and when it’s another parent’s turn to have the kids, you can relax in peace.
Get Up Earlier For A Peaceful Cup Of Coffee
Getting up before the kids do can be a great way to have a few peaceful minutes to yourself. Rituals are often incredibly important for self-care, so consider making your morning cup of coffee a key part of your routine. Invest in the best quality coffee and a coffeemaker that will make you the perfect cup. Take a look at this guide to types of coffee from the experts at Cup & Bean to find out more about choosing the right coffee to make the most of your morning peace and quiet.
Hire A Babysitter
Many parents shy away from hiring a babysitter unless there’s a particular event or reason for having someone else take the kids. This is understandable but having time to yourself is so crucial to your mental health that hiring a babysitter for the occasion often makes the most sense. You could hire a sitter to take the kids out for a day at the park, leaving you to do things around the house or just having a well-earned rest.
Encourage Independent Playtime
As kids get older, it is essential to start nurturing their independence. Encouraging kids to play alone can be a great way to keep their social development on track while giving you some time for themselves. You could consider setting up the kids to play in one room while you head to another and catch up on social media or read a book.
Give Kids Age-Appropriate Chores
As mentioned above, getting the kids to help around the house can be invaluable. It can show them the importance of a strong work ethic and give them a better understanding of the realities of the world. The chores you assign to your kids should be age-appropriate and supervised when necessary. You could get the kids to load and unload the dishwasher, vacuum the floors, tidy their own rooms, or put away their clean clothes.
Ask For Help
Asking for help can be beneficial for any parent. No matter how hard we try, there’s no such thing as a supermom, and sometimes help is necessary. You could ask friends or family members for a hand or ask if your parents would be happy to take the grandkids out for a few hours while you get on top of things. If you’re concerned for your mental health, don’t be afraid to reach out to a therapist or mental health professional.
Sign Up For A Meal Delivery Subscription
If cooking lunches and dinners take up too much time and you struggle to keep ahead of things, a meal kit delivery subscription could be the perfect answer. You can get meal kit delivery services that bring all the ingredients you need, pre-measured, to your front door. This can also be a great, stress-free way to add more variety to your family’s diet.
Send The Kids For A Day Out With Dad
Being a stay-at-home mom means that much of the childcare falls to you, but dad should still take his fair share of the responsibility when he’s at home. You could ask that he keep some time free each weekend and after work to spend with the kids so that you can have a minute to yourself. Naturally, you can return the favor when he needs some time to himself. Not only does this allow you time to yourself, but it also gives your kids some quality time with their dad.
Take Advantage Of Naptime
Naptime is crucial to keeping your kids in a good sleep routine. It can also be the perfect opportunity for some me-time for mom. Ensure that you stick to a good naptime routine during the summer, and when the kids go down, spend some time doing something just for you. This could be a nap of your own, a soak in the bathtub, reading a favorite book, or doing a hobby.
Look Into Summer Camps
Summer camp is an iconic part of many kids’ lives in America. Many of us have fond memories of our time spent at camp, making new friends, exploring the wilderness, and learning new skills. If your kids are old enough and interested, the camp could be a great way to free up some time for yourself. There are camps that cater to specific interests your kids may have, from music to tech to science.
Schedule Your Me-Time
Like any activity that needs to be done in a busy family home, it is easier to achieve some me-time if you take the chance to schedule it. Consider taking a look at your family planner and see what time you have available and when. When you’ve found a good window, mark it down on the calendar so that the whole family can see that is when mom will be relaxing. Let your kids know that you aren’t to be disturbed unless it is urgent.
Make Your Bedroom Out Of Bounds
Boundaries are so important for growing kids, and making your room out of bounds can be a great way to teach kids about boundaries while giving yourself some time alone. As mentioned above, it is vital that your kids know that they can disturb you if needed, but they should have a good reason.
Have Allotted Screen Time For The Kids
Sometimes when things get hectic, sitting your kids down in front of the TV, family laptop, or tablet can be the only way to get a minute’s peace. While long-term and excessive screen use can be bad for kids, this is a good option if used sparingly. Educate your kids on the benefits and dangers of screen use, the internet, and social media, and schedule their time in front of a screen, aiming to leave them there for no more than an hour at a time.