“I got a boogie!” All who read and follow my blog know that Emma has been sick, very sick with RSV, read more about that here. I will be the first to admit that being a stay at home mom, my patience is pretty low and when we were told she had a really bad cold, I thought, “Ok she is sick with a cold, but seriously do I need to hear her whine every 30 seconds about needing to me to blow her nose”.
Yes, even though she was unhappy about her nose, she was not going to learn how to blow it herself. So either myself or Kevin was going to have to take one for the team and continue to help her blow her nose.
And furthermore, as bad as this must sound, by around Saturday afternoon, almost 2 1/2 days in (yes I count the middle of the night when she woke up first feeling sick in all this–hey it felt longer than that even by that point), Kevin and even I might have lost what little patience we had left telling her she needed to blow her own damn nose.
Yes, she was sick and we found out just how sick that night at the urgent care we took her to, which completely contradicted the very bad cold theory of her normal pediatrician. So, of course, I felt more than my share of guilt on this one and so much more by the end of the night.
But flash forward days after as she was getting better. The very high fever had departed, her appetite and energy had returned, and we still were left with the whining. Oh my god the whining! Seriously, I know she is a little girl and still not 100%, but the whining about her damned nose was driving me quite mad. I even took to Twitter to complain about this.
Here is the original tweet:
My Desperate Mother’s Tweet About No More Boogies!!!I am not kidding when I say this was truly making me want to stab my eyes out of my head.
The other lovely side effect of her being sick. The once mild mannered kid, who would take her medicine just fine, had decided that since she threw up the first night after having a coughing fit after taking medicine in the middle of the night that no way in hell was she taking anymore.
We had to literally hold her down to get her to take any medicine. Didn’t matter the flavor, the amount, she would fight us to the death each time she was due for a dose. And I got yelled at for not giving her enough as most know at urgent care. The doctor saw for herself, when she had to have us both hold her down while shooting the medicine in the syringe down Emma’s throat.
My mom even googled ways to get a child to take medicine, which included putting it into Hawaiian Punch (supposedly it doesn’t change the flavor of this punch). We didn’t have to try this though. Why? Because of course Lily got a touch of what Emma had. So far not nearly as bad, but definitely the cough and a little runny nose.
As soon as Emma saw Lily chug that medicine like a trooper, it was game on. Her baby sister wasn’t going to put her to shame. God if that would have only dawned on me days ago. As Adam Sandler once said in The Wedding Singer, “Things you could have told me yesterday!!” Now if only I could get her to blow her own nose or get rid of those boogies once and for all!! I am just saying and if you have any words of advice on that or anything in general, you know the drill leave them for me in the comments!!
Also, I actually just entered this and thought I would pass it on for all my readers to enter from Build A Bear Workshop:
We’re giving away $10, $50 and $100 gift cards, spring friends and even a Build-A-Bear Workshop party valued at $300 in our Eggcellent Instant Win Sweepstakes! Visit the Build-A-Bear Workshop Facebook page for your chance to win! Valid 3/18 – 3/24.
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Robin Rue says
It's weird because my little guy (age 5) used to BEG for medicine even when he wasn't sick. I would just put some grape juice in a little medicine cup and call it a day. Then one day over the fall, my oldest (age 8) had the sniffles so I tried to give him some medicine, and he gave me a hard time about it. When my little guy saw my oldest giving me a hard time about it, he gives me a hard time about it just because his big brother does.
Janine Huldie says
Robin, thank you so much for letting me know I am not crazy. Emma used to take medicine like a pro, but since this past time made us so crazy with fighting taking it. Once she did see Lily taking a bit now she has lessened the fight, but still she is not completely on board and will tell me that it doesn't taste good. By the way, all her medicine is flavored grape, which she chose so go figure! Seriously though thank you, because I was starting to think it was just me!
Michelle Liew says
Glad that she is ok now, Janine. hope she rests well!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much Michelle and am now hoping that she truly is on the mend. Been a rough few weeks and even had her running another fever this past weekend!!
Dani Ryan says
I can relate to the medicine. Mine REFUSED to take any when she was sick a little while ago. Every time I got the damn stuff in her mouth, she spit it out, but I never knew how much, and was always left freaking out that her fever would get higher and I wouldn't be able to give her more. But then my good friend over at The Next Step suggested I put it in her milk (or another drink). Fortunately, she was better after that, so I didn't need to try, but I will keep that in mind next time! As for the nose wiping – why do they need to scream each time we clean their noses? Oh my word!
Janine Huldie says
Lori, is the best truly Dani and my mom actually also just googled this and found that you can also put it in Hawaiian Punch (it doesn't change the taste), but I also haven't tried that one just yet. And as for the screaming of the nose wiping, seriously I am so worn out from it and wish I could wear ear plugs all damned day now, lol!! 🙂
Diana C says
Wow. I am not looking forward to this at all… :/ Best of luck, Hun, and I hope your little ones get better quick!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Diana and trust me I hope I don't have to go through this again soon either!!
Janine Huldie says
Lol, I think Kevin likes feisty Emma, too!! But in all seriousness thank you so much Rasma for your good thoughts here and just glad that Lily only seems to have a cold from it and no fever. So thank god for small favors!! 😉
Cyndi says
What an ordeal. And I hope she continues to get better and this sounds like NO picnic. At least Lily was able to help on the medicine front. Hehe.
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Cyndi and truly hasn't been fun at all, but do agree and thank god for Lily!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so very much Lisa and I am truly hoping the same with Lily. So far so good, fingers crossed!! 🙂
Kristi Campbell says
Glad you found a good way for her to take her medicine! We hide my son's in orange juice. If not, we have to hold him down and then he spits some of it and we never know how much he actually got. Hope your boogie days are over soon!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Kristi and we are doing the holding down too for a bit there and not sure how much she was truly getting down. God the things we do to get little kids to take medicine!!
Kat Biggie says
Colds suck! My girls are both fighting the crud again and keep waking all night!! Thanks for sharing the BuildaVear! Awesome!
Janine Huldie says
Oh happy to share BuildaVear Alexa, seriously my girls love them and we have too many to count now!! Sorry you too are dealing with colds and night wakings. No fun for anyone and believe me I feel for you 110%!!
Bill says
It is much less painful reading about your experiences than it was living it twenty years ago. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Lol, Bill I hope to someday feel the same way!! 🙂
Adrienn says
Aww..poor little thing. I can totally relate to being sick of your kid being sick. Non-parents just don't get it. Spring should be here any day now, and hopefully all these germs will go away with winter. Followed you here from SITS 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks so much Adrienn and I am with you on hopes for Spring cleaning the last of the nasty germs. So happy to have you follow me over here and thank you again for that!! 🙂
Stephanie says
My son refuses to blow his nose, so he snorts all up and is congested and gross and then I have wrestle him with the "boogie sucker." It's not pretty and I don't envy you right now. Good luck!!
Janine Huldie says
Oh sorry Stephanie and will say that my kids do that too from time to time. I am awful and will wrestle them and just grab it with my fingers (and don't even bother with the bulb). It is gross, but seriously if I can get it without having to search for the bulb quickly before they do suck it back up, then I just take on for the team, lol!! And yes I wash my hands right after!! 🙂
Kerri Ames says
Boo has had a runny nose since around Jan of 2009, I swear! I feel your grossness, I mean pain. Hope both of them feel better soon and more importantly you & Kevin do not get it.
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Kerri and seriously sorry that you too have been going through the runny noses. Here is to all of us staying well for the foreseeable future!! 🙂
Amy P says
It is really funny how siblings take that oh she can do it so can I. My daughter and son do that. Sadly my daughter is in the eww thats gross business lately, then my son joins the party. I am right there with you on that whining crap….it truly drives me mad.
Janine Huldie says
Amy thanks so much for letting me know I am not alone on my kids driving me crazy with the whining. I am so tired right now and the whining doesn't make it any better. And Kevin said it best that if our medicine tasted half as good as theirs I so wouldn't be complaining, lol!! 🙂
Stephanie Sprenger says
Oh, Lord, I feel your pain! I have said multiple times this week, "I feel bad that the girls are sick, but if I hear someone cough ONE MORE TIME, I'm going to lose my s#$%!!!" I totally get it. Hang in there, mama, spring is coming!
Janine Huldie says
Oh Stephanie, I am so sorry to hear that your kiddos are sick, too. And I am so with you that I am so done with the winter and just want warmer, springlike (and sick-less, too) weather right now!!
Motherhoodisanart.co says
I keep seeing your name on all of the blogs I read so just had to come check out your blog! I'm glad I did! This is hilarious! My 2 year old has had a stuffy nose and I can't keep up with the boogers…the other day he picked his nose and asked if he could eat…I almost said no but then thought…ahhh, why not?!
Janine Huldie says
Lol, thank you for the laugh here and seriously so happy you did stop by. I am headed to your blog now too and just so glad that someone else gets this and is going through similar. Nice to know I am not alone 🙂 🙂
Leslie says
My mom still jokes that my brother and I never grasped lowing our noses and still don't. LOL
I am thinking about switching to discus for comments, do you like it?
Janine Huldie says
Lol, too funny and seriously I hope I have better luck with my kids on this one. I do love DISQUS and the only other commenting system I would use if I didn't already have DISQUS is CommentLuv. But do love DISQUS 🙂
Emily says
Who knew that sibling rivalry would come in so handy for medicine-taking? And don't worry, they'll be blowing their own noses before you know it! And then you'll probably miss helping them…ok, maybe not.
Janine Huldie says
Lol, I know every once in awhile sibling rivalry actually is a good thing, who knew!! Thanks Emily and if I do miss blowing their noses god only knows what that says about me!! 🙂
Laura Ryder says
ALOHA! So funny!! Seriously I can relate…I am a stay at home mom in my 30's with four children! 🙂
Following along!
Janine Huldie says
Aloha to you too Laura and nice to meet another stay home mom here, too and heading to your blog now!! 🙂
Considerer says
Oh bless, that's so hard. Hope it begins to chill out soon. And yes, use the 'your younger sister' card as long as possible. I hope they're both better soon.
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so very much and today is the very first day that it is just beginning to calm down on this. Hope this is a good sign and we are truly on the mend now, too 🙂
Considerer says
Good stuff. Long may it continue. Now for some warmer weather to cheer everyone along…fingers crossed.
Janine Huldie says
Thanks again and so with you in spring coming now already!! 🙂
Christopher Desatoff says
So glad Emma is improving and taking her medicine. But those damn boogies! What can ya say? lol Thank God for Lily hahaha!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Chris and so true about the boogies and thank god for Lily for sure at this point!! 🙂
Ruchira says
Glad that Emma is out of the woods. It sure is tough to teach them to blow their nose. try using steam, if that helps next time (fingers crossed!)
voted for ya!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Ruchira and she was a neubulizer with steam/medicine in it too, so I we were doing that on top of everything else. Just glad that we seemed to have turned the corner (fingers crossed!).
Nicole says
Hope everyone is feeling better soon!! Thanks for stopping by today @ Pencil Skirts and Noodle Necklaces!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Nicole for stopping back here and for kind words, too!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Amy and interesting to know it isn't just Emma who doesn't like blowing her nose!!
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks so very much Julie!! 🙂
lablover22 says
Glad she's getting better- it's time for mommy to get a break;) My 6.5 year old still can not figure out how to blow his nose. I'm not kidding. It makes me fear he wil live with me forever. He can not figure out how to breathe in through his mough, close it, then blow out throw his nose into the tissue. Really? It's that complicated? I think not. Oh, and the Adam Sandler quote? Used at least twice a week in our house;)
vicky http://www.thepursuitofnormal.blogspot.com
Janine Huldie says
Lol, glad I am not the only oe using that quote and that my kiddos aren't the only ones who don't get the concept of blowing their noses. Seriously, thanks Vicki for sharing and making me feel a bit better ont his one 🙂
Melanie Chisnall says
Shame, not nice when little ones are sick. Glad she's feeling a lot better!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Melanie and just happy she is, too!! 🙂
Leslie says
I switched to DISQUS! I think I am going to love it!
Janine Huldie says
Awesome Leslie and I definitely think you will love it!! 🙂