As losses go, I have dealt with a lot of the years and think I have managed quite fine (some have even been for the better). I lost loved ones and yes, I have grieved over them (some longer then others, depending upon how close I was with the deceased). In my youth, I lost boyfriends and dealt with that as best as I could. I even lost a few friends along the way, too and bounced back.
I lost my single days, the day I said “I do”, which was probably one of the best losses I could have ever had, because I truly do love my husband and am glad to be along for the crazy ride with him. If I had to be in it with anyone, I am truly glad it is him.
I lost my sleep the day I became a mother. Seriously, what mom doesn’t, but Emma had colic, so sleep was truly a rare commodity around here. As that leveled off, she began to teeth and then when she wasn’t even 8 months old, I found out I was pregnant with Lily. Talk about a shock to my system. Once I did get over the shock, I now lost my skinny waist again for the second time in less than two years time.
But all-in-all, she was a blessing in disguise and from the moment we brought her home, she was a sleeper at night. I literally would have kissed Jesus himself if I could have to thank him for that miracle (Hey, sleeping babies were a rare commodity in our house!). But because she was a good night sleeper, she was not a good napper as a baby. In those infant days, she would cat nap for twenty minutes at a time. After twenty minutes, she be awake and raring to go. She never wanted to miss anything or so it would seem.
However, once she was old enough to cut her nap down to one a day, she did at least seem to sleep for an hour or two and so did Emma, who was napping at the same time with her . Does anyone know how a mother feels like when she gets an hour or two of peace and quiet during the day? This one felt like she had won the lotto. No joke, I was ecstatic to have even an hour to myself. This was the hour that I started to write more, when I first started Hubpages (yes I know I could have done anything, but I love to write and it truly relaxed me).
This past fall, I lost my first ever napper, Emma. She started pre-school, even though she didn’t nap anymore on those days, she was gone for over two hours in the afternoon and Lily still would nap. So all was still well with the world. I even was still able to use this time for writing, such as blogs, Hubpages and even NaNoWriMo in month of November.
But, now it is January and the last few days, Lily has been falling asleep for her nap, but waking up crying after twenties minutes. Nothing is physically wrong with her and once she calms that is it for the nap. So, for all intents and purposes, I think we may be losing her nap an she only just turned two. Like I have said, I have lost so many other things over the years, but seriously so not ready to loss nap time.
If we do lose this nap, I may just cry, because this was my time to not only get stuff (like writing) done, but to re-charge my batteries so to speak, because lord knows a person can only take so many hours of screaming, crying, whining and tantrums without some kind of incentive, like a nap. I love my kids, but I think I may have loved nap time just a bit more and will be mourning this for years to come now!!
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Michelle G says
Oh I hope it's just a temporary blip for Lily (and you). Nap time is a special time however you choose to spend it, whether it's catching up on a soap, or (as I did often having mine 12 months apart) having a nap at the same time.
Janine Huldie says
Oh so true Michelle about nap time being a special time. Loved how you spent your nap time though and will say that is how I had two only 16 months apart, lol!!
Meredith says
Janine, this so spoke to me! My son has now officially outgrown his nap, so I have no time to myself all day long. Like you said, I am mourning the time to be able to get stuff done, but it's also just really hard to have the constant tantrums, fussiness, busyness…I just need a minute to think. Thanks for getting this and for putting my feelings into words. Praying we can both snag a minute to ourselves this weekend!
Janine Huldie says
Meredith, I am praying right alongside of you about this and glad to know I am not alone on this. Seriously, I never got as much stuff done as when they napped. There was a glorious period when they both napped at the same time and can tell you this was truly my holy grail, lol!! I never did want to sleep though, because it was just so nice to breath and catch up. Have a great weekend and thanks again Meredith.
Cyndi says
Maybe it's a temporary thing – I don't remember napping much as a kid, but I do remember them more as I got older – until I went to kindergarten. 🙂 Nowadays, I love to nap, too, but…duty usually calls, haha. Hopefully you'll get some of that time, back. Not that I'm a parent, but…hehe…keeping up with a routine always did me good as a kid. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Cyndi, I hope you are right about it being just temporary and if it is maybe I will get a reprieve of sorts, because I know these naps aren't going to last forever, but so not ready to lose them just yet.
Jane Marsh says
So I'm in that rare category of mom who can't wait until the toddler/preschooler phase of nap time is over. The result is almost always earlier and more predictable bedtime (woo-hoo!), and it's so much easier to plan the days without trying to anticipate when and for how long the nap will happen. And I bet you'll find a creative way of carving out the focused time you need. In the morning, at night, when the girls watch a "Special" DVD together in the afternoon… xoxo
The Next Step says
yeah, I am *kinda* looking forward to that, but I think I'd still rather have the peace in the afternoon before the 5yo gets home and ramps things up again with the twins.
Janine Huldie says
Jane you make a valid point and I am sure I will survive with DVDs and such, but Lori I am with you and still love the peace and quiet a bit more, lol 🙂
Bex Smith says
Ah man, I'm dreading losing nap time!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Bex and truly hope to god that she isn't done just yet!!
Bill says
I remember clearly the joy I would receive when Tyler would fall asleep for his nap….when you are the only one parenting for the majority of the day, those naps seem mighty important. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh so true Bill and thanks for stopping by and relating to this, too. I love them, but I just need a bit of quiet sometimes!!
The Next Step says
yes, with you 100% on this. 5yo goes to school all day, but the twins are still screaming and fighting almost all day. once I lose that 1:30 – 3:30 "me time" I just might need to find myself a padded room in a nice "hotel."
Janine Huldie says
Lori, I might need to find that room too soon if she really is done with naps, lol!!
Hayley says
Lol, aww I'm so not looking forward to these parts of parenthood!
I found you through the blog hop, will definitely be reading in the future 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Hayley and so happy to have you here now!! There is truly lots to look forward to in parenting, but this is one that isn't so much fun and I am not going to lie to you. Heading over to check out your blog in a moment, too!! 🙂
Ruchira says
I used to treasure my toddler's nap time, got so much done during that time 🙂
But, look on the positive side, Janine. Very soon she will be in school for more that two and a half hours :))
voted for ya!
Janine Huldie says
Oh so true Ruchira and you make a good point. That said, thank you as always for being so kind. And I voted for you, too 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh Kelly your comment made laugh and then almost shed a tear. I don't want them to grow up too fast. Believe me if I could keep them little forever (except during temper tantrums!), I would. Thanks and really your daughter sounded too cute 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh it happen Kelly. No worries. Thanks just for leaving such a thoughtful comment 🙂
Christy Birmingham says
Haha awww I can totally see why you would miss not having nap time anymore. Take care hon 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks seriously Christy for saying that and for the tweet, too!! 🙂
Emily says
I too recall mourning over the loss of the sacred nap time. It's rough, it really is. But, the good news is, as they get older, they are better able to play by themselves and even relax. I know some parents who arrange a mandated "quiet time" in their house and tell their kids they don't have to nap if they don't want to, but they have to play quietly by themselves…worth a try??
Janine Huldie says
I am liking that idea and think I may need to try it. Thanks seriously Emily for sharing this with me 🙂 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Lol, Terrye. I won't die from it, but may cry a bit!! Thanks as always!!
Janine Huldie says
Melissa, I hear you on the only real quiet time being at night when everyone is in bed. I just wish it was a bit longer, but I guess we have to take what we get, I suppose!!
Dani Ryan says
OMG, I am so dreading the day when naptime comes to an end. But, it will be nice to be able to go out any time of the day and not worry about how much exercise my daughter has. If she is too sedentary in the morning, I find it can affect naps, so I'm always trying to factor in a walk of some sort. So if we have to go to the grocery store, we have to go for a walk first, which drags the whole thing out much longer than I want!
Janine Huldie says
Dani, I know what you mean about that, but being that it is winter right now, I admit I don't go out with them much during the week, except to take Emma to pre-school or the rare occasional errand, but that is few and far between, because they hate wearing the heavy jackets in their car seats and I hate having to dress them in their heavy jackets, too. So, if we don't have to go anywhere right now I am all for it. I am sure once the spring rolls around that will change, but still with winter this is my life pretty much. That said, thanks as always for sharing and letting me know that I am not alone in the least on this one 🙂
Georgie Lee says
My little one gave up naps this fall and it was hard. I am a writer and I use nap time to write, so it was a big loss. I have started getting up early to write and taking advantage of when he's playing happily by himself to write. I've also turned nap time into quiet time. He doesn't have to sleep, but he does have to stay in his room and read books or whatever. It isn't the same as a nap, but it does give me some interrupted writing time.
Janine Huldie says
Georgie, the quiet time seems to be the consensus for when nap time does come to an end. So if this is indeed the end of the line, then I guess I will be quite possibly trying that. At least I know it has had some luck for others like yourself. Thanks for commenting and sharing this with me 🙂
Seriously Kate says
Naptime is wonderful!!! I hope it's just a phase and you aren't truly losing the one hour of me time that exists in a day!!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Kate and do hope you are right about this 🙂 🙂
Michelle Liew says
Whoa, nap time is cherished time, I say!! I guess certain losses become gains too. Thanks for sharing this, Janine, and a happy Sunday!!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Michelle, so true about nap time and Happy Sunday to you, too!! 🙂
Melanie Chisnall says
I can understand how nap time can feel like winning the lotto, just from reading your other posts! Maybe now she will find something else soon to get occupied with and you can still have time time to yourself? Holding thumbs! Happy weekend 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Melanie. She will sit and watch Mickey Mouse forever, so I can always put on a DVD for her and that may work if nap time is gone from our house and vocabulary!! Happy Weekend to u, too 🙂
whencrazymeetsexhaus says
Oh, boy! I remember when my son quit his afternoon nap. I thought I would surely go insane. Fortunately, I have Sesame Street and the iPad for "quiet time," and it's worked remarkably well! Some days, the boy will request a nap and when he and his sister are snoozing at the same time, I whisper JACKPOT!!!
Janine Huldie says
Seriously that is what I call the Jackpot, lol!! Sad that when I was younger it meant something else, but nowadays, I am so with you on that one. Thanks for sharing and it seems that the consensus is just to have quiet time and will be trying this with books and/or a DVD 🙂
Rose A says
I mourned the loss of nap time too… I remember it well. 😉
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Rose for commiserating and I know the feeling as you know now well!!
Stephanie @ Mommy, f says
Ugh, losing nap time is awful! My oldest was a pathetic napper, so it wasn't all that shocking when she gave it up. But my little one is a napping rock star, and I swear I will sob and sob when she gives it up. I had to laugh at "I would have kissed Jesus himself" Ha! Loved the ecard… 😉
Janine Huldie says
Stephanie, my older was a terrible sleeper as an infant, but as she got older loved her naps and if I let her, she still would nap. However, my second was my good sleeper as infant and then when teething started it went down hill. Now, I shouldn't complain, because she still a great night sleeper since she cut all her teeth, but losing the nap is like losing a piece of my sanity!! By the way, that e-card sounded awesome and need to see it, lol 🙂
Kassie says
I am so with you on this! My two year old rarely naps and it makes the days harder and longer! I love nap time! I need nap time! Such a hard thing to lose!
Stopping by from the link up!
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Kassie for stopping by and I truly am glad it isn't only me. I feel terrible that I am complaining, but I love this nap time and need it, too!! 🙂 Please let me know your site, so I can stop by and check out your blog, too 🙂
melissa weintraub says
I can so relate to this. While my daughter who is 4 has not napped in awhile, my 20 month old is transitioning out of it too! Mama needs her break! I so agree with you on this!!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Melissa and sorry you too are dealing with napping issues, too. It seems we have a few good days and then she will fight it again. So, I am not sure how long before they will be completely a thing of the past, but am so hoping for a few more good naps still out of her and hope you too get a break soon!! 🙂