Just one of those weeks and when it rains it sure does pour!!
The week actually started out with Memorial Day, a parade and family barbecue. All good things for sure.
Tuesday Afternoon:
Memorial Day Fun Times!!But Tuesday brought me back to reality and with it craziness from start to finish.
Catching up with blogging needs was how I started. At some point got Emma to school during a full blown rain storm (yes more rain-god help us).
Pick up for her, found us running to the car to try to evade as much of the rain as possible. I opened the car door to get her into her booster seat. She wouldn’t climb in, but needed to be lifted, because the step up was wet from the rain telling me, “No mommy, it is wet and I am not getting my leggings wet!”
So now because of this turn of events, my whole body is shoved in the car as much as I could to help her in and then also to buckle her into the car.
Only just as I am buckling her in the car, I hear a loud crunching noise and ask Emma, “What was that?”
I quickly realize it was the car next to me pulling out and having not looked back managed to hit into Emma’s open car door.
Thankfully no one was hurt and just damage to the flair on that car door. The other driver had a few small dings in her driver’s side rear door.
Immediately, she took blame and felt terrible, because she was visibly nervous. We exchanged proper ids and insurance. I tried my best to calm her, while I felt terrible that poor Emma was not going to be able to go on her play date now.
Once we took off and told, Emma this. She turned to me and said, “That’s ok Mommy!” Seriously when did she turn into a little girl and not a screaming toddler! Just happened overnight it feels like.
But I digress, we get home and my dad runs out into the pouring rain (I love my dad) and accesses the damage. He thinks he may be able to fix it tomorrow when the rain clears (my dad worked for GM Car Dealerships all my life growing up).
After this I call, the other driver to give her a heads up and she is willing to pay out of pocket, if this is the case.
Did I mention she taught my sister-in-law in school and daughter went to school with my other sister-in-law? Yes, totally small world, but then again our town is truly that small indeed.
All is well that ends well??
Tuesday Evening:
Not so, because an hour later it sounds as though someone is taking a shower in our part of the house. Only no one is.
So how can this be?
We ended up having a huge leak that traveled from the garage, to the kitchen and into the bathroom, which then was heading into the kids’ room.
And this wasn’t a small leak either. We are talking water gushing everywhere. (I didn’t take a picture of the mess, because I just wanted to clean it up as quickly as possible!!)
My brother and dad (Kevin was still at work) ascertained that one of the flex coils ruptured. Off to Ace Hardware, my dad went to replace it and when they finally fixed it, then it was time to clean up the “Water World” mess we had on our hands!!
Once, I was done with that, I still had to finish up filing out an application and print/copy all appropriate documentation to help us receive an extra $20,000 to possibly purchase or close on our first home in the future.
Here Is The Envelope Ready To Be Mailed That Cost Over $11, Because It Weighed So Much!!And that was just Tuesday!!
Seriously, the next brought my dad trying to fix the damage on my car, only to realize it was more extensive then it appeared in the pouring rain the night before with riveting needing to be done.
So back to the drawing board and insurance needed to be contacted after all.
I called my insurance company and got set up at the local body shop in the next hour believe it or not, but was unable to contact the other driver, because her cell was turned off, had a full voicemail box and kept hanging up on me (Turns out her other daughter was ill and she was helping to take care of her).
The Rental Car Paperwork That The Insurance Gladly Paid For, While My Car Was in the Body Shop!My dad offered to come with me to the bodyshop and drove. During the ride, I noticed he was acting strange and even had run a red light (my dad has always been an excellent driver, so this definitely unnerved me).
When we got to the body shop and we were finally talking face-to-face, I noticed my dad’s left side of his face was drooping and he was slurring his words.
My first thought was a stroke, because he has smoked all his life and yes my imagination/fears were running amok!
Long story short, this actually had started earlier in the morning, but my mom and dad didn’t want to upset me.
Thankfully it wasn’t a stroke, but was Bell’s Palsy, which is a virus and apparently brought on by him working his shift at the local Lowe’s greeting at the door and getting a draft earlier in the week, when it was freezing, windy and raining.
So scary though and trust me just was a mess until we knew for sure.
Things seemingly went a bit better on Thursday with the other driver’s insurance putting me in the clear and cutting me a check for the damage to be put in the next day’s mail.
However, Friday morning my dad (who just cannot seem to catch a break) had his own fender bender trying to avoid a car who had just pulled in front of him. Again thankfully no one hurt, but seriously it really is just the icing on the cake I suppose.
I finally did get my car back all fixed and my dad god bless his soul even came with me to pick it up. The man is exhausted, still not feeling well, but still wouldn’t let me go it alone.
But May is just about over, it is now 90 degrees here today (the 45, raining, chilly weather is no where in sight anymore). Now next week and let’s hope that June is a better month now!!
If you didn’t read my blog post for the weekend, then I would like to share that my blog button is up for an award. Bre from Peacoats and Plaid is hosting a Blog Button Design Battle and my blog button is in this round being voted on. If you could swing by and cast a vote for me, I would totally appreciate it and thank you for that. Please click here to do so!! Thanks again!!
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massholemommy says
Oh man, car accidents are NO fun – whether it's your fault or not, there is a mountain of paperwork and it's such a mess of phone calls and repair shops. Thankfully the damage to your car was fairly minor, though. It definitely could have been a lot worse.
My recent post Kindergarten Play
Janine Huldie says
I know Robin. Trust me, my first thought was this is going to be a pain in the butt with the phone calls and paperwork. And I so didn't need anymore paperwork last week. But also agree that thankfully it could have been so much worse and just happy it wasn't!!
MelChi says
Jee whiz, sounds like you've had your share of bad stuff happening in one week! Here's wishing you a MUCH better one! And yay for warmer weather for you. Brrrr! 😉
Janine Huldie says
Melanie, it really just was one thing after another last week. So far knock on wood this one has been a bit more quiet, but still it seems it is all or nothing. And yes I am not going to lie that I am happy for warmer weather, but do know you are experiencing the opposite now.
Judy Haughton-James says
I am sorry that last week was a rough week Janine. I hope everything will go well this week. My best wishes to your father. I hope he will be hale and hearty real soon. Have a good day.
My recent post Delicious Sugar Loaf Pineapple – Creative Monday Blog Hop
Janine Huldie says
Thank you just so very much Judy. The car is fixed, the leak is gone and the paperwork filed, but my dad still needs some test done. Please do keep him in your prayers for me.
Karen says
Dear God woman, what a tough week (((HUGS))). Thank goodness Emma handled not having a play date well…it's weird then they start to mature before we are ready. Your poor dad, was he just diagnosed with Bells Palsy? Okay I am telepathically sending over TONS of chocolate and wine…
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks for the Hugs, Karen. I truly appreciate them more then you know. I was truly shocked how well Emma handled not being able to go on her scheduled playdate. She really is maturing and growing up right before my very own eyes and am sure you can relate from Dino, too! And my dad was told Bell's Palsy by the doctor, but still going for a Cat Scan to rule anything out just to be safe.So scary and thank for the chocolate and wine, too 🙂
Billybuc says
I am exhausted reading about your week. Sheez, I hope you catch a break soon because you deserve one. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Bill and I was just happy that I had been ahead a few days with my writing, because seriously it has been nonstop here since last week now. And just would settle for some quiet time even for a half hour now!!
Kelly says
Janine you poor thing…it was a rough week last week! As soon as you described the droop on your dads face I knew it was Bells! Everyone always freaks and thinks stroke. I would too btw but I was relieved to hear it checked out as BP!!
I just know your days will all be on the UP now!
Janine Huldie says
Thank you so much Kelly for your kind words and I too really thought stroke and never had any real experience with Bell's Palsy. He still getting a Cat Scan to confirm, but his vitals and reflexes from his doctor all but confirmed. But still say an extra prayer for him. And seriously THANK YOU!! 🙂
Rosey says
Aww, big hugs to you! It sounds like you have a lot going on, and it sounds too like you have a wonderful dad!!
Janine Huldie says
Oh Rosey, thank you and I do have a great dad for sure!! 🙂 🙂
tinarobmorley says
It sounds like your dad is an absolute hero. I love that kind of helping attitude. I hope he's getting better! And congrats on your blog button!
My recent post Picture Perfect Party Linky #43
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Christina and really my dad is one in a million and he is getting better slowly, but each day seems to be a bit stronger now!! 🙂 🙂
findingninee says
Wow, Janine! What a terrible, awful week you had! I'm so relieved that you and Emma weren't hurt from the door being run into. I always think about that happening when I am in a parking lot loading Tucker into the car and worry that my hanging-out leg will get smashed or something! (morbid, I know)
What a relief that your dad has Bell's Palsy – my friend had it years ago and while it is so very scary, I guess it's one of those things that just goes away – I'll be thinking of him and wishing for a speedy recovery!
And the leak? We've had similar situations a few times here – no fun. I sure hope the next month is better!
My recent post Do fish feel sad when they eat their friends?
Janine Huldie says
Kristi, I do think about about stuff like this too every so often, but just so thankful it was the molding on the door and not Emma or myself. As for the leak, we scrubbed the floors about three times and finally it seems like the after effects are dissipating, so thank god for that, too. And thank you for the good thoughts about my dad also, because he needs all that he can get right now. He is going today for a Cat Scan (doctor is just being on the safe side).
tiffani says
WOW! You had a seriously crazy week. So glad everyone was ok during the small fender bender. You Dad sounds like a wonderful fixer upper man, love that! That Bell's Palsy can take months to get better so he better slow down a bit to help himself heal.
P.S. I changed my RSS feed as you suggested and it totally worked for the bloglovin but it put my full feed in my emails. I don't like to do that because then people don't have a reason to click through to my site if they can read my whole post on their email, plus I have read this can cause security issues. As a result I changed it right back this morning, so I guess no pics on bloglovin. Thanks for solving the mystery! xoxo
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much Tiffani and we keep having to tell him to take it easy, because my dad is so not used to that, but you are so right from all the doctor told them and even what I read online. And I was so happy to help with the BlogLovin pictures mystery. I left mine for now, but will see if overall it does anything to my stats and figure it from there I suppose. xoxo 🙂
Michelle Liew says
Hope that next week would mean a better one, Janine! Been having one of those, too! Thanks for sharing and glad that dad is supportive!
Janine Huldie says
Oh sorry you, too Michelle have been having one of those weeks, too, but thank you for your kind words and sending good thoughts your way!! 🙂
Elena says
I understand you were more than exhausted…..but I would love to be in your shoes and not fighting breast cancer without having kids….or husband….I do spend my spare time creating books for kids.
My recent post Color a castle
Janine Huldie says
Elena, I am truly so sorry to hear that you are fighting breast cancer and I know I probably have no right to complain, because I do very much have my own health, but I have been on pins and needles now worrying about my father's health. As I write this, he is a a neurological specialist getting a CAT Scan to confirm that he does have Bell's Palsy and did not have a stroke. But, I will most definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers now, too.
Chance of Wine says
Oh my goodness!!!! What a horrible week. I'm so glad no one was hurt and that your dad is okay!
Here's hoping June is a better month for all of us!!!!
My recent post Are you the mother you wanted to be?
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Dani and seriously June so has to be better, right?!! 🙂
Kerri says
It HAS to get better. You poor thing! Thankfully everyone is alright and the sun is shining
My recent post Yard work sucks, wine is better
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Kerri and the sun is definitely shining here today. So that is truly always a silver lining!! 🙂
@AMomBlogs says
That is crazy, I am glad no one was hurt. It always seems like the week you plan to relax is the week you end up most stressed out, at least that is what happens to me. We just replaced the pool pump and now the piping is leaking, there is always something to repair and it usually cost more than I anticipate.
My recent post Book Review "Justin Time: The Big Pet Story"
Janine Huldie says
Oh so true Kim, something always breaks around here just when I think we are caught up and ready to save more. Seriously, it is so Murphy's Law and thank you though for your good thought!! 🙂
Stephanie says
Poor you really didn't get a break last week! Hope this week is more uneventful!!
My recent post Happy Tuesday!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much Stephanie and it has been a bit less crazy and not as crazy that is for sure!!
NuggetOnABudget says
Oh my goodness girl! That definitely IS a week from hell. I'm so sorry that all of that had to fall upon you at the same time, especially as you're trying to do all the other daily things you need to get done. I hope the weekend treated you better and that this week is starting off on the right foot. If I lived closer I would have treated you to lunch or an ice cream date!! xoxo
My recent post it's okay…
Janine Huldie says
Kera, thank you and cannot say that enough for that awesome over and that actually sounded like heaven and honestly wished you did live closer, because I would have loved to go out with you for ice cream. Seriously it was so crazy and just couldn't believe all that happened in one week's time and just so glad that is behind me now!!
christyb says
Oh Janine, you had a car accident and a water problem both in the same day? Just one of those in a week is more than enough! I am glad you got through it and have the support of your family. Hugs!
My recent post Beyonce Reminds Us to Maximize Our Lives
Janine Huldie says
Thanks for your kindness as always Christy and I am so glad to have had my family through all of this for sure. And hugs right back at you, too!! 🙂
spiritedlife says
I'm so sorry. That's a crazy week. You deserve a real break!
My recent post Sale – Sale – Sale on Fitness Gear, Programs and Supplements #NOEXCUSES
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks so much April and would be nice. Hopefully soon!! 🙂
Lanaya says
Holy hell … I'm exhausted reading all that. I literally almost lost it when I thought your dad was having a stroke! Jesus. Screw that week. Let's hope that becomes a very distant, buried memory.
And I hope your dad is doing much better. Christ … I'm all in a tizzy over here!
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo http://www.raising-reagan.com
My recent post Do You Need Some Love?
Janine Huldie says
Thanks seriously Lanaya for your concerns. Trust me it was just a bad week from start to finish, but I assume it still somehow could have been worse, but truly don't want to know how to be honest. And my dad was the one thing that really unnerved and unhinged me out of it all. Thank you also for asking. He is doing a bit better, but they decided to do an MRI not a CAT Scan and he goes on Thursday. So, I will keep you posted on that for sure. xoxo!!
Considerer says
Wow, that does sound like a super-tough week 🙁 Hang on in there – I hope things get better for you. Glad your Dad's ok in the end.
My recent post Blog Hop Announcement
Janine Huldie says
Oh thank you so much and truly appreciate your good thoughts and kind words, too. And by huge congrats on the Blog Hop Announcement and so excited for you!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh I felt for you so much with the suicidal fish when I read your post and seriously that really would have scared me. I had one of our recent fish literally get stuck to the filter and his fins were disintegrating and this all happened in about 20 minutes time. So, I am truly done with fish I think for the time being, although Kevin keeps saying he wants to get another one for the girls, but I truly hope not. As for my dad, he seems to be improving, but they still want to do an MRI on Thursday to rule on a stroke for sure. So, I am just trying to stay positive and hope for the best now. Thanks Melissa for asking.
Ruchira says
Well I am glad your dad came to your rescue, Janine.
All's well when it ends well. Your daughter was adorable when she did not fuss over her play date 🙂
Voted for ya!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks as always Ruchira and so true that at the very least it all seemingly ended well!! 🙂
stephsprenger says
That is just awful! I am SO sorry to hear about that- it sounds beyond stressful. I have to say, your photo documentation made it kind of enjoyable to read, even in spite of the unfortunate circumstances! Like you, I am glad to be rid of May. Just too stinkin' busy.
My recent post How To Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children
Janine Huldie says
I tried my best with all the photos. I just couldn't get a photo of the actual car damage, because it was pouring raining when it happened and wasn't taking a picture of that damn leak, because I was too busy cleaning it up. But tried with the rest and glad that helped paint a bit of a picture. And yes I am so glad May is behind us, too!! Thanks as always Stephanie!! 🙂
Sara says
Yikes!!! That really does sound like an awful week. Hope that this weeks treating you better!!!!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks for your sympathy Sara and yes this week has been a bit better so far. Fingers crossed it stay that way!! 🙂
ourhomeonderanged says
Good grief! Why does it always seem to work that way? You have "boring" weeks for a month, and then suddenly everything breaks, people get sick, a check gets lost in the mail. Sheesh. Glad to hear things are getting better, and really glad that they've already identified what's troubling your dad. And good luck on the assistance with home financing!
Janine Huldie says
I know it is truly Murphy's Law that it all happens at once and thank you for your good thoughts Melissa. Truly appreciate it!! 🙂
katbiggie says
Oh my gosh Janine! That is insane! What a ROTTEN combo of events!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Alexa and seriously I wouldn't have believed it unless I lived through it!!
Christy Garrett says
Wow, you had a rough week. I hope things have gotten better. Car accidents are no fun but thankfully not one was hurt in either one.
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks so much Christy. This week so far has been a bit better and can't complain. Just was so bizarre how it all happened one after the other!!
anothercleanslate says
Love their pigtails! Hope this week is going better- nothing ruins a day more than car trouble/damage!
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks for that Katie and yes it has so far been a better week indeed this week out!! 🙂
One TIPsy Chick says
Wow, I'm so sorry! I'm glad things are heading back to normal and I'm glad your dad is ok. This put my crazy week (or so I thought) in perspective. Wishing you more, less eventful days ahead.
Janine Huldie says
Thank you so much seriously and trust me I know everyone has there days and sorry you too had a bit of a rough patch, too. I honestly was just shocked at how much happened over only the course of a few days here. Just crazy and totally wishing some great days ahead, too!! 🙂