My fashion was non-existent for about 2+ years after being the mom to two little girls only 16 months apart. I even jokingly wrote about it here with The Mommy Uniform.
But recently, I have been trying to make a conscious effort to dress a bit nicer even though I work from home. I have to admit it really has made me feel a bit younger and even given me a bit more energy to look better now.
I know it may sound crazy and a year ago, I so would have fought anyone who said this about dressing better to stay at home and work. Believe me as much as my pre-kids self was a fashion and beauty guru, who read Lucky and even InStyle magazines for years, I was in so not caring at this point in my life.
Not that I was depressed or anything, but I was just plain tired and worn out from not sleeping right for those years.
But I do think having my kids both in pre-school and me sleeping a bit better nowadays has more to do with it more then anything else.
By the way right after I had Emma, Kevin gifted me for Christmas these really cute leg warmers from Hollister for that Christmas (my pre-baby self would have been all over these). It wasn’t my only gift, but he thought if I wanted I could dress up tights or leggings with them.
Well, I thought, “Why would I do this?” and put them in a bag in the back of the closet to forgot about them.
A few weeks ago, he casually mentioned and then showed me a picture of a girl wearing what looked like knee high socks over her leggings and also wearing knee high boots.
I loved the look and thought maybe I could buy knee high socks again and try this since I have been wearing leggings and knee high boots the past few weeks off and on anyways to stay warm now.
I got two pairs (one in white and one in grey), but then starting thinking why couldn’t I use those fancy, stylish leg warmers. I could hear my grandmother say, “Everything old comes back again!” Seriously, she was a huge believer in keeping clothes until they came back in fashion. I used to laugh when she would say this, but now I admit I think she was onto something.
But I digress and I took to the mission of finding said leg warmers. Yes, sadly I had forgotten where I put them (mommy brain struck again).
I looked in a few different places and couldn’t find them. Kevin even joked that I probably threw them out, because I didn’t like his gift way back when!
Finally it dawned on me to look on the bottom of my closet for a a bag that I knew I had stored my winter socks and tights in (Hey I am not senile yet and definitely remembered doing this to store them during the summertime last year).
Success and I had found them! So, what did I do next? You guessed it, I put them on over my leggings and then put on my knee high boots (by the way I love these brown Uggs Leather Wedge Boots and have had them since before I had Lily). Couldn’t resist and wanted to see how they would look.
I personally loved the look and think I will be using this look definitely throughout the next few wintry months.
As much as I hate the cold and snow, I am truly loving this fashion look and after I did this I saw a few different women sporting a similar look. So definitely thinking it is a fashion trend right now.
So totally happy to share here with all. I know mine are purchased and could imagine a more crafty person could totally even knit something similar, but still for me the least crafty person, I am happy so that is all that matters!
Little less then two more months of winter, so try to stay warm now. Seriously this is a huge start for me!
And if you would let me know in the comments if you would enjoy me giving more fashion tips in the future, would appreciate. Because I am toying with it, since I do love looking at the latest fashion trends.
For those, who are looking for the perfect Valentine’s Day gift, please be sure to check out my Pandora Valentine’s Day article here.
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massholemommy says
Totally cute. I remember wearing leg warmers when I was kid and I love that they are making a come back!
My recent post The First Step Towards World Domination
Janine Huldie says
I know that was truly a long time ago and seriously forgot my Flashback loving days until you mentioned it here!! 🙂
Rosey says
They are really cute like that, it's a fun/fashionable/cute look!!
My recent post Bend at the Hips, People!
Janine Huldie says
I know Rosey and still can't believe it after how much I fought it!! 🙂
ashleyinnc says
Well, now I need leg warmers. The end. They are SO ADORABLE, and I feel like my life is missing something without them.-Ashley
My recent post Would You Rather: Gain 50 Pounds Or Have To Pay $5,000?
Janine Huldie says
Ashley, that is totally how I feel about them now, too 🙂
ginnymarie says
They do look cute with boots! I bought both my girls leg warmers to wear with their tights on the way to dance class. They look very cute with leg warmers on, too!
My recent post Your Spin Cycle Prompt {week of 1/27}
Janine Huldie says
My girls took dance last year and also warm the cute leg warmers with their dance outfits, too 🙂
dianeroark says
Where you live I would eave gotten the leg warmers out months ago. They are not only warm but very cute.
Stay warm!
Diane Roark
My recent post Sunday “RoundUp” Review 1/25
Janine Huldie says
I know Diane. Seriously, can't tell you how much warmer they have indeed been keeping my legs now 🙂
notinjersey says
very cute!!
My recent post We Swam With Stingrays
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Dara and I just am loving this look 🙂
coachdaddyblogger says
I think you're rocking it. I didn't like the look in its first incarnation, but what did I know? I was 10.
p.s. Dudes have no equivalent. Our legs must remain cold.
My recent post What Happens When a Kid Seahawks Fan Becomes a Grown-up Broncos Fan
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Eli and wish I could find the equivalent for you guys on this one 🙂
writermomangela says
I love that look, too! My daughter does it all the time, I haven't tried it yet (I'm afraid it will emphasize my mommy-hips). Great post!
My recent post Motherhood: Wimps need not apply
Janine Huldie says
Angela, I am seriously loving this look, s much so that my husband said to me this past weekend you have been wearing legged warmers a lot lately! Thanks 🙂
Billybuc says
Janine, I would be laughed out of the neighborhood. LOL Can you imagine the looks on my friend's faces if I wore these?
Have a great day my friend.
Janine Huldie says
Bill, you sound like Kevin and no wonder why we are friends! Happy Monday and have a great one 🙂
pfchico says
I love leg warmers & I don't care who knows it. I am glad that they are back in style. They are the only part of 80's fashion that I liked. Lol!
Janine Huldie says
Same here and seriously they are so back in style, too!! 🙂
dishofdailylife says
I love this look too Janine — I need a pair!
My recent post Money Saving Tips for College: How to Save on Textbook Costs
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Michelle and hope you get a pair soon 🙂 says
So cute – I remember leg warmers the first go-round – I think we used to just do them over our jeans sometimes – not always skinny jeans either.
My recent post The Law of Diminishing Returns
Janine Huldie says
I know Kim, I too wore them over jeans that definitely weren't so skinny back in the day 🙂
another jennifer says
They look super cute! I have to admit I was skeptical when I first saw the mention of leg warmers. I'm thinking this might be a good look for fall or end of winter though (in Maine, at least). Leggings are just too cold for me to wear now. Brrrrrrr
My recent post Bill and Melinda Gates: Debunking Myths Around Global Poverty
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Jennifer and I have to tell you my legs with the leg warmers versus jeans right about now have been very warm and even cozy. Plus the leggings are totally more comfortable then jeans anyway of the week (this coming from huge jean lover!).
.MIS. Manhattan Image & Style says
I love them!! Leg warmers are so cute! 😉
New Blog Post: 5 Tips To Have Radiant Skin During The Winter
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Diana and totally agree with you!! 🙂
Nellie says
that is a really cute look! I never though about leg warmers, but at this point I will take an ALL over warmer. This cold is just too much and I don't like to complain about the weather but man we got it bad this year!
My recent post When Did Big Booties Become So Popular?
Janine Huldie says
We totally got it bad and seriously seriously I will do anything to keep warm now and this actually is a great way and not a bad look either 🙂
Tamara says
I love this look and even if it weren’t in style, I’d still probably pull it off! Or at least I’d try!
Janine Huldie says
I know you can totally and would look gorgeous doing it!! 🙂
Alexa says
Girl I will take any fashion tips you have to offer cause I am dreadfully out of the fashion loop! I agree with you though… days that I make an effort to look nicer, I feel more productive. Still waiting on the days of good sleep though!
Janine Huldie says
Alexa, I seriously love fashion and always did. But totally didn’t care for a few years, but like you I am trying now. I saw your pics on FB and we do clean up nicely when we can :). As for the sleep, we have our good nights and still a few bad here and there. But the fact that I am getting good nights at all now does help out a bit 🙂
Lady LIlith says
THey do look warm. I think even the normally warm states have it cold. Everyone can use a pair.
My recent post Interview Part 1: About Me
Janine Huldie says
Lady Lilith, so true, I think most could use a pair and even the warmer states are as warm, because of these blasts of arctic air.
Sara says
I feel like I am in that stage of just not caring. Anytime I do try to dress nice is the day Luke spits up on me. I will say I am obsessed with leggings and boots. So comfy and cute. The leg warmers are adorable and go Kevin for buying them for you. Tommy doesn't event attempt to buy me clothes anymore since I always ended up returning stuff.
My recent post What I'm Loving – Healthy Edition
Janine Huldie says
I remember that stage well and went through that twice in less then 2 years. Seriously why I didn't even try for so long and don't even get me started on hair, earrings and jewelry, which Lily found amazing to pull on (for some reason Emma couldn't care less about this). Trust me, it took me a long time to even wear my hair down for fear that it would get spit up in!
Alison says
I've been doing leg warmers this winter. This polar vortex nonsense has been wreaking havoc on my skin, so anything to bring more warmth to my body is very welcome. I like the look, Janine!
My recent post Here’s to fond memories…
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Alison and I am with you on anything to keep me extra warm right about now. Seriously so cold out!!
kelsnsher says
Aww I think it looks cute! I'm all about some leg warmers!
My recent post Fourth Time’s the Charm Right? Liebster Award
Janine Huldie says
So a I now and thanks so much 🙂
dianeroark says
Thanks for stopping by Wonderful Wednesday blog hop and linking up these leg warmers. It is a great idea for staying warm! I pinned it!
Diane Roark
My recent post Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop 1/29
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much Diane for pinning this and for hosting again, too!! 🙂
Brittnei Washington says
I personally think it's really cute! I honestly keep my clothes and just wear them whenever I want lol if I still like them of course. I enjoy being a trend setter rather than following behind what Hollywood says is in style or not 🙂 Maybe I missed it, but it just seems like beauty fashion is in the eye of the beholder. So just because this mainstream top exec says I can't wear bell bottom jeans anymore I wont? Yea right! LOL. I couldn't think of anything else that might not be in right now hehe. Thanks for sharing this tip! I'm not sure it's cold enough for me to try this now but i will keep it in mind for when it is 🙂
My recent post Memory…
Janine Huldie says
I do agree with you essentially on this and can't help, but love to wear what looks good and feels comfortable on me, too. And Brittnei, so jealous of the warmer weather you have, because still freezing here and so trying my best to put a good spin on it as you can see 🙂
cgacad says
janine, that looks so cute! i'm going to steal this fashion idea. i'm really into leggings, but sometimes that's just not enough so i can totally see myself adding leg warmers to the mix.
My recent post Pregnancy Question #2: Diaper Decisions
Janine Huldie says
Totally glad u se are going to use this look and seriously dresses up the leggings a bit more with the leg warmers 🙂
Char @ The Epic Adventures of a Modern Mom says
Practical and fashionable…Score! Great idea! Popping by from the hop.
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Char and happy to have you here today 🙂
Katherines Corner says
extreme cuteness!!! So happy to have you sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. Your participation helps to make it so much fun . Big Hugs ♥
My recent post Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 123
Janine Huldie says
Awe, thanks so much Katie. I love joining each week and always look forward to it! Hugs xoxo 🙂
chicenvelopements says
Really cute and totally on trend!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much and I really am having so much fun with this trend 🙂
plutrell says
It just takes baby steps to help you feel better about your appearance and this is a cute look. I hope you are following my I MATTER series on my Thursday posts…it addresses the same topics. Thanks for sharing in the Thursday blog hop!!
My recent post Dressing My Body to Show I Matter…Plus the Thursday Blog Hop!!
Janine Huldie says
Thank you for stopping by and seriously couldn't agree with you more about baby steps and will totally check out your blog and hop today. Thanks 🙂
Sandy_Ramsey says
I love, love, love this look! I don't own a pair of leg warmers (that whole living in Florida thing) but I think this is great! I may invest in a pair…we do manage a few cold days here and there!
I admire the fact that you are making an effort to dress it up a little even though you work from home. I know when I get dressed and put on a little makeup, even just putting on a pair of earrings some days, makes a huge difference in how I feel.
Great post, Janine!
My recent post But First, a Dedication: Ten Things of Thankful
Janine Huldie says
Totally does make a huge difference. Hope you do get to try this look and if you do take a pic, would love to see it 🙂
spiritedlife says
LOL! I should put a call out on my fashion sense. I probably won't get a good response. 🙂 These are so totally adorable, and someone who does enjoy the cold, I have no reason to have leg warmers. They are totally cute on you. Thanks for sharing and linking up with Countdown in Style! Don't forget to come back on Friday to see if you were featured!
My recent post Feature Friday {8} with Countdown in Style
Janine Huldie says
I think you are pretty fashionable, but I admit I hate the cold, so these are definitely allowing me to tolerate and even enjoy it just slightly, lol 🙂
Gracielle from says
Love this look! I do this quite a lot and it's amazing how much it helps to have that extra layer. And it's so stinking cute, too! Stopping by from Countdown with Style
Janine Huldie says
So glad you stopped by and hope you try this look soon, too 🙂
Leesha @ Living Contently says
This is such a cute look! I hate the cold but love bundling up and getting to wear wintery outfits. This ensemble is perfect!
Janine says
Leesha, I am truly the same way and not a fan of the cold either, but admit this look is one of my favorites and so glad I could share it with you 😉