When you have your first born and you truly aren’t sure of the time table for many milestones, it can get quite confusing and even frustrating when you start seeing babies and toddlers doing things that yours is not doing at a similar age.
I had my own copy of What to Expect of The Baby Years and the Toddler Years, too. But still, sometimes there is window of time for certain milestones to occur or be met.
I remember Emma hitting many before the time that she was even supposed to be according to the books, like standing at 7 months in her crib holding on or walking at 9 months on her own and running by 10 months!
But then came talking and she would say words here and there, but by the time she was heading to two years old, she was still only saying words and very short phrases, but no sentences at all.
I was worried, because as a first time mom, I would see other kids around her age, who were apparently speaking better. I asked her pediatrician and was told as long as she was saying some words and a few phrases she was fine and that was that.
But at the same time, I was told her ears were full of wax. When asked if they could do something about this, was then told to use an over the counter product and dismissed us and the issue at hand. Luckily, I thought better and set up an appointment at a local ENT, where I was told she needed to use drops and then they would free her ears in about a week’s time of the remaining wax.
They did just that and within days, she starting to speak clearer and using longer phrases and then even sentences.
Our case was cut and dry one being more of a hearing issue then speech. And I have since changed pediatricians. Yet, that is a another story for another day.
However, I was recently introduced to program to help develop children’s speech, who are indeed in need.
So please read further to learn about this now from the developers of Lands of Sounds.
Parents often ask us: how to stimulate the proper development of speech in children? We present you with a great program, Land of Sounds, which will appeal to younger children, who are just learning to speak, as well as to already speaking preschoolers, who get to know and name the world. It is also a perfect tool to stimulate speech for children with the delayed speech development. The Land of Sounds program may be also used as the supplement to the speech therapy.
Where to find the Land of Sounds program?
The program is available on-line at Lands Of Sounds. Without registration you can play with several fames and exercises. After a quick registration the users can use all resources of the program. You can find here hundreds of animations and games supporting the development of children’s speech.
And here’s good news: until the end of October you can use the program completely for free! You just need to register.
How does the Land of Sounds program work?
After registering on the website and logging in you can use the resources of several major sections: “exercises”, “games”, “exercises with a guide” and “knowledge library”.
Section “Exercises” for the youngest
You will find here a lot of animations with sounds made by animals, vehicles, devices and sounds associated with every day activities and situations. In next scenes there are presented different sources of sounds in the form of images and onomatopoeic words. The child by watching the cinematographic animations, listens to the onomatopoeic sounds of the speech. He can also try to repeat the expressions during the exercise.
Using onomatopoeic words is an important stage in the development of child’s speech. In this way he replaces too difficult words with those that are easier to say. Because of that in a simplified way he names the surrounding world and achieves his first success in communication. As a result, he more likely establishes the language contact with the environment!
For children, who move from the stage of onomatopoeic speech to the stage of words and sentences there are animations, in which they get to know the names of objects and activities.
Games in this section will definitely interest the youngest children learning to speak and developing speech. They will also be great while working with children with the delayed speech development.
The Land of Sounds program has a very large base of animations. This allows each toddler to find something interesting here. Doing the exercises – tests you can check how the child recognises and associates the sounds with the sources making them.
Section “Games” for preschoolers
Using games and activities in this section, the children perpetuate the sounds of onomatopoeic words learnt in the section “Exercises”. To use the games you just need basic skills of using the mouse and keyboard. The level of difficulty of games is adjusted to the age of the children. You can find labyrinths, memory games, tasks involving collecting objects and many others!
“Virtual advisor” or the exercises with a guide
Apart from access to hundreds of animations, you can use the aid of the virtual advisor, who will tell you how to preferably begin the work with the Land of Sounds program. You just need to fill in a short survey, and the virtual advisor will direct you towards the best place to start work and will look after your progress. At any time you can cancel the virtual advisor and move to the selected exercises and games.
Library of knowledge
In the library you can find interesting articles in the field of speech therapy, as well as those from which the parents can learn how to stimulate the proper development of speech of their child.
Exercises in the program are selected with great care, appropriately to the age of children and their cognitive areas. The Land of Sounds program is worth recommending for one more reason: it has a beautiful, calm, uncluttered with excessive number of elements graphics and beautifully recorded sounds. We can fully recommend this program as the tool to stimulate the development of the child’s speech! We recommend it!
**Service landofsounds.com was created from the EU funds grant (Innovative Economy Operational Program, activity 8.1)**
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massholemommy says
This is great. My youngest was in Early Intervention until he aged out for a speech delay and this definitley would have come in handy back then.
My recent post How to Make Colored Pasta (For Crafts)
Janine Huldie says
Robin, I am hearing more and more kids go to early intervention and am starting to realize this is more the norm then not. And really do help this program can help many now!! 🙂
LisaAndAshley says
What a fantastic program for parents and children! It looks adorable! I definitely remember several friends who stressed about speech and delays…they would have loved this! :)-Ashley
My recent post There Is Hope For Us After All!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Ashley and when I got contacted that was truly my first thought, because I do remember my own fears and worries with Emma.
dishofdailylife says
That looks like a great program! Very interesting story about the wax…who knew that could cause delays!
My recent post Truth Can Be Stranger than Fiction
Janine Huldie says
Michelle, I never knew it myself, but it was something that I went with from my gut, did research and found out. I have learned that with my kids, sometimes we moms do know our own kids better then the doctors who see them all a few times a year. Not saying I know it, because I don't, but just saying that I look into all the possibilities and try my best to do what I feel right for my kids 🙂
Sara says
Collin spoke early and in complete sentences at a young age but we started to notice it wasn't clear. I had him tested last year and we now go for speech services twice a week. This is great to do at home to keep practicing. Thanks for sharing!!!!
My recent post Making Crayons From Pinterest
Janine Huldie says
Glad you could use this to practice with Colin and I did know from your blog he went to speech and thanks again for sharing Sara!! 🙂
Blond Duck says
Janine Huldie says
Thanks as always Blonde Duck!! 🙂
Billybuc says
Very important information, Janine. I have a friend who's daughter is slow in speaking…I'll pass this along to her. Thank you very much and have a fabulous Monday!
Janine Huldie says
Bill, I was so happy to share this and was really just hoping to be able to help parents and kids who may have issues with speech. Like I said, I had my worries as a first time parent, so if I can help someone else here, I am very glad to. Have a great Monday again, too Bill!! 🙂
Rosey says
I'm glad you were smart enough to realize it was more than you were being told, and was a big deal. The results proved you right (and hurrah for easy solutions!).
Thanks for the giveaway, and to answer the question I'd use it on holiday decorations.
Janine Huldie says
Love that you would use it on holiday decorations and wishing you tons of luck now. Also thank you as always and on this one was never more happy to be right! 🙂
Michelle LIew says
This sounds like a good way to push that speech a little ahead! Thanks, Janine!
My recent post Walking along a tightrope
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Michelle and really is a wonderful program just for that!! 🙂
christyb says
Great program – your post is going to help bring attention to it and that means you are helping many parents. Way to go, J!
My recent post You Win Some…
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much Christy and seriously my pleasure!!! 🙂
katbiggie says
What a fantastic program! We just started Speech Therapy with Tiny because she is not wanting to talk either! She had tubes put in and we hoped that would get things going, but no such luck. I will check this program out!
My recent post Keeping My Head Above Water… barely
Janine Huldie says
So glad you are able to use this information for Tiny and seriously hope this helps you out a bit!! Totally my pleasure in being able to share!! 🙂
tamaralikecamera says
I would buy Palace Pet toys from Target if I won!
Oh, I so know about worrying about these milestones. I'm a little calmer with Des than I was with Scarlet but he's so different than she was! Later physically, but earlier socially. Who knows?! They're all wonderful. Looks like a great product to help!
My recent post Wonderland.
Janine Huldie says
Ok, I will bite, what are Palace Place Toys and so know I should probably know this!! But seriously I know Emma and Lily were the exact opposites with the walking and speech. So, I could truly relate to what you were saying about Scarlet and Des here!! 🙂
tamaralikecamera says
Maybe you'll be free of this annoying trend! Palace Pets are all of the pets of the Disney Princesses! They're at Target or any toy store. We have Teacup (Belle's puppy) and Pumpkin (Cinderella's puppy). Pumpkin sleeps in a glass slipper bed! (of course) Each princess also has a pony. Next for us is probably Aurora's kitten, Beauty.
My recent post Wonderland.
NuggetOnABudget says
Luckily we haven't had any issues with speech or hearing with Sofia, and hopefully not with Eliana, either, but this program sounds wonderful! I love the graphics and seriously I think I would use this with Sofia anyway just because she would find it interesting. Thanks for sharing, I know there are many kids out there who could benefit greatly from this!
My recent post five among friends ~ week 14.
Janine Huldie says
So glad you didn't have any issues with Sophia and hope you don't with Eliana either. But just happy to share this so that others can benefit from it if they do need it! 🙂
Nellie says
Thank you for sharing your story. My eldest boys speech was a bit delayed to the point where my mom (a teacher/principal) was freaking out hardcore. I wasn't too too worried though because he was getting there. Once another girl a little bit younger than him entered the daycare he started talking like nobody's business. You never know what it takes to trigger that speech!
My recent post 10 Reasons You Need to Be Insane Like Me {Guest Post}
Janine Huldie says
I know you never really know what will trigger it and I will be honest being my first I was freaking a bit. I made list of all she had been saying and even brought it to checkups to make sure she was on task. I do thank god it was her ears and the drops and the blowing out her ears did the trick. And my pleasure sharing my story, because I really just hope this could help someone else in a similar situation.
Lanaya says
What a great program. It's amazing how all the parenting books in the world all say different things about development, milestones. Thank God I didn't read too much. Otherwise I would have been a hot mess.
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo
Janine Huldie says
This the reason I was a hot mess with my first. Thank god by the time I had Lily I wised up. But this really is such a great program and do hope it helps many!! 🙂
notinjersey says
very interesting. Zachary had speech issues too. Emma was so cute as a little one! (course she still is!)
My recent post Skirtember Week 3 and Fall Entry Decor
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Dara for saying that about Emma and for sharing about Zachary having some issues with his speech, too.
cgacad says
janine, this looks like such a great program. i am bookmarking for my baby education folder.
Janine Huldie says
So happy you are bookmarking this and hope that if you need you will be able to in the future now 🙂
lsdavidson says
This program looks interesting! I'm a Speech Therapist (but don't work with developmental stuff) but we always learned the first place to check – hearing. Glad that you did and it worked out so well!
My recent post Quote of the Week
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Leah and I knew a bit about this from being a teacher and hearing the speech therapist in our school talk about this in the past. But I ended up going with my gut, because I figured if it wasn't this, the next though I would do was get her help by having her evaluated. I mean when they are this small we have to be their advocates and knew it was up to me to fight for her if need be.
Dani Ryan says
I will check this out! My daughter is a late talker. It always amazes me when I see other kids her age (or younger) talking up a storm, but I've also been around other moms who have felt uncomfortable with how much my daughter talks. I think we all stress about milestones way too much. I know I'm guilty of doing it!
My recent post 7 reasons I could never work in a hospital
Janine Huldie says
I hope you do get to try this and believe me I was made to feel uncomfortable a bit back in the day when Emma wasn't talking as much and remember that feeling all too well. Other mothers shouldn't do this, but yet they do it anyways. And yes, I too am so guilty of putting emphasis on the milestones here, too. Now with school I feel a bit of the pressure again with Emma having to write and learn her letters. So far she is doing ok, but hate worrying if my kid is doing ok and on par for age. I guess it never truly ends!!
realhousewife says
Gosh – great post Janine! Even after having 3 girls…I'd have never thought about hearing obstructing their language! Wow! Good thing you pointed that out for people to have checked out!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Kelly and it dawned on me, when they told me for the second time in 3 months that her ears were pretty full of wax and remembered hearing about issues with past students. So thankfully it clicked, but still was happy to share because I really do this could help someone else.
Kristi Campbell says
I thought I knew all of the speech programs and haven't heard of this one, Janine. Thanks so much for the introduction! Also, glad you switched pediatricians. He should have given you drops right away.
Janine Huldie says
I know Kristi and seriously had so many issues with the pediatrician and this was just the tip of the iceberg I suppose. But just so glad I listened to my gut and intuition on this. And do hope you can look into this!!
@Mrs_KarenC says
I wish I had known about this when Dino was having his speech issues…this would have been beyond beneficial. so glad Emma had that resource…amazing how they can excel in one area and need help in another.
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Janine Huldie says
I know Karen and wish I would have known you back when Emma was having her issues, because I was truly a mess worrying for her and would have been nice to talk to others going through similar. But so thankful we know each other now and can share our stories. Thanks!! 🙂
Angel says
This sounds great. Thanks Janine for sharing at our Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop.
My recent post Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop
Janine Huldie says
Thanks as always for hosting and totally my pleasure sharing at the hop this week, Angel!! 🙂
Elena says
What a great post to link up to our hop Janine! I never heard of this! Sounds like a fabulous program :o) I'm actually taking the little one to see a speech therapist on Wednesday for stuttering. I'm super nervous. Wish they had a program for this!
My recent post Pumpkin apple pecan waffles!
Janine Huldie says
Elena, this was my pleasure to share and totally thought that this was a great program to help with a myriad of children's speech issues. By the way, my grandmother had issues with stuttering, when they changed her from being left handed to right handed in school back during the depression years. She did overcome it, but it took a teacher in her high school years to help her with this. I am totally hoping that all will go well for your little one and will totally keeping her and you (too) in my thoughts and prayers.
Katherines Corner says
my darling friend so sorry she had difficulties. She is such a cutie pie. Who would think wax could be a culprit. Looks like a terrific program. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop ♥
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Janine Huldie says
Aww, thanks so much Katie and I know crazy that wax was an issue and sometimes still can't believe it myself. My pleasure though as always for sharing at the hop!! 🙂