To my future graduate now and always,
It is that time of the year. Finally the invites went out for your pre-school graduation today. Yup, you are will be a pre-school graduate now. (This was a year ago and now you are graduation from kindergarten as time keeps marching on!)
I am so very proud and happy for you that you have reached this first of many milestones.
Yet, I fear that I will turn around only to find myself holding your high school graduation invitation.
I know it may sound crazy, but still.
See time has a way of going faster than we ever could imagine.
I know you are so very happy to be leaving pre-school behind. Plus, I know you are more than ready to join the ranks of elementary school kids in kindergarten this fall.
Yet, I need to take this moment in time to convey all I am feeling and thinking for what lies ahead.
It doesn’t seem all that long ago that, I was starting kindergarten. Still that was somehow another lifetime ago, since I was a graduate.
But since I have been there and done that, I felt I needed to impart some of my prior knowledge of my own experiences over my past school years’ tenure.
Here are five pieces of wisdom for my future graduate:
1. Read, read, read.
I know you are just beginning to learn how to read. Right now you have learned your alphabet sounds and sight words.
But as you become more comfortable with decoding larger and more challenging words, my one grand wish is that you learn not only to do this. But also to enjoy all that comes with the wide, vast world of books.
Because reading will open all sorts of new worlds that you couldn’t even begin to imagine. Trust me, when I say that being literate is a highly attractive quality to possess for future successes.
2. Never stop learning.
Along the lines of reading, I hope you will find greater pleasures in continually learning. Even from the most mundane and smallest tasks to the grandest, keep trying.
Please understand that you may not always grasp certain concepts when first introduced to you. Also, you will indeed make your fair share of mistakes. Because if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
See learning and practice certainly will make you better at all you try.
3. Be a leader.
Even though it is truly OK to make mistakes, still friends and peers will test you at every turn. But I can’t stress enough that you should try to be a leader and not a follower. Using your brain is a beautiful thing.
See you are a smart and creative thinker, who I hope will march to the beat of your own drum. This will apply, especially as you get older and in your teen years. Just because a friend or even the supposed cool kids are doing something doesn’t mean you have to as well. Because quite often you may find yourself in over your head trying to do something that you aren’t comfortable doing or just might get you in a world of trouble.
As my mother always told me, if all the other kids were jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you? As crazy as it sounded to me, trust me It makes sense.
4. Believe in yourself.
Have faith and be courageous, too. You, my sweet dear child, are capable of the moon and back.
You already have me in your corner. But still I hope you allow yourself to have be brave enough to strive for all you are capable of. Also, be proud of all you do achieve.
5. Think before you act.
As much as I want you to have self-confidence, I want you to remember that one wrong move could have disastrous consequences. See you aren’t the first and you won’t be the last.
So please try to remember this when you are on top of the world thinking you are invincible.
Don’t get me wrong, I want you to be excited for all the possibilities. But still remember that you can get hurt badly or harm others, if you don’t think before you act or speak. Simply put. Try not to open your mouth and insert your foot too often.
When all else fails, please know that I couldn’t love you more than ever. And I am so very proud of you now and forever my graduate.
Love always,
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This post was written for the One Word Blog Linkup that is hosted by Lisa of The Golden Spoons (who is off this week on vacation), Marcia of Blogitudes and yours truly, too.
The words for this week are: Time or Happy.
*A version of this article was republished on Huffington Post with permission.
Allie says
Yes to #4!!!! Everyday and always.
I can so relate to this and I too remember being in Kindergarten myself. Time flies but life is GOOD!
Janine says
Thanks Allie and I know where does the time go?! Seriously just crazy!!!
Lauren Baker Cormier says
Great advice, especially #5! I’m still learning that one 😉
Confessions of A Mommyaholic says
Thanks Lauren and I know even at this age, I am still learning that one, too! 🙂
Angie says
Isn’t it funny – terrifying – how we can flash forward, nearly missing the moment that is here as we think of how fast they are growing!? Great thoughts this morning. Thank you for hosting!
Janine says
Thank you again for joining us, Angie and I know truly is terrifying to almost miss the actual moment worrying how fast the rest will sneak up on us.
Robin (Masshole Mommy) says
Time definitely does go by way too fast. My oldest is going into middle school next year…how did that happen??
Janine says
Robin, I wish I knew as I still remember when I was in middle school!!
christina says
I have one ‘graduating’ (although the school refuses to call it that preferring ‘promotion’) middle school in two weeks! Yikes!!
I feel like I am still in college, (well maybe fresh out of) Where does the time go???
Janine says
I know I can’t believe I am no longer in college or even high school myself! Seriously crazy how quickly it all goes. And congrats to yours graduating middle school now 🙂
Dara says
I do love when our blog posts are on similar topics! wonderful letter you wrote here.
Janine says
I do, too and couldn’t help smiling when I read yours today, too!! 😉
karen says
what beautiful advice…I got a bit teary eyed…This letter will be one of great importance and love when she finally reads it on her graduation day.
Janine says
Aw, I sure hope so Karen and still can’t believe she is going to Kindergarten now.
Bev says
It must be hard to believe that both of your daughters will be in elementary school! I’m already thinking about a pre-preschool program for Eve this fall which is just crazy to me. Great advice for any child as they get older 🙂
Janine says
Bev, it is a bit surreal and still can’t quite believe it. We have all summer still, but I know that before I know it September will be here and both will be in school full time. Just so crazy!
Bill says
Bev’s daughter graduates from high school next week….finally, empty nest!!!!!!!!
It comes quickly, Janine. Enjoy it while you can, and Happy Wednesday to you.
Janine says
Wow, congrats to Bev’s daughter and I know it does go way too quickly though. Happy Wednesday once again to you, too!! 🙂
Diane Roark says
I wrote a similar letter to each of my kids when they were born or adopted. We recently read them. In 2028, your daughter will really appreciate these words. The letter will mean more to her since it was written some 13 years before her graduation. It is a beautiful love letter. Thanks for sharing!
Janine says
I love that you wrote letters to each of your kids, too. And you are right, someday I will most definitely show this to Lily hoping it means more than to her. Hugs 🙂
Sarah Coulter-Gremley says
Great advice. Words to live by.
Confessions of A Mommyaholic says
Thanks Sarah and I hope both my girls will as they get older 😉
Marcia @ Blogitudes says
For me, it seems like just yesterday when I was holding my precious nieces and nephews in my lap, watching them take their first steps, go to kindergarten … and now some of them are married and having babies of their own. I can’t believe how fast that time in-between flew. This is a beautiful letter, Janine. It’s filled with tremendous love and great advice and I’m sure your daughter will treasure it in the days to come. Thank you so much for sharing it. 🙂
Janine says
Aw, Marcia I was smiling reading all the times you have shared with your own nieces and nephews and now with those grand nieces/nephews, too. Thank you so much for sharing with me, too!! 🙂
Joanna McClanahan says
So sweet!
Confessions of A Mommyaholic says
Seana Turner says
Such great advice, Janine. I can’t tell you how beneficial reading is… the obvious benefits such as vocabulary and reading comprehension, but also the more subtle benefits like cultural literacy. Reading puts the knowledge inside of you without having to study!
Janine says
Seana, I truly agree about all the doors and worlds that reading does open up for kids as they are growing up. Thank you for sharing that here, too 😉
Jennifer Weedon Palazzo says
Great advice! And 2028 sounds so futuristic!
Confessions of A Mommyaholic says
Thanks Jennifer and I know, but 2015 sounded totally futuristic in Back to the Future and here we are with it being almost half way over! Crazy 😉
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons says
Aw! Love this!! Time truly does fly by – my oldest will be graduating high school in just FIVE YEARS!!!!!! Oy!
Janine says
Aw Lisa, thank you and as much as I know this is far off, I know it will be here quicker than I can blink!!!
April G says
Trust your instincts. Don’t be afraid to go against the norm tfor something that is right. Bunny is finishing 5th grade and only 7 short years left. Beautiful letter.
Janine says
Thanks April and love your advice, too!!! 🙂
lisacng @ says
A great letter, especially about reading a lot and keep on learning. Never think you’ve learned enough!
Janine says
I agree and don’t we ever do learn enough for sure!!
Dana says
I remember my own kindergarten graduation, and both of my kids’. So emotional! Class of 2028…wow. I may be a grandmother by then. 🙂
Janine says
Dana, you never know 😉
Jen says
Janine, this is lovely! She will be well prepared if she follows your list. Even though 2028 seems so far away, I promise it will creep up on you and she will be graduating before you blink. It just all goes so fast!
Janine says
Aw, thank you again, Jen and you are so right it all does go so fast indeed!!
another jennifer says
Perfect advice! I love #4 especially. A child that believes in herself will always go far.
Janine says
Thanks Jennifer and definitely agree 😉
Rebecca Krusee says
Janine, I agree with your points; especially read, read read. I have one child who enjoys reading and who does not.
Janine says
Thanks Rebecca and I know reading is just so important whether we like it or not.
Carrie Groneman says
Great post today Janine. It brings back memories of my letters, conversations and late nights with my kids all through their school years – oh wait we are still doing that! Carrie, A Mother’s Shadow
Janine says
Aw, love that you are still doing this and thank you so much, Carrie 😉
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me says
Can’t even really get my brain around my daughter being finished with first grade, never mind high school or college! Yikes!
All of these made me say “yes” and “absolutely” because they are good sound pieces of advice. Love that you have reading at #1. It’s so important in everything and I think often gives us the avenue to all the rest of your advice. Great post!
Janine says
Aw, thank you Lisa and I know I truly hope the years don’t go as quickly as I think they may though!
Tamara says
Aww.. crazy that you’ll have another elementary school kid soon! I love the advice to read, read, read. Scarlet has come so far in that regards, just because of the constant practice.
The idea of my kids graduating high school nauseates me, though! Sob!
Janine says
Tamara, I am truly not ready yet for either, but still know before I turn around it will sadly be the reality!
Leslie says
Class of 2028…wow how time does fly. So in agreement with #1 and #2; they go hand in hand! Keep at it and I’m sure she’ll grow up to be more amazing than you ever imagined (they both will).
Janine says
Aw, thanks so much Leslie and I have my fingers crossed for this now!! 🙂
Julie Jo Severson says
You nailed it. This is exactly what I need to write down for my own children. I’m tweeting this AND printing it. Thank you!
Janine says
Thank you so much Julie and truly appreciate you printing and tweeting, too!! 🙂
Eli@coachdaddy says
I just scheduled Elise’s first college visit for Monday. It wasn’t long ago that she skipped next to me holding my hand walking down the elementary school hallway. I don’t feel old at all and I don’t feel scared. I feel fortunate to have held her hand, and to still be at her side.
I love that your advice centered on support and happiness. At graduation time, we put the weight of the world on our kids. Change the world! Not everyone can be president or an astronaut. But they have potential to live their life full of love, kindness and happiness.
Janine says
Eli, I am so with you and definitely teaching my girls to be kind and happy, too as they grow up. And as for the college visit, I am wishing Elise the best first visit ever and keep me posted how it goes 😉
Kristi Campbell says
Aw, congratulations to your little graduate and I love your advice. Read. Learn. Think before you act. (good advice for me, too!).
Janine says
Aw, thanks Kristi and hoping she will follow my advice 😉
Rabia @TheLiebers says
The time from Kindergarten to middle school seemed like a blink,. so I know middle school and high school will be another blink! Crazy how fast time flies!!
Janine says
I know it is just crazy, Rabia and totally agree!
Jack says
That is a great list. Time really does move ever so quickly.
My kids just graduated from middle and elementary school this week but I could swear that just last week they were still in preschool.
Janine says
Thanks Jack and I know time is seriously flying here, too!
Rea says
Reading is a great advice! It’s not easy with Reiko but I’m sure I’ll get there. And I agree that kids have to learn not to do things just because the “cool” kids are doing them. That’s quite tough for kids growing up. Peer pressure is a tough thing to handle but with proper guidance, I’m sure everything will follow. Sweet sweet letter you have! 🙂
Janine says
Aw, thanks Rea and I hope everything good will follow. 😉
Chris Carter says
Aw!! Janine, this is just so sweet and such great advice!!! Tuck it away for your little girl, and in a blink of an eye, you an give it to her…
Sigh. <3
Janine says
Aw, thanks Chris 😉
Stacey aka the Soccer Mom says
Wonderful advice and all things that I wish I had did a better job of growing up. I did read a lot, but I regret not being more self-confident. Hopefully I can teach my daughters the things it took me 30 years to figure out!
Janine says
Aww, thank you Stacey and I hope the same here, too 😉
Aunt Gloria says
Such a beautiful letter and loving advice. I thought #3 especially poignant. I think Lily and Emma will both benefit from a mom who can share this kind of advice and offer them support …. growing up is not easy! They will probably most appreciate this when they are past the teen years and into womanhood. You are on target and a great mom! Congrats to Lily…. Love to all…..
Janine says
Aw, thank you so much always, Aunt Gloria and love you too!! Xoxo 😉
Aunt Gloria says
Janine says
Xoxo 😉
Catherine Gacad says
best advice ever…exactly what i would want to convey to my son.
Janine says
Thanks Catherine and know you will do your best for Franco, too 😉
The Pinterested Parent says
This is great Janine. #3 is a big one for me. I love that one. They are all important, but I don’t want my daughter to give into peer pressure. I want her to beat to her own drum like you said, no matter what the tune is, as long as she is true to herself.
Janine says
Thanks Kim and I know I truly hope neither of my girls will ever give into peer pressure either here, too.