Here we are back at Day 10 of The Spectacular Summer Blog Hop. Keep scrolling here below to read more on the tutorial on How to Make Extra Space in Your Craft Room.
This time out we are indeed happy to share some great advice on how to make more room for your craft room thanks to Ash and Eileen from Just Measuring Up.
Ash and Eileen are husband and wife DIY bloggers. They say that love working on projects in and around their own home. Plus, they hope their stories inspire you to check a few things off your project list!
Today, they also share some of their thoughts below in our short, but informative Q&A…
If your life was turned into a movie, what celebrity would you want to play you?
Definitely, Reese Witherspoon. When the movie Legally Blonde came out, everyone told me that she reminded them of me. I didn’t object (haha pun intended) because she is smart and beautiful AND owned that courtroom ☺
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Potatoes. I love potatoes – and all the different ways you can make them ☺
What was your first job?
My first job was at a bakery when I was 14 years old. I was way too responsible for a kid! 😉 Plus, I loved working there and continued all through high school. Also, I was given tons of responsibility there and was happy to get out of the house and be productive.
What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
The last thing I do before I go to sleep is to think over my day, think about my priorities for the next day, and think about all the things I am grateful for ☺
Now, Ash and Eileen are happily sharing their tried and true tips for how to make extra space in your craft room over at their blog today with some much needed organizational advice!
Seriously helpful and thrifty. You are going to want to check this one out for all your summer organizational needs on their blog.