One of the most significant contributors to household bills is groceries. The amount of money households spend on groceries accounts for at least a third of the general household expenditure. Therefore, saving money on groceries is essential. Grocery store coupons help significantly with this. Below are some tips for saving money on groceries using coupons.
Understand the different types of grocery coupons
The first and most important tip for using grocery coupons is understanding the various types and their differences. The market features a wide range of grocery coupon types. Note that different stores have varying policies on how the various coupons can be used or redeemed. Therefore, you not only need to understand how the different types of coupons work, but you also need to know where and how you can use them. Having this information will help you save more money. It will also make the process of redeeming the grocery store coupons easier and faster.
Consider shopping at stores that double coupons
Double coupons are where grocery stores double the face value of a coupon, allowing you to save twice the amount of money you would have saved initially. A lot of people have benefited from shopping at stores that double coupons over the past years. While this is not common to most grocery stores, you can always benefit from looking up stores that accept double coupons.
Understand the basics of coupon matchups
A significant part of using grocery store coupons is matching them up with store sales. You also need to know the stores that accept the coupons. Note that there are store coupons and manufacturer coupons. Some stores accept both types of coupons for the same item and others that do not. Recently, there has been a decline in grocery stores offering double coupons. This means that matching and stacking coupons is the best way to make up for the loss. Matching helps you cut the cost of groceries by a lot of money. Note that you can also save money on drugstores using this technique.
Know where to get the coupons
This is the first thing you should do before thinking of how and where to redeem the coupons. The internet features a host of websites offering grocery store coupons. However, it is worth noting that most of these websites are used by spammers to get email addresses from shoppers looking to save some money. Therefore, when looking for free grocery store coupons online, you should be very careful. Look into features like the reputation of the website offering coupons. Also, note that you do not need to pay money for the coupons. You can look out for weekly flyers for grocery store coupons.
Be on the lookout for grocery stores offering fake deals
It is common for stores to set up promotions that look like good ways to save money but offer no real money-saving benefit. For instance, a store will promote items with the buy one get one free offer, yet the price indicated is the same if you have gotten two similar items at a different store. Some stores go as far as to set up kids’ items near the checkout counter so that your kids do not miss them. Therefore, you need to be very careful about falling into these traps, lest you end up spending more instead of saving.
Grocery store coupons can help you save a lot of money. However, this will only happen if you are smart about it. The tips above should come in handy.