Blogging for me has become truly second nature. I have not gone a day, since I started without posting. I honestly love writing on my blog, because it is my own personal therapy many days, my sounding board, my outlet to the world wide over and just so much more.
I have also made so many wonderful friends from writing and sharing on here. I am so thankful for each and everyone of you. This, however, isn’t a Thanksgiving post, but more along the lines of a New Year’s Resolution Post. I still can’t believe the year is almost over and another New Year will be upon us before we know it.
I sat today thinking a bit about my writing on here and am trying to figure out where I want to go with it for the next year and the future, too. I would be lying to myself and all of you if I said I don’t want to make a name for myself and dream about having it be a household name someday. Probably a pipe dream, but can’t help it, but hope that I can get my work out there for others to see and hopefully enjoy. I mean isn’t that the dream for most if not all writers? We just want our work to be read by many and indeed enjoyed, too.
That said, I have done so much this past year and have written a ton. I started my hand back as most know with Hubpages at the beginning of June, moved over to my blog in late August and then even wrote a novel for NaNoWriMo in November. I still need to finish that up and start the editing process. I figure Rome wasn’t built in a day and once the holiday season is indeed over, I can return to it and give my full attention.
I also am a wife and fulltime Stay At Home Mom Right, now. I have a ton going on everyday with my family and have really tried to use my blog as a place to share the good, the bad and the ugly for my readers. I try to tell it like it is and never white wash it. Thus, the reason that I seem to fall under the Mommy Blogging Category.
To that end, I also recently started to branch out to Blog Listing Sites, such as Top Mommy Blogs, BlogHer and few others, too. Besides that I also joined affiliate advertising programs, that include iTunes, Build A Bear, Fisher Price and so many more. I, even, also co-ran my first giveaway contest to thank my loyal readers, as well as branch out to new readers, as well.
As for the New Year and the future, I have a few new ideas and such that I will be adding to the mix. First, I am currently looking into is sponsoring and advertising with other bloggers. If you are interested in advertising with me, please let me know. Also yesterday, I made mention to the new blog hop I will be hosting on Fridays in the New Year, as well. Lastly, you will most likely being seeing a bit of new look on here, too soon. I had mentioned in the past that I won a blogging design e-course. Well, I recently finished my design and will be uploading it hopefully in the near future. So stay tuned for that as well.
In this vain, I am trying to see what other avenues I can explore to indeed put my name out there and possibly make a few more dollars. Unfortunately, with a family and only one income coming in, I need to be making more than pennies, but I do realize this too takes time. In the end, I guess I just need to see what sticks and works best.
That said I know I have seen others that I write with do this and felt I too could benefit from including a poll here to find out what you my readers enjoy to see on my site now and for the future, too. So, if you wouldn’t mind taking the time to complete the survey and even hit me up in the comments section, too, I would completely appreciate it. Thanks in advance!!
[polldaddy poll=”6765155″]
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JanineHuldie says
Thanks Julie and I guess I do have a way with sarcasm (get it from departed, but not forgotten grandfather!). Your comment made me laugh out loud a bit, because I guess I can see your point of it kind of being hard to really limit and make a final choice. Like the math website idea, too and have kind of let that go by the wayside recently. I am with you though on too many projects and still need to finish the ones I started, like my book!! Seriously, though thank you for your advice and you know how much I value it and our friendship, too 🙂
Erin McGarry Callawa says
I voted slice of life but also love me some sarcasm!! Looking forward to reading your blog in 2013. PS. How did you get those affiliates?? I'm so new to the blogging world (since late August) and I'm always looking for ways to make a dime or two!!!
Erin McGarry Callawa says
PS. Look at you #60 on top mommy blogs!!!! Way to go!
JanineHuldie says
Wow, thank you so much Erin. I am still kind of shock that I am climbing on Top Mommy Blogs. You are kicking butt too and so happy for you!! As for the affiliates, I belong to Google Adsense, Google Affiliates and Linkshare, as well Shabby Apple that actually contacted me through e-mail to join. Haven't made a ton yet, but I still relatively new and everyday is a learning curve for me. Thank you seriously for the votes on my poll and so happy to be reading your blog, too!!!
Meredith says
I am just like Erin below! I voted Slice of Life, but the sarcasm is great too. I think it's so cool to see all the cool things you are doing here, Janine, and I will be so neat to watch you just continue to grow by leaps and bounds. You've got an awesome voice, and it's great you are sharing it with all of us!
JanineHuldie says
Thank you so much for saying that Meredith. I guess like I said before I can't help, but infuse a bit of sarcasm into my posts. That is just truly my sense of humor. I am so very happy to have gotten to know you through blogging. And just as much as you enjoy my blog, I feel the same way about yours. thanks again!!!
JanineHuldie says
Lol, seriously Richard I love the snake idea for you. Your comment actually got read out loud to my mom this morning, because I was laughing so hard, she wanted to know what was so funny. Thank you so very much as always!!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks so very much Clark and just happy to hear what actually keeps folks coming back. It truly does help me in when I sit down to write and share.
Jane Marsh says
I like slice of life, with a tinge of sarcasm/wit thrown in. You do it well, and it's quite difficult to do slice of life consistently (and daily) without boring readers to tears–but you manage it. It's a gift I'd nurture and refine.
JanineHuldie says
Thanks seriously Jane and I will totally be taking your advice on nurturing my slice of life mixed in with my own brand of sarcasm, too!!!
Bill says
You definitely do a good job blogging. I'm just not into it like you and Julie and some others. I concentrate on my hubs and just don't have the time to devote to blogging. I hope you continue to find success on this road you have taken. 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Oh Bill thank you my friend and as much as I love Hubpages, I feel I can be more myself on here. Not to say, I won't be writing on there, because you know I still will, but not everyday (possibly every week or every other week). I think that has been working best for me at this point and why fix something that isn't broken per say. And you know I am still on Hubpages everyday to read your articles 🙂 🙂
Ruchira says
Janine, you sure are rocking as a blogger. You are good at it and also pat all your follower's backs by visiting them regularly. I am honored to be a part of your network, my friend.
With regards to the coming year…I would like to get a glimpse of your girls and their childhood and would also look fwd to blog hop on fridays.
Good luck! I am pretty darn sure, you will nail it :))
JanineHuldie says
Thanks so very much Ruchira and it has been my absolute pleasure to have gotten to know you a bit through Hubpages and more so through blogging. I also very much enjoy your blog and glad we are in the same network together, too!!
JanineHuldie says
Oh Eddy, thank you so very much for saying such kind things about my writing. I am truly glad others can relate to my writing and try very hard when writing to make sure that I am conveying my thoughts and feelings to all. You too are just a wonderful writer and person, too. I am so happy to have gotten to know you on Hubpages and truly glad you had Merry Christmas and hope you have an even better New Years!!
AudreyHowitt says
I like slice of life actually–there is so much room for humor and poignancy and all kinds of other stuff then!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Audrey. Totally appreciate your input and honesty here 🙂 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Amy and excited to put it up my new design, but have to wait for a bit of help, because the course I took is all on Blogger and to upload it here will take a bit of tweaking. So, the course instructor will be helping in her spare time. Glad to know though I am not alone in the wanting to see a bit more profit 🙂 🙂
Collette Merritt says
Other … Write what moves you … The money will follow!!! That is my eternal dream and prayer!!!!
Warm regards
Collette Merritt
JanineHuldie says
Oh thanks so very much Collette. That I can totally do 🙂 🙂
Cyndi says
I love all of what you write about and would love to see more of it all. 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Cyndi so very much and that is how I feel about your writing too 🙂 🙂
Emily says
I had a tough time choosing one thing…I didn't choose slice of life only because I assume you'll keep going with those, which I think are a huge part of your blog and always a joy to read. Janine, you are truly an inspiration and have accomplished so much in such a short time…I say, keep doing what you're doing because you're definitely headed in the right direction. Looking forward to seeing your new blog design as well as all the other projects for 2013…Happy New Year!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Emily and my mom said the same as you about choosing, lol!! I truly appreciate your kind words here and for always being so thoughtful to me. You know I feel the same about reading your blog and just so happy we connected this past year. Happy New Year right back to you and your family!!
Nikki says
Hello there! First off i want to start by saying your girls are adorable! I found ya on "I love my post" hop & I'm a new follower of yours via twitter. I took your poll and i tweeted your link {@TheCraftySide} for a few other people to stop by and take your poll. If you get a minute please stop by to say hi. I hope you & your family are having a great Saturday!
JanineHuldie says
Thank you so very much Nikki for stopping by and your lovely comment, too. I also appreciate you voting and sharing this one also. I just followed you back on Twitter and left a message on the Zombie Cupcakes post from today on your blog. Very happy to be following you back now, too 🙂
Stephanie Sprenger says
Great post, and it sounds like you have a good sense of direction for the new year. I have been meaning to ask you, how on earth do you find time to write every day staying home with your girls? I only work part-time, but I have a few days each week where I am finished teaching for the day and my youngest is in childcare still and my oldest is in school. That is one of the only chances I have to write, and this winter break has been really challenging for me, trying to find time to write. I have been thinking about you a lot this week and wondering how you make it happen- share your secrets please! 😉
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Stephanie. To be honest, my writing time seems to be mostly during either nap or bed time. I get the most amount done when my kids are sleeping. I still want to get more done on my book though and write a Hubpages articles here and there and that is what has been taking a back seat. I find this the most relaxing though, because I am truly writing so much from the heart and that is why I seem to be able to do this during those quiet moments in my day. Don't ask what my house looks like many days though, lol 🙂
lenetta says
Hi. I found you through the Super Sunday Blog Hop. Please stop by and say hi when you get a minute. Happy New Year !
JanineHuldie says
Thanks again Lenetta for stopping by and saying hi. So happy to see you here and will stop by yours in a few 🙂 Happy New Year, too!!
JanineHuldie says
Oh thanks so very much Jamie for stopping by and for tweeting, too. Here is to an awesome 2013 for you, too!!!
Terrye says
Janine, I think you are doing great so far and no matter what way you chose to go, it will be great. Just have fun doing it! 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Oh thanks Terry and seriously having a ton of fun, especially since I became with friends with you!!!
Christopher Desatoff says
My first choice was Slice of Life, but – like Julie – I think that blogging about your daily/family life is a given. So I would go with product reviews. Not tons of them and not too commercialized…maybe just products that you find helpful as a busy, at-home-mom/wife and a little story or personal example to go along with it.
If it's useful for you, then it would probably be useful for some of your at-home-mommy readers too. Hope that helps, Janine. Aloha
JanineHuldie says
Thank you so very much Chris and definitely appreciate your take on the product reviews and like how I could weave my own experiences in on that and will definitely have to use that thought process in the future. Aloha back at you too 🙂 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Melissa and congrats again on the domain name. So very excited for you. Happy New Year to you and your family!!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Mel and so very kind of you to say. It is funny, but I do the same with your blog and usually read it first thing in the morning, because of the time difference. I look forward to my mornings, because of your blog posts. That said thank you so very much again 🙂 🙂
Kera says
Love you new blog design, by the way! Good luck on your blogging and life goals for 2013. I think it's going to be a great year 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thank you so very much Kera and feel the same way for you. Am totally wishing you only the best and do think it will be a great one for us 🙂 🙂
Jackie says
Hi Janine. First let me say how very much I like your blog and congratulations on winning the design contest. I also saw two adorable pictures of children down below. You have been blessed.
Your goals all seem reasonable to me and I hope you succeed in each and everyone. From glancing at your comments that some of your regular readers have left I know you will succeed as you seem very determined.
Happy new year and happy weekend!
Janine Huldie says
Oh thank you so very much Jackie and Happy New Year and Weekend to you, too!! I totally appreciate your kind words here about my kids and my blog as well!! Thanks 🙂 🙂
xmasdolly says
Hi Stopping by from Friendship Friday. Have a great weekend.
Janine Huldie says
Thank you xmasdolly and hope you have a great weekend, too!!
Homemaker Mom says
You have a very nice blog! I am stopping by from the Friendship Friday Blog hop
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Homemaker Mom and have a great weekend!!! 🙂 🙂
Xmasdolly says
I don't get it. Why do you sign up at Friendship Friday? If you're not here? Your last comment was a month ago. Am I missing something here? Oh well, have a nice weekend whenever you happen to read this. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
I didn't and haven't joined in weeks, because I have been too busy and do my own linkup on Fridays. Didn't think it was fair to linkup if I couldn't actually read a few posts. So I feel like I am missing something?? This post is old and from the end of 2012, so I am truly confused at your comment today.