Normalcy is one word, but oh how I have been longing for it since Hurricane Sandy has hit. First, we had the storm itself hit, which as already described here unnerved me. Then, we had the aftermath of having no power and much more, which can be read about here. And then we finally got power back, but had others close to us still without, did our part to help out and can read about that here.
But through it all I longed for just a sense of just what I already stated with the word normalcy. By the way, I would like to take a moment and say that I am sorry that I have not been online as much or sharing as much as I would like for my writing friends on Hubpages and blogging, too. I am trying believe me, but just can’t seem to catch up as much as I would like. I truly hope no one thinks I am being rude or ignoring them, but there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in my already long day.
And then of course November 1st began NaNoWriMo, where you try your hand at writing a novel without abandonment for 30 days and nights. The goal is 50,000 words written with no need about editing right now, but just write your hearts content out. I was on the fence when I first heard about this back in October, but the more I heard about it the more I caught the bug and finally last week threw my hat in the ring so to speak.
Then, of course, news of Hurricane Sandy began to circulate and the closer we got the more imminent it appeared that we would most likely lose power, but so not sure for how long. When we did lose power on Monday night October 29th, I was not only worried for obvious reasons about how long we would be without power, but selfishly for NaNoWriMo, which started November 1st as I already stated. I was truly excited for it now and couldn’t imagine not being able to actually participate.
When we did get the power back on Halloween night, I not only was ecstatic to have electricity and heat back (obviously), but was thrilled that tomorrow was November 1st and would be online for NaNoWriMo.
NaNoWriMo 2012…However, we were the only ones to get power back and then began the days and nights of having a packed house. I truly was happy to give back and do this for our family. I love them all and wanted to do whatever I could do to help.
But my writing and online time was not be as much I would have liked. I feel terrible for those I am friends with on Hubpages, because I know that I have not been as present or available as would like to be. And even to my blogging friends, who I have been trying to keep up with and am sorry also if I have missed any of your posts, too.
My schedule, since the power came back, has been to write my blog posts during any free or down time during the day (which is few and far between). And then I write my butt off into the wee hours of night once my kids are asleep and the house is quiet, all for my novel. Last night for instance, I wrote almost 1500 more words and by the last 200 or so, I had to take a few minutes break before wrapping up, because my eyes were beginning to shut down and could feel myself fighting sleep.
My novel for those who are wondering is titled, “Lessons Learned” and is a fictional account of some my own trials and tribulations in the dating world in my youth. It is very loosely based and just trying to keep it real though. My main character (Carly) went through a terrible loss of a family member and is now just beginning to come out of this loss by having met a young guy (Colin), who has completely taken her world by surprise. I have an idea of where I am going with this, but each new writing day brings new thoughts, twists and turns.
I will tell you that through this whole ordeal, my writing is my once sense of normalcy (yes that word again) and has kept me sane in my slightly insane world right now. I thank god for it and even welcome it, because I am a writer through and through. So even when the chips were down, I took to my keyboard and wrote my deepest, darkest thoughts here, because it made me feel like I could at least get it all out somewhere.
Even when I have not had a moment to seemingly catch my breath, I wrote, because it comforted and calmed me. When I was and am too tired to write, I just kept and keep writing, because I don’t want to stop ever. So I leave you with this and ask this one simple question, am I the only one who would love to write all day and night long if I could and is comforted by writing?? Weigh in, hit me up in the comments section, and let me know.
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JanineHuldie says
Oh thanks Eddy and so happy to see you here today!!!
JanineHuldie says
Thank you for sharing Rasma and so appreciate knowing that I am not alone on this, because it was the one thing that helped get me through the craziness and madness, too of this storm and aftermath. I love writing and just can't help, but feel so comforted by it. leo, thank you for your kind words about my family, so very appreciated 🙂 🙂
Emily says
Yes Janine, writing is extremely therapeutic for me! During this Sandy nightmare, all I do is write blog posts in my head, and can't wait to type them out later…
JanineHuldie says
Emily, I did that for two days and finally wrote on my laptop again just couldn't stop. It all came pouring out of me and was so very therapeutic. I guess I can thank god that since this is my therapy that I am saving a ton of money in that arena, lol!! No seriously, I just love to write and couldn't imagine doing anything but. By the way, still thinking about you and your family and truly hope I see a post on FB later that you have had power return. My fingers, toes and everything else crossed for you guys 🙂 🙂
Bill says
The best part of this whole blog was the statement that you are a writer through and through….yes you are! 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thank you Bill, because coming from you I take that as a huge compliment. You my friend are pinnacle to me and only hope to be as good as you someday. Thanks always 🙂 🙂
Ruchira says
You are a terrific writer, Janine and I am pretty darn sure your book will be amazing amidst this personal chaos. Good luck, my friend!
JanineHuldie says
Thank you so very much Ruchira for saying that and hope to god my book does come out Ok and that others will enjoy it. Thank you, thank you as always 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thank you Cari and must tell you it was so hard and I hate to complain, because I don't have the right, but seriously never so happy to be back up and running again!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Laura and so glad someone else could relate to writing just being plain normalcy. Also, so happy someone has some interest in my novel, because I am not sure where it is completely going yet, but truly hope that when all is said and done all will read and enjoy someday 🙂
Lonna says
What os this normalcy thing you speak of. I'll be around often. The novel challenge is interesting and I'm glad that you identify yourself as a writer.
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Lonna and have truly been enjoying the novel challenge. Happy that you will be around these parts often 🙂
Cyndi says
I think you're being hard on yourself – I think you're INCREDIBLE the way you've kept up with your blog and commenting and even NaNo. Wow! You're superwoman. 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thank you so very much Cyndi and I think you too are incredible. I try my best, but somehow lately I have felt like it wasn't good enough. I truly appreciate your constant support and kindness, too 🙂
Kelly says
Curious what is hubpages? BTW – I also get stressed out about not being able to keep up with everyone's blog. It's hard because other bloggers don't really read and comment on mine anymore because I didn't keep up with theirs enough, but it's life. We can't do it all even when we, as women, think we can 😉 I'm glad your have your writing to comfort you and I would have to second Cyndi because I feel like you are always so good at keeping up with everything then I feel like I'm not doing enough!
JanineHuldie says
Kelly, Hubpages is a writing site that I belong to and others that I have connected with and sometimes comment on here belong to. Hubpages truly is a wonderful site to be a part of a write on, because most everyone on there is so very supportive and helpful. I actually started out on there first and then got into blogging. That said, I can understand not always having time keeping up and I feel terrible if I am making you feel that way. Believe me I have my days too and we are only human. Thank you seriously for always being so kind and for all your support and kindness, too 🙂
Kelly says
Lol, don't feel bad. I just meant you are doing a great job 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Seriously, thank you for saying that Kelly 🙂
gigigirl says
I look forward to reading your book. It's wonderful that writing is so much a part of your life. Stay with it and I know you will be happy. xxoo
JanineHuldie says
Aunt Gloria, thank you so much and so happy that others are interested and would want to read my book, too 🙂 xoxo
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Steph, seriously I just take advantage of every free moment I can and see where it takes me.
Stacy Harris says
Writing is normalacy for me as well… I just wish there were days when I could do nothing but write and without the distractions. I love my kids dearly, but it gets unnerving when I get interupted every five minutes. And I can understand how crazy it has been. With you have Sandy come through even more so with you. I have been trying to keep up and really failing miserably at it. Glad I don't have company though – my house is trashed because I have let the chores slide! Yikes
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Stacy for letting me know that writing is also a normalcy for you, too. I am so with you on the kids distractions, also and lose count how many times a day I have to stop, because my name is called. As for Hurricane Sandy, it has been non-stop., not complaining, but still it has set my writing on its ear. Thank you again as always!!
Melanie Chisnall says
I can completely relate to you! Writing for me is normalcy as well – if I got a day without writing I feel like something's missing. I never used to write on the weekends – but NaNo is changing that. I never thought I'd enjoy writing a book – in fact, I was terrified of it. It seemed like something only certain people could do – like famous authors. I look forward to writing my blogs and book every day. I wish I could do this forever. I'm so glad things are back to normal for you now and you can write to your heart's content again!! 🙂 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Melanie and reading this I could totally relate, especially about the book part. I was pretty scared too and thought I wouldn't be able to either. But just like you I can't stop myself now. Glad to know I am not alone and in good company 🙂 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Julie, I am still in shock I am too to be honest and am so trying to do it all, because I once I started writing my novel the flood gates completely opened and now I just don't want to stop. Thank you seriously for all you support and kindness to me always 🙂 🙂
Christy says
I am proud of you Janine and hope your schedule does quiet down soon. Sending hugs and sharing the post xx
JanineHuldie says
Thank you so much Christy for your kind words and for sharing, too!! Just can't say thank you enough 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thank you so much Amy and am truly on fire right now with over 16,000 words written so far for the month. Very excited and so happy to hear that others have some interest when I do finally complete and hit that publish button. Seriously you put a smile on my face and thank you for that, too 🙂 🙂