“That one is going to give you a run for your money,” my dad said while Lily was recently screaming after dinner when she wanted to have her milk in her cup without the top or straw.
Yes, it was a bit of a showdown, because I wasn’t born yesterday and knew the mess I was indeed in for if I gave into her and let her have her way.
So, she dug in her heels, crying, screaming and telling me, “No I don’t want it!”, during her temper tantrum induced meltdown.
And then even yesterday, I heard out of Kevin, “This kid is so going to give us trouble, when she gets older.”
This time out, she was being quite disruptive with the two little purple plastic patio chairs my mom bought the girls. It would seem Lily decided they were more for decorating with then to actually sit it. She was driving her father quite mad and even when being warned not to do this, she would look him in they eyes, do it anyway and then flash a huge smile trying to be cute.
I will say this, she knows how to play her hand most times.
Specifically, I found this out about a month ago, when she and Emma were playing in our bathroom.
As the story goes…On any given night, you never know what you are going to get in my house of craziness. See with two little girls who are 16 months apart, the comments and even activities can be quite insane and even just very often make me want to not only shake my head, but also just laugh my ass off, too!
So what had me laughing and shaking my head that night? Well to read more, please go to When Crazy Meets Exhaustion today to get more oversharing Lily style, I am guest blogging there today. Click Here!!
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Sara Perrera says
AHHHH they sell a Doc McStuffins doctor jacket? I need to get this! Now I'm off to read some more Lily stories.
Janine Huldie says
We got the whole doctor's kit at Toys R Us with the jacket included. My girls are huge dress up fans so this one works perfectly for them and hope you can find it. Think Amazon would probably sell it, too!! Thanks Sara 🙂
The Next Step says
I love that doctor coat too – and look what I just found on Amazon! http://www.amazon.com/Just-Play-McStuffins-Doctor…
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Lori for looking and knew Amazon had to carry it!! 🙂
The Next Step says
lol, my MIL recognized the little devil that resides inside my youngest from pictures of the girls at 9 months old alone! she's definitely giving me a run for my money! now I just wish I had a quarter for every time she pushed the limits – her college tuition would be paid for!
Janine Huldie says
Oh same here about the quarters. Seriously, this kid was up last night screaming in her sleep about a sweatshirt. Yes, she wanted to wear one and wouldn't stop crying until I put one on her. Seriously, love her to pieces, but she is crazy, lol!!
The Next Step says
mine screams about not being able to find a specific piece of paper with a specific set of stickers affixed to it. she slams her back against her chair if she can't find the random inanimate object that she's developed an attachment to (it changes about every 2 weeks.)
Janine Huldie says
Oh god mine screams whenever she doesn't get what she wants. It doesn't even have to be anything that great or wonderful, but if she wanted it and doesn't get it, watch out!!
Robin Rue says
Ooooh, a little Doc McStuffins. She does look pretty sweet & innocent, but I have two boys, so I know they are not always what they seem 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Lol, Robin. She truly is the devil in disguise many times, but I can say that, because she is mine and I love her so 🙂
WhenCrazyMeetsExhaus says
She sure is a cutie!!
Janine Huldie says
Can argue you with you there, Stephanie, lol!! 🙂
Kristi Campbell says
I love the photo of her in her doctor's costume! She is adorable! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Kristy and that photo does put a smile on my face and so I had to share it here again!! 🙂
Cyndi says
Yeah, that photo of her in the doctor's costume is really cute. 🙂 And it's so fun to see how they have different personalities, isn't it? Hehe.
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Cyndi and couldn't agree more about seeing my kids different personalities!! 🙂
Melissa Schwartz says
What a cutie!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Melissa!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Very interesting and think I may have to agree with you on Lily being a Scott. She is definitely has more of a predator nature many times and can totally see that!! Thanks as always Clark 🙂
Kat Biggie says
Jelly Bean loves her hair band! Adorable! And I found it ironic that the ad showing up on this post was about unplanned pregnancy! Let's hope not!!
Janine Huldie says
Lol, got to love Google Ads and matching the apparent content, but seriously that headband is too cute and so glittery!! 🙂
Emily says
Isn't it funny how our kids all come out so different and there's nothing we can do about it? I am amazed at the differences I see with my boys…sometimes I wonder where they came from ! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh I know Emily and will say that some of the behaviors, I can tell you who they came from, but others just plan leaving me dumfounded and quite frankly shaking my head!! 🙂
Bill says
Yep, I would say she is going to test you a few more times in the future. 🙂 Good luck, Mom. I won't be able to see your guest post. Too much to do and I still have to get my blog posted for the day. Have a great day, Janine.
Janine Huldie says
Thanks as always Bill. No worries and hope you have a wonderful day!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh man Kelly sounds like you can relate and commiserate a bit, too! And I know she does look like an angel, lol!! Thanks 🙂
Lanaya @ Raising Rea says
Reagan is going through a similar stage and I want to pull my hair out. She even follows up every rant with an "uuugggghhhh" like it's going to make a difference!
And even though she's pissing me off right now {seriously — at this very moment!} I would still put pictures of her all over my Casetagram because she's so damn cute!
Thank you for the giveaway!
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo http://www.raising-reagan.com
Janine Huldie says
Trust me Lanaya, I know the feeling all too well. And get, "But why?" And like you as much as I want throttle her at times love her to pieces!! And seriously hope you entered, good luck 🙂 xoxo!!
Melissa S. says
Could she be more cute in that doctor's outfit??? Since our girls are as close together as yours, I totally understand. They feed off each other and so many times I know I should be chastising when I'd much rather just be laughing. Must remember to hide my face better. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh so true Melissa about them feeding off one another and there are too many times I have to walk out of the room, because I really can't help, but laugh. So I can totally relate to that and them some!! 🙂
Jason says
I'm sure I'd have multiple pics of the kids. I may also include some of my favorite art pieces I've created.
As for the kids, right there with you sister. My 'Lil Man is only 3, and is pushing buttons and testing the water SO much, I'm already getting out the straight jacket! We must prevail!!!!
The Cheeky Daddy
Janine Huldie says
Oh Jason could have used one today with my older one who would not nap and is still getting over another cold. Can we say beast?? Seriously though, so good to know I am not alone and good luck on the raffle and love that you would include art pieces, too 🙂
AnotherCleanSlate says
The cutest ones are usually the most trouble. Good luck!
Janine Huldie says
Oh so true and couldn't agree more!! 🙂
Christy Birmingham says
Oh dear, sounds like she had quite a tantrum! I did like your guest post and it's a cool opportunity for you!! Hugs!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so very much Christy and yes she definitely did have a doozy of a tantrum!!
ttoombs08 says
She's gonna be hell on wheels when she hits her teen years. lol Better move to a VERY small town so every move she makes will spread like wild fire and you'll know about it before she gets home. 😉
Janine Huldie says
Don't you know it and we do live in rather small town already, but still think we are screwed, lol!!
Ruchira says
I don't believe you, Janine. You gotta post a video to prove it.
Those innocent eyes can't be making you hop, skip around…lol
voted for you 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Lol, I should take a video if nothing else to show to her when she is older to prove how loud she could be!! 🙂 Thanks as always Ruchira!!
GirlieOnTheEdge says
Janine, most excellent (and uber cute) pic of your scottian princess! The look on her face? = "ya got a problem with that?!" LOL
Janine Huldie says
Lol and thanks girlie. She does do that face quite well 🙂
Chelle says
I love that show Doc McStuffins. Watch it even when the kids aren't around.
Janine Huldie says
I know Chelle it is a really cute show and couldn't agree more!! 🙂
Justin K says
I can see how it would be hard for Mom (or Dad) to say "no" to that face! 🙂
Justin Knight-
Writing Pad Dad
Pad Dad Blog
Janine Huldie says
Lol, Justin, but oh so true!! 🙂 🙂
gigigirl says
Kids like Lily surprise you….they become really solid teens and adults. Having strong convictions and sticking to her guns could prove positive traits down the road. You seem to handle her well so my guess is she will not be as difficult as you think. She's adorable and I know you and Kevin love her no end. That will get you through it all! xxoo Aunt Gloria
Janine Huldie says
Thanks for saying that Aunt Gloria and needed that after the afternoon I had with her yesterday. She is truly so strong willed, but so smart (sometimes too smart for her own good). I love her to pieces, but she is so trying my patience daily!! Love you too xoxo 🙂
gigigirl says
Read your guest blog….water, water everywhere! Thank goodness it was sink water! xxoo Aunt Gloria
Janine Huldie says
Oh I know Aunt Gloria. Quite the mess, but I had to refrain from laughing in front of her, because as messy as it was, it was kind of funny, too!! xoxo 🙂