Am I the only nut job that can start a conversation with a complete stranger when I am out at a store? Once upon a time, I would go into a store, get what I need and leave.
I remember going out with my grandmother somewhere when I was younger. She would stop and talk to everyone. Guess what? Everyone loved her too, because she was so very friendly and outgoing. My grandmother could literally start up a conversation with anyone and it used to drive me crazy. I would tell her all the time, “Nana if we are going somewhere please don’t stop to talk, because we need to get what we need quickly.” She would always promise me she wouldn’t, but then of course once we were in the store it was a whole different story and it would drive me bonkers.
It was so very simple for me if I was by myself shopping though, but then I got married and had children. Guess what? I have turned into my grandmother along the way and somewhere up in the pearly gates she is smiling down getting a huge chuckle out of this at my expense.
Take today for instance. I needed to go to Walgreen’s and get a few items including buying more Motrin and Benadryl for my girls who both appear to have slight colds. My mom offered to watch the girls while I ran out to the store. Ever thankful that I could go to the store in peace and quiet without two screaming little girls in tow, I took her up on this offer.
I got there and found everything I needed just fine. Then, I went to the pharmacy register, because most of what I had in my basket was indeed pharmacy related. As I was waiting to pay, there is a young married girl at the register asking about iron and pre-natal vitamins. The girl working the pharmacy register seemed to have no clue about this. As I was listening to her ask if pre-natal vitamins contain iron, I was biting my tongue hearing the checkout girl answer I am not sure. She looked confused and of course my mommy self (and my grandmother who inhabits me from time-to-time too) was screaming, “Tell her what you know.”
I bite my tongue for a moment and then of course interjected politely and told her to look on the packaging that she had for her own pre-natal vitamins to find this out. I also told her that most pre-natal vitamins do contain some levels of iron, but beware or taking extra iron supplements, because too much iron will constipate you. Hell, I wish someone would have shared this lovely nugget with me during my first pregnancy, when lo and behold I found this out the hard way, literally! After sharing this, she stopped talking to the brain dead cashier, turned the conversation to folic acid and proceeded to tell me that she was told it wasn’t in her pre-natal vitamin, but should be taking it. She pretty much wanted to know if it wasn’t in her vitamin for sure and why she should be taking it. I told her again the packaging would tell all, but that most times in the first trimester you will need to take a bit extra, because folic acid equals brain development for the baby and so very important and essential.
She practically hugged me and and then told me that she just found out she was pregnant again after having a miscarriage with her very first pregnancy at three months an having had a D & C. She wished she had a better doctor the first time out, because had she knew what I had just shared maybe she could have had a different result. As it is she just changed doctors, but asked me about my own doctor. I ended writing down my doctor’s information for her, because he is a high risk specialist and it sounded like she could use all the extra help and/or reassurances after all she had gone though the first time out.
My heart truly went out to her and even told her a brief overview of what had happened to me with having had a chemical pregnancy right before getting pregnant with Lily to try and reassure her that this time the outcome could result in so much happier and better possibilities.
In the end, I felt like I did a good deed, but thought to myself I must be nuts to have had this whole conversation with a complete stranger. But let’s face it I was pregnant for pretty much two years with a seven month intermission between Emma and Lily, so when it comes to pregnancy and even babies,I know more than I ever thought I could know. I am not an authority or even a doctor by any means, but still have a vast knowledge now on this topic.
But then again, I am probably as Jim Morrison once crooned about one of those strange people!
So now of course, I am left here for some reason reliving a song from my youth, by Jim Morrison and The Doors, “People Are Strange”. And seriously this song says it so much better than I could!
Now enjoy The Doors with “People Are Strange”:
Jane Marsh says
My people are strange confession: When I spend entire days working at home all by myself I start talking to myself on Facebook.
JanineHuldie says
Thanks for sharing that Jane and I feel like I am in great company with you on being a bit strange and quirky, too!!! Thank you again for the award, you truly made my morning 🙂
Bill says
You and Bev would get along just fine. She talks to everyone at the store; I just hang out five feet away and hope they don't talk to me. LOL She is a gregarious one for sure. I love that you talk to people; you make the community a smaller place by doing so. Well done Janine!
JanineHuldie says
Bill, sounds like I would totally get along with Bev and thanks for making me feel a bit less crazy 🙂 🙂
Stacy Harris says
For me it kind of depends on my mood. I have been standing there and a stranger will start talking and I will feel awkward and then run away. then there are other times that I am that stranger and I will talk your ear off. Why – because of the mood I am in that day. But it all really depends on the situation, the timing and my mood. I guess the planets need to align! 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Stacy and sounds a bit like an ex-boyfriend I had back in the day, who once told he would know if someone was meant for him if all the stars in the sky and planets aligned. Sorry couldn't resist, but he did say this to me and something that I will never quite forget. That said I am more of the type that doesn't discriminate and just talks all the time, lol!!
JanineHuldie says
Steph, I live (have lived all my life) in NY (about 45 minutes out of NYC), so I am not sure what that says about me!! But seriously, I am truly just a chatterbox!!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Vikki and seriously so glad I am not alone on this one either 🙂 🙂 Especially loved hearing how it works sometimes, but not always, lol!!
Cari @ MeetMyHusband says
I totally do the same thing, Janine! I used to think people were so weird when they'd talk to me in stores. As I get older and have more experience, I just can't help myself when I meet someone who might benefit from hearing it. I don't think you're strange; I think you're friendly. 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Oh thanks Cari and love that yet again we seem to have so much in common 🙂 🙂
Emily (OhBoyMom) says
I've turned into your grandmother too Janine! It's funny because I used to be such a shy person, but as I've gotten older (and older), I've become more bold, especially when talking to strangers. I could see myself doing exactly as you did with that woman at the pharmacy and yes, I think it was a good deed, especially since the girl behind the counter was clueless. I also think maybe us mom-types talk to strangers (or any adult for that matter) when we are out and about because we spend most of our days with our kiddies (not that we don't love them of course) and as writers, we are very solitary, so when we're out, we'll chat up a storm!!
JanineHuldie says
Oh I love your reasoning Emily (and you are probably right that having no one but little kids to talk to and writing all day, I crave some kind of adult conversation) and love that you too have turned into my grandmother (she would have loved you!!).
JanineHuldie says
Kate, those people need to butt out. My train of thought is always try to be polite and helpful when talking to others and would never dream of being that
rude. That said when I am with my girls I try not to talk to much, but still can't always help myself. I really need a mute button sometimes, lol!!
Cyndi says
You helped me, too. I had a miscarriage last year at about 3 months. It was traumatic for sure. But, your info is good to know and I should change doctors. I was using a midwife and they wouldn't even see me until I was 10 weeks…*sigh* Thanks for this info.
JanineHuldie says
Cyndi, before I even got pregnant for the first time, I had called my then doctor and asked if I could come in to talk about going off the pill and trying. I had never actively tried to get pregnant, so I had a lot of questions. I was told by the receptionist they would even look at me until I was at least 8 weeks pregnant. I changed doctors and he was a nightmare (pretty much told me during my chemical pregnancy on the phone that it was a loss and hung up on me). Talk about being doctor shy after that. I thank god that a girl I worked with forced her doctor on me, because he ended up being the best doctor and delivered both my girls successfully (especially Lily after I was considered high risk from 22 weeks on). Moral of the story, the doctor you choose is so very important, because you have to trust them not only with your life, but your unborn baby's too.
Sorry for the long winded response, but I have so been there and my heart goes out to you. If you ever have any other questions or need to talk, message me. Seriously, I have been through enough with two successful pregnancies and would be more than willing to help in any way that I can 🙂 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Oh thanks for saying that Chris. I really did want to help her and I remember being pregnant the first time out and being clueless. I read a ton and asked a lot of questions, but wished I could have asked someone and not been thought a fool for not knowing. I hope she did indeed go home and think that I was a help and not just a crazy lady. She did keep thanking me, so I think she did think I was a help 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Clark and that is exactly it and truly just wanted to as I said before to help her out a bit, which seemed not probably from the cashier that was a bit clueless.
JanineHuldie says
Oh I know Julie so true and nothing shocks me anymore either!!!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Melanie. I used to be like that when I was younger, but now I am a chatterbox and nothing fazes me truly. I think once you have kids and you are out somewhere and they are less than perfect (believe me this happens to many times that I have lost count), you become so desensitized that you are able to talk or say just about anything.
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Eddy. It is funny, but I have heard a story similar to your almost all my life. My grandmother and my mother were out shopping, when I was an infant. My mom had to go back in the store for something and my grandmother had me outside the store. Some man actually came up to my grandmother and said something about how cute I was and inferred I was my grandmother's daughter. My grandmother turned to him and said politely, "I think you may need glasses, because she is my granddaughter!" True story, but in the end she was totally flattered that he though she looked young enough to be my mother, lol!!
Stephanie Sprenger says
That was a great post. I too have found that, especially since becoming a mother, I strike up conversations with strangers almost everywhere I go. I did not grow up as a particularly outgoing person, so this is a new trait I have picked up. But I have found it to be really enriching- sometimes when I am too busy as a mom to see my friends or pick up the phone, having a meaningful conversation with a stranger fills my need for connection.
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Stephanie and same here about growing into my outgoing and chatty personality, because when I was younger I truly was so very shy and quite the opposite. But I do agree, that sometimes talking to strangers could fill the need for adult stimulation and connection, too.
Dani Ryan says
I do this too!!!! And I never thought I'd be the type to. But I do not talk to anyone except my 20-month-old all day long, so when someone so much as makes eye contact with me, I can't help myself. I. Must. Speak.
Thank you for The Doors clip. I love that song. Talk about a blast from the past.
Have a good weekend!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Dani and truly agree with having only a 3 year old and 2 year old all day long that I do get the urge to speak to others who can communicate a bit more properly and on an adult level. Love that I am not alone on this and also that you enjoyed The Doors song that I included!! Hope you too are having wonderful weekend!!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Dianna and I am loving that I am truly in great company on this one with you, too! Also love that others enjoyed my including The Doors song, too 🙂
gigigirl says
It runs in the family….being open to people and chatting with strangers. I'm sure you did this young woman a great favor and made her feel more secure. Sharing is a great way to spread the "wealth." You did good….and Adele is proud. Love ya…..
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Aunt Gloria and do hope my grandmother is proud of me. You are right though it does totally run in our family. Love u too 🙂 🙂