If I were a crayon…
I would have to be a pink crayon, because quite simply pink has always been my favorite color from the time I was a little girl.
Seriously as far back as I can recall, I was known as The Pink Girl.
I can’t even tell you if it was nature versus nurture on this one.
As my own mom has admitted that she always had wanted a girl, so that she could dress her up in dresses and the color pink from the get go.
But then again if it had been nurture, my own grandmother wouldn’t have clearly hated the color red, which she would tell me time and again over the years how her own mom had dressed her in red for the first few years of her own life.
But still, I was dressed in pink more often than not as a little girl when I was growing up. Even for my Kindergarten class picture, my mom dressed me in head to toe pink, which made me look like either a bottle of Pepto Bismol throw up or I was wearing pink washed out pajamas this class picture experience.
Either way, it didn’t stop me from adoring the color pink even on our local shopping trips to Woolthworth’s, the cashiers could be heard saying whenever we visited, “There she is The Pink Girl,” like I was the color pink’s super hero!
Nor did it deter one of my favorite uncles from teasing me mercifully about my adoration of the color pink.
See whenever we got together, this same uncle would tease me about what color I was wearing (yup still usually the color pink as a kid). When I would tell him pink, he would counter with any other color, but pink, such as blue, black or even red, just to ruffle my little, pink feathers!
But as I grew older, I still couldn’t help my slight obsession with pink, but just hid it a bit better I suppose, especially during my teen years as I knew deep down that this would only turn ugly with my peers if I were to wear shades of pink from head-to-toe all the time.
So trust me, I didn’t and made sure to keep my so-called cool card intact.
But then as fate would have it, I ended up becoming the mom to not one, but two little girls.
You guessed it, I went a bit pink crazy the first few years of their lives and even still now at times.
My older daughter ended up loving the color yellow for a bit though and try as I might yellow still seems to have a special place in her little heart.
My younger does love pink, too. But not as much as she loves the color blue, because in this day and age how could you not love Elsa Blue (yup damn Frozen movie rears it ugly head in my home still!).
But me, I am still partial to pink and even own a pink North Face fuzzy fleece coat, because pink finally has been embraced by the fashion gods of The North Face company.
So yes, The Pink Girl is alive and well here, but still has yet to try adult coloring books as much as I have wanted to.
But if and when I do finally get to, you can bet your bottom dollar that I will be coloring in shades of pink at the very least, because seeing the world through pink colored glasses can’t all be bad now!
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This pink crayon colored tribute was inspired and brought to you by Finish the Sentence Friday, which is hosted by Kristi of Finding Ninee and Alyssa Serben from Babies, Bloodhounds and Booze, Oh My!.
Emily says
And I just noticed your blog title is in pink too. 🙂 Loved all the nostalgic photos you put in this post!
Janine says
Aw, Emily pink is so my signature color and I just went through some old photos this week and couldn’t resist using them when I saw this prompt 😉
Kristi Campbell says
Second to the right on the bottom for the school pic right??? And aw, me too, when I was little. In fact, I so loved the combo of pink and yellow (weird now maybe but I still love it). Great way to do this prompt that I was struggling with for sure today at work then no time to write, and thank you! You rock. Also as a mom of girls, I’ve always just kinda assumed that your signature, etc. was pink because of them but I love knowing this about you too! (and don’t tell anybody but I really used to pray to have a girl.. but boys have their own awesomeness I promise)
Kristi Campbell says
Janine says
You just totally made me giggle and yes you got it!!! 🙂
Janine says
Aw, I won’t tell anyone and got to admit I always wanted girls and was a bit scared of possibly having boy, but still my mom always told me there is nothing like the love of a son. I will never know that love and just a bit jealous still. But I just couldn’t resist this prompt and honestly was so excited to write this post today once the girls were off at school. So thank you for the great and fun prompt this week. Oh and you totally rock, too 🙂
Kelly L McKenzie says
Ha! You would have been a wonderful aunt to my twin nieces back in the day. They adored pink. Everything had to be pink. Now that they are 33 they still wear the odd touch of pink. I am so impressed with the sound of your coat, Janine. I know they’d love it. Lovely to see you back here at FTSF, too. I am always so damn impressed how you manage to resurrect those photos. Magical.
Janine says
Kelly, I am not kidding I just went through boxes of old photos here and the trip down memory lane might find me sharing more childhood stories still. I have been scanning photos now in a little at time and loved that I could use these for this post tonight. Oh and I think I would love your nieces was they truly sound like my kind of girls, especially their love of the color pink! 🙂
Bill says
Too funny! If I had to choose a color it would be purple because I love the herb lavender…..but I look horrible in it. 🙂 Have a great Friday, Janine! I’ll be working on my other job most of the day. Glad I saw this tonight or I would have missed it. Good luck with the snowstorm heading your way.
Janine says
Aw, glad you did and love the color purple, too to be honest. Have wonderful Friday and weekend, too. I have my fingers crossed that this snow storm won’t be as bad as they say now.
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me says
My daughter would fit in quite nicely with you and your girls. We were certain we were having a boy. We actually hoped we were having a boy. Whatever would we do with a girl? And we certainly weren’t going to dress her in pink, of all things.
As it turns out, our Zilla is very much a girl and very pink. And she started picking out her colors very early – I remember having her in a store one day when she was very little, just barely speaking, and she said “No purple, Mommy. Pink!” And she’s been outfitting herself ever since. She loves pink and all the other things that go with it. She also loves sharks and Star Wars.She’s a woman of many facets!
Great story – loved reading all of this!
Janine says
Aw, thanks Lisa and both my girls are very particular as to what they dress in daily. Usually either a skirt or dress has to accompany it and yes pinks, purples and other girly colors, too have to be had as well! 🙂
ruchira says
haha…I absolutely loved your pink treat, J9.
And did ya know girls who love pink are as pretty as can be 🙂
Loved seeing your girls and how they have outgrown from pink to yellow and blue 🙂
Janine says
Aw, thanks Ruchira and love your assessment of the color pink so much, too 😉
Rea says
I LOVE PINK TOO! Nowadays I prefer the light pink color or pastel colors for that matter. Most little girls surely love pink too. I think it’s like the default color for girls. LOL
Janine says
I totally agree and think it is the default girl’s color, too!! 🙂
Bev says
So c ute how into pink you were! I have a good friend who always wears something pink. If you are looking for a present for her, it’s pretty easy to know what to buy!
I always loved the metallic crayons. I think bronze was my favorite because in general it is such an unusual color, and in some ways I always liked the idea of being a big different from everyone else.
Janine says
Bev, I am similar to your friend and gift that was pink would probably make me happy and smile, too. I like your reasoning for picking bronze though and definitely a different and unique color indeed 🙂
Cynthia says
I would be purple. But, I had different favorite colors. But it’s always come back to purple. Pink was one of mine for a time, yellow, orange, green…I just love the rainbow! 😀
Sending hugs. This was fun to read!
Janine says
Again, I love purple, too and definitely sending so many hugs and love right back at you!!! 🙂
Seana Turner says
Pink was always my favorite color too. Unfortunately, my older sister had been given a pink bedroom. I got the yellow room. I always wanted the pink room! Now that I’m older, I still love pink, but I’ve warmed to yellow and sort of feed badly about giving my Mom a hard time…
Janine says
Sean, don’t hate me, but I also had a pink room. My parent gave me the bigger room when my younger brother was born 6 years after me. My dad actually stayed up late nights and weekends, too panelling my room pink, staining molding pink and so much more to make me the perfect pink room. I honestly had forgotten that until your comment, but my dad seriously went all out and loved that room so much when I was a kid. What great memories 🙂
Ginny Marie says
What a fun trip down memory lane! My sister liked pink when we were growing up, so I had blue things so we could tell them apart. Now that I have girls, one likes pink and one likes purple!
Janine says
I love that your girls each like pink and purple. And thanks christa as this was such a fun trip down memory lane for me 😉
Robin (Masshole Mommy) says
Pink is my color, too. I go out of my way to get pink stuff these days now that I live in an all male household 🙂
Janine says
Love that we have this in common and totally go out of my way for point stuff too at this point!! 🙂
Jen says
I always pegged you for a pink girl! What cute little Janine pictures. How can you have 2 that don’t love it too. The ways of the Universe…. I loved pink too growing up, but as I have aged bright, hot pink is not my best color choice anymore 🙁 So I have had to transition to some other colors which I also love. I think my favorite color is kind of on a rotation basis. My kids like to ask me what my favorite color is each day. And in general each day does have a different color scheme. So is rainbow a good answer?
Janine says
Rainbow is a perfect answer and still have a special place in my heart for Rainbow Brite and Punky Brewster, too if that counts for anything 😉
Jill Robbins says
Pink is such a happy color…I always feel a little brighter when I wear it. And OMG those dresses with the pinafores! I had a whole bunch of those. SO CUTE!
Janine says
Pink is such a happy color and I know those pinafore dresses were so in back in the day and really wished whey were in when my girls were little, but not so. Still loved them!! 🙂
Tamara says
My sister was the pink girl but I always got purple everything.
Finally I had the guts to say that pink was my favorite too!
Janine says
Yay and more twin action going on once again!! 😉
Jhanis says
Love seeing photos of you when you were a kid! I honestly can’t remember what my favorite color was when I was a kid but I was known to wear a lot of black and gray clothes during highschool and college days. There was a time when I did not own a single pink clothing item. LOL I still love earth colors but I’m now comfortable wearing pink and yellow. Influenced by my daughter hahaha!
Janine says
Aw, yup lots of black here too in high school and college myself, but pink was always in my heart though!! 😉
Amanda || Growing Up Madison says
That is so Madison’s favorite color. I like pink but not LOVE it. I think that my color is just grey, almost like my life. 🙂 I like darker colors but maybe it’s time I put some color in my life and wardrobe. I’m starting to think bright colors mean happy.
Janine says
Bright colors totally make me happier to be honest. So might be something to say about this for sure 😉
Echo says
I would be periwinkle. It’s just a shade of blue, but there is something special about it and it is fun to say!
Janine says
Aw, I love it and what a beautiful color for an equally beautiful lady!! 😉
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons says
I’m actually not a fan of pink, although I’m not really sure why. When my girls were little, I dressed them in a lot of purple and, if I did pink, I tried to do a darker, hot pink rather than the Pepto Bismol look. 🙂 My oldest despises pink and refuses to wear anything that color – I think it has more to do with portraying herself as not too girly, though, rather than the actual color. I do remember have pink and white striped wallpaper in my room when I was young, though. Pepsi pink with white vertical stripes and little blue flowers! Yikes!!!
Janine says
Smiling at your bedroom description and I can tell you I definitely went through a time where pink wasn’t cool in my high school days. So get your oldest reasoning at this point totally!
Allie says
I can totally see you as a Pink Girl – there is no other color:). I go back and forth. I had a pink room when I was real little – then yellow. I hat a HOT pink room in high school – seriously, talking bubble gum you-need-to-wear-sunglasses to enter the room pink. It was wild. I dressed AUd in a lot of pink when she was younger and she won’t were it anymore:(.
Janine says
I am sure there will come a day when my girls won’t look at pink, especially during the teen years and bracing for it here right about now, too!
Diane Roark says
Hey girl,
I could have guessed u were a pink girl. I have always loved hot pink but I also love a bright blue.
I love seeing all your adorable pics when you were a kid. Love the pic tales .
Janine says
Aw, thanks Diane and love sharing my older photos and tales, too!! 🙂
Lizzi says
Hehehe somehow I guessed you would choose pink, and OMG YES! Frozen has SO MUCH to answer for – not only blue, and ice, and all that, but Niece CONSTANTLY SINGS THE SONGS. Which wouldn’t be so bad but she sings them REALLY BADLY! Heheheh
Janine says
Lizzi, my younger sings the songs beautifully, but still so over hearing, “Let It Go” now thatI totally get it! And I love that you guessed I was a pink girl all the way here 🙂
Dara says
What a cute post! Pink is a great color!
Janine says
Aw, thanks Dara and totally agree about pink!! 😉
Dana says
I was a purple girl…I had a very similar outfit to your kindergarten one, but in lavender. These old photos made me smile!
Janine says
Aw, I do love purple too and love that my photos did make you smile. Thanks Dana!! 🙂
Aunt Gloria says
I remember the little “Pink Girl”…..so cute! And it still works for me! How nice that you chose a photo with Uncle John…and Auntie Anne enjoyed seeing it. Thanks for a trip back to the past and good times. Take care and keep warm and safe as this snow storm comes to NY. I’m praying the electricity is not affected. We’re having chilly weather here and high winds….seems to be related to the storm along the coast going north to you. Happy weekend. xxoo
Janine says
So glad Auntie Anne got to see that photo and JR did today, too on Facebook and we were reminiscing as well. We are all hunkered down for this snow and definitely chilly here, too. Love you both too xoxo 😉
Aunt Gloria says
Auntie Anne and I also enjoyed the photo with Adele and you. That’s a really nice picture of her…and you too. Who is the person behind you in the blue top? We did enjoy seeing the girls in their various outfits of many colors! So cute! xxoo
Janine says
I think that was Patty Vanella I believe if I am not mistaken and I agree was so happy to find that photo of both of us from back then, too 😉
clark says
hey! good to ‘see’ you….been a while
Good Post (the FTSF has always been a good ‘hop)
loved the line, ” … a bottle of Pepto Bismol throw up
the TV!! (in photo 1) damn! I remember those!
Janine says
Aw, good to be seen and I know couldn’t resist the Pepto Bismol reference. And the TV totally still remember here, too!! 🙂
Joy says
How precious! I enjoyed looking at your photos and I love that you chose (still choose!) to honor your color preference.
I think I didn’t get to wear pink or glitter when I was young, because the first few years of my daughter’s wardrobe were primarily pink and glittery in color (and then she could choose her own clothes and decided she was ‘pink’d out’ *grin*).
Janine says
Joy, I just loved that I could share my love of pink here, but can understand your daughter still being pink’d out from what my grandmother said still about red.
Kenya G. Johnson says
I found you! I figured you’d be one of the short ones on the front row so I look for a blend of your girls and there you were. LOL!
I wonder how many bloggers have their favorite color in their blog design? For me this year and last it’s still in the teal family. You may remember when it was purple, red & black, then green and brown. I hope I stick with teal for a while. I’m collecting matching attire – sneakers, cellphone case – I’ll be looking for a fun teal purse this summer.
So does a lover a pink actually have a pink purse or is that where you draw the line?
Janine says
I do remember your different color schemes on your blog and love the teal though. Oh and I do actually have one pink Michael Korr’s tote bag if that counts!! 🙂
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom says
Oh these pictures were awesome!
Okay, you haven’t tried the adult colouring books yet?! WHAT?! lol I think that should be on your bucket list for 2016 (make sure you have many shades of pink).
My colour would be turquoise… I love it!
Thanks for sharing.
Janine says
I think they might be and turquoise is so pretty, too!! xoxo 🙂
Kerry says
Pink is lovely, but sometimes over used. It traditionally was a girl colour, but times are changing.
Janine says
Kerry, I know it can be overused, but definitely still my favorite. Thanks.
Rosey says
Pink has always been my favoirte color too. I dressed my daughter in filly and pretty pinks when she was young. I’m laughing thinking of if I tried to buy her all pink now. She’s a junior in h.s. and that definitely would not fly. 😉
Janine says
Rosey, I can imagine once my kids are a bit older, pink probably won’t fly here either! 🙂
Lindsay Klein says
Oh my god you were so stinking cute!!!!! My pop pop wore pink until the day he passed, and he rocked it! I’d like to be red, or blue;)
Janine says
Thanks Lindsay and definitely think your Pop Pop and I would have gotten along famously! 🙂
Shelly says
I saw this post in my email, I’m not sure if I responded or not.
Your girls, remind my of my two youngest girls, they are 17 months apart and grew up wearing tutus and playing in mud.
Janine says
Aw, love that this reminded you of your own girls and so glad you responded to share with me this today 😉
Leslie says
Nothing wrong with pink in my mind! Have you seen how often it gets used on my blog? 😀 We never pushed favorite colors at our house, yet both of my girls will say that pink is their favorite color. You will often hear either or both of them saying “I want to wear all-over pink!” The pictures of you as a kid are adorable. I’m totally loving all the 80s kids fashion flashbacks! Important question, though: Do you favor light pink or dark pink?
Janine says
Aw, I love both pinks, but think bright and dark pink is more my favorite nowadays. And love that we seem to share the same affinity for pink though 😉