One of the best ways of advertising your business is with promotional items or swag (Stuff We All Get). You go to an expo or walk into an office; you will see pens and notepads being given away to customers or prospects. However, you can stand out with unique promo items, such as to get blankets with logo. We all know that we love to get things for free, but why are they vital to reach potential clients? Well, read on to find out how to use a logo creator online free to make your unique swag for your business.
What Makes it Work?
Reaching people is all about standing out from your competitors and making sure they remember you. When you select items that people use all the time, they will see your name daily. It is essential to create promotional items that are branded with marketing in mind. You do not want people to see the business on things and not remember what they did. Consider using gifts that relate to your business, such as shirts for a printing company.
Get Your Message Out
Branding is about creating a way for people to remember your name and your mission. When you offer promotional items, find ways to incorporate both your name, logo, and message to your target audience. Fast food restaurants and stores can put statements on the boxes. However, having a service business will require you to become more creative. Therefore, it is ideal to collaborate with a marketing team.
Keep it Short and Simple
While you want to stand out, you want to keep promotional items short and straightforward. Dental offices give bags with toothbrushes, floss, and toothpaste. Usually, the toothbrush will have its name on it. When you visit Sonic or Pizza Hut, you will get a mint with their name on the packaging. You do not have to go over the top when it comes to swag bags. Most people remember the simple notions businesses put into their giveaways and appreciate that they think about their clientele.
Remember You Pay for the Items
When you are giving away swag, you have had to pay for it.
Pens, stickers, and bags are preferred items for daily handouts because they do not eat into your budget. You can check out custom stickers from Sticker You which are perfect for your business needs.
However, for more prominent expos, it is okay to go with more expensive swag. You can also raffle off expensive promotional items and generate leads at the same time. Make sure you are finding a way to bring income in with the items you purchase. Marketing teams should keep an eye on your budget, develop methods to target ideal clients, and find a good mix of high-end and inexpensive giveaways.
Have Fun
Walking through any expo will remind you that every company is looking to reach clients. Before deciding what promotional items to go with, walk through a trade show and watch what tables people are lingering at. What drives those people there? This is what you want to match, so you have the best opportunity to sell your business. People love fun items that become statement pieces or provide use to them. While someone may use a pen regularly, a color-changing cup might drive more traffic to your table. When you enjoy your swag, it will be easier to entice your target audience to come to you. The bottom line is always to keep your budget in mind but provide promotional items that speak to your potential clients. You want to spend your money wisely and make sure that it has the greatest chance to turn into a new client.