It’s rare, but it does happen…
I realize I have a pretty big mouth in real life and this usually translates here on my blog, too, as I usually am never at a loss for words to voice on my little space.
See, I have some great inspiration.
Just when I think the well is dry, Emma will say something like this, or Lily will do something like this or Kevin will help out or I even will make a blunder like here or here to give way to further blog fodder.
I saw the topics in my e-mail this past week for Lisa’s One Word Blog Challenge and thought how the hell I am going to write about these possible topic suggestions, which included rare, almost and faith.
And then it hit me, when life gives you lemons, makes lemonade, open a stand and live life as I directed here.
But even when I feared the words wouldn’t find me for this prompt, I came up with another article I just had to write as it was bubbling at the surface to be written and told here.
And yet, this may not be the most profound article I have ever written, but still I challenge any writer to tell me they haven’t had their own rare moments of doubt that they will come up with something to possibly write or share next.
When I tackled this very topic of rare instances of writer’s block, here, for SITS Girls a few months back, I had all sorts of comments and great feedback that yes indeed this is a real phenomenon and many of the great writers of this time have dealt with it.
So maybe it isn’t so rare to indeed to deal with moments of indecision of what to write next, but rather an occurrence that writers (myself included) just have to deal with from time-to-time and again it is just what you make of it.
In this not so rare case, I chose to deal with it head on by walking away from my computer and when I did indeed return these are the words that came tumbling out for today’s article.
Thus, I am thankful for the not so rare moments of feeling conflicted as to what I may indeed what to say here next, as it usually doesn’t last long and leads to even more wonderful writing then I could ever have imagined having in me.
[Tweet “It’s Rare, But It Does Happen #1Word @TheGoldenSpoons”]
And we all know how I love having wonderful thoughts to share, especially this time of the week with Wonderful Wednesday.
Which indeed leads me to the Wonderful Wednesday Hop…
Do Grandparents Get Jealous Of The Other Grandparents from Oh! Mrs. Tucker
Hidden Hearts Pound Cake Valentine’s Day Idea from Moms Need To Know
Valentine Chocolate Heart Pops from Pink When
Do-Without Spending Freeze from Letters From Sunny Brook
Ranch Cottage Cheese Dip from Luv A Bargain
Rule of 3 Practical Tips To Help Kids Declutter on Ducks ‘n a Row
3 Ingredient Chocolate Peanut Butter Shooters from Almost Supermom
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- Visit three or more others. Let them know you’ve been there!
- When you are PINNING, remember to do it from the original post. ♥
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Diane Roark says
I struggle with have writers blog all the time. Even though most of the time I am writing about a simple recipe, it is hard sometimes to make it interesting.
Before scheduling anything at Disney, e-mail me. I would love to tell you which restaurant or ride or place to see characters would be the best.
Many blessings,
Diane Roark
Janine says
Diane, I will so reach out probably in the next few days now, as I have been told a few places for Princess and Mickey Mouse, too, as both girls are so into the princesses and Lily is over the moon for Mickey, too. As for writer’s block, as I was struggling here no joke, I got this overwhelming need to write and my article for the end of the week was a product of this. I mean it sometimes just when I think I am tapped out, all of the sudden the flood gates open and look out. But huge thank you again for the offer and I promise I will be taking you up on this 🙂
Bill says
I’m in the throes of the funk right now. I was going to do some creative writing yesterday and the well was dry. So I wrote about chickens. LOL The next time you see a chicken article, you’ll know I’m parched. 🙂 Have a great Wednesday.
Janine says
Aww, Bill I know your secret now, but I promise to keep it between us! But seriously, I read an article trending even after this article was written and ready to go this morning and I couldn’t contain my need to write a constructive response. Stay tuned for this later in the week now. Have wonderful Wednesday now, too 😉
Kimberly says
Hello beautiful! Thank you for hosting such a fabulous party! We would love it if you would stop by our party and share one of your amazing projects.We would really appreciate it. Happy Tuesday! Lou Lou Girls
Janine says
Thanks as always Kimberly and will stop by in a bit!!
Jen says
Oh man I had some serious writers block this week myself and you are so right! Step away, live life and then come back and write.
Janine says
Jen, I know amazing what and time away will do a world of wonders with writer’s block.
Tara Newman says
I get writer’s block all the time. Not that I don’t have something to say but that I have so much to say I don’t quite know how to package it all for public consumption.
Janine says
Tara, I know and not so much for this space but definitely for my other blog for my design blog I sometimes can’t always find the words to put them together just so.
Nellie @ Brooklyn Active Mama says
Writers block is so not fun! That’s why I always try to generate topics and write them down whenever I am feeling extra creative. That way when I am at a loss I could just look in that list for topics!
Janine says
Nellie, I usually do at the very least write down what the girls say or do, because if nothing else I usually can come up with something from that when all else fails, too.
Amanda Rodriguez says
Writer’s block, gah! I NEVER get it for my own site, I frequently get it for other sites I write for!
Confessions of A Mommyaholic says
I have for both, but again thankfully it doesn’t last long.
Amanda Rodriguez says
I just find it annoying. I could forgive myself for it if it were happening on my own site, but noooo, it’s always when I’m on deadline, and being paid, and ain’t nobody got time for that. Sigh.
Confessions of A Mommyaholic says
Totally agree Amanda and think it just adds a new layer though of anxiety because writing for my own site is just for me, but in another is knowing I do have that dreaded deadline looming.
Confessions of A Mommyaholic says
Kristen, 2am or even 5 am I will sit straight up and be consumed to write to my eyes are practically bleeding. Seriously, thought it was just me!!
Confessions of A Mommyaholic says
I know Kristen, it is like I am possessed at the wee hours of the night!!
Kristen Miller Hewitt says
I’m the same way Amanda! When I’m trying to write something spectacular it never comes, but then at 2am some nights it pours out of me!
Kristen Miller Hewitt says
I’m there with you! All the good ideas come when I’m too tired to see – but I MUST WRITE! lol!
Liza Hawkins says
I’m with Amanda!
Confessions of A Mommyaholic says
It is a rarity here, but still
Lisa @ The Golden Spoons says
This might sound crazy, but I love that ou struggled with these prompts and ams up with something anyway!! That’s really the point of the challenge – to challenge ourselves and our writing – to make something out of nothing. 🙂 Great job!!!
Janine says
Aww, Lisa I seriously cannot thank you enough for challenging me this past month and really mean it that I have been having so much fun each week just writing with what you have thrown out there!! 😉
Leah says
I often get writer’s block. Sometimes there is just so much I want to say, that I can’t say anything! That is the most frustrating for me. I try to remember it will pass…
Janine says
I know and same here, Leah I totally try my best to remember this when it hits, too 😉
Susanne/The Dusty Parachute says
There must be something going around, I’ve had a big block this week too. I think it’s because I usually find inspiration while on walks and it has been too rainy to go out recently. C’mon sun!
Janine says
Susanne, here it is the snow. I am so over it and can’t go outside to do anything without slipping and sliding! Bring on sunshine and spring now 🙂
Susanne Lewis Kerns says
There must be something in the air – I have been majorly blocked this week too. I think it’s all of this cold rainy, weather – c’mon sun!
Confessions of A Mommyaholic says
Susanne, like I said here it snow, but I will take warmth, sun and spring and add that to the mix, too!! 🙂
Tamara says
Oh girl. Me too! People just don’t know it because I always have Ask Away Friday on Fridays, and occasional sponsorery stuff, and I can always, always use photos.
I need to take it easy sometimes, and then inspiration comes roaring back!
Janine says
Tamara, you are right I never would have known it, but admit I have toyed with cutting a posting day out when sometimes it does hit, because I wondering if I am just trying to hard during these moments.
Jenny @ Unremarkable Files says
I’m with Nellie on topic ideas! Whenever I think of something I could write about, I start a draft. if I’m not feeling particularly inspired now, I can always come back to it later.
Thanks for the tips and I’m following you on Pinterest. Thanks again for hosting Wonderful Wednesday – my third week and I’m thoroughly enjoying myself here.
Janine says
Jenny, I love drafts and I have done this, too even with a simple statement that my kids make to come back to later. So glad you are enjoying yourself and so happy you come back for a third week, too. And followed you on Pinterest back, too 🙂
Robin (Masshole Mommy) says
I kid you not, I have about 50 posts sitting in my drafts folder. I write them as they come to me and hold on to them for when I need them.
Janine says
Robin, no wonder why you post as often as you do and just love it 😉
Rosey says
I’ve toyed w/Robin’s idea. That’s a good one too for scheduling (my post times are so erratic!). 🙂
Janine says
I know Rosey, she gave a great tip here.
Kim says
I truly figured that you never struggled with writer’s blog – everything seems so natural over here!!!
Janine says
Aww, thanks Kim and that was such a nice compliment but trust me I have my moments too.
Rea says
I certainly have this moment and it’s true! It happens. But you’re right, all we need to do is get a life outside our computers first, experience the real world and when we get back, there are always lots of things to talk about. I actually went through my posts the other day and checked which ones I could republish. 🙂
Janine says
Rea, I know republishing sometimes truly is a great way to deal, especially when life does come in the way.
Marcia @ Blogitudes says
I definitely struggle with writer’s block from time to time, and there have been a few weeks when I’ve seen the 3 new words for the One Word challenge and have had no clue to write about either. Seems like within a day or two of seeing them though that an idea springs forth – and I’m off again and writing. Lisa has done a great job of picking words to write about and I’ve been loving this Challenge. I’ll definitely miss it when it ends in a few weeks.
Janine says
Marcia, I am so with you and she has done an awesome job with this challenge and I begged her about a week ago to extend. I really hope she does 🙂
Rabia @TheLiebers says
What I don’t understand is this: How come there are some months where I feel like I have nothing to say and then other months where I am struggling to fit it all in? Can’t we just average that out and have great topics come along as needed! LOL!
Janine says
Rabia, I wish and seriously a nice average would really help me out, too!! 🙂
Eileen Carmody Shaklee says
I usually get unblocked when I cant get to a computer to write and desperately try to rememeber it all later. LOL
Confessions of A Mommyaholic says
That has so happened to me and usually grab my phone and jot down my thoughts in my notepad, but still not the same.
Meredith Ethington says
Lately, I have so many ideas, I have to write them down because I can’t find TIME to write. That’s my biggest challenge.
Confessions of A Mommyaholic says
Meredith, right after, I wrote this, I swear I was seriously bubbling over and yesterday I told you I had to write a response to that Mayim Bialik post and was possessed to write all morning from it. So, trust me I know when writer’s block does hit and then vacates watch out!!
Janine says
Aww, thanks Christy and I know sometimes those words really just get lost in translation!!
Kenya G. Johnson says
I just tweet the writer’s funk article. The day is not over yet. I’d sure like to challenge myself and participate! That’s for the motivation. I’ll have to come back and check out some of the links.
Janine says
Aww thank you for that and you are preaching about motivation big time right now.
Jessica Ullrich says
I go through periods of writer’s block where it feels like I’ve lost my “voice” completely. No blog prompts help!
Confessions of A Mommyaholic says
Jessica, I have found prompts sometimes help and then sometimes don’t at all. And it is a crap shoot for sure.
Chris Carter says
Oh do I GET THIS! I am so often conflicted on what I need/want to write next… and it really depends where my heart is. I find the inspiration comes… in time. And then when it doesn’t? Wait. Live. Read. And the words will find their way…
Janine says
Chris, I know living really for me is the best cure, because usually the words have a way of finding me sooner rather then later then.
Alexa Haddock Bigwarfe says
Just like Amanda, I have a billion things I want to say on my own blog, and can’t for the life of me figure out what to write on others!
Confessions of A Mommyaholic says
Alexa, at this point at least you are in good company here and m happy to see I am, too 🙂
Kristen says
Ha! I only get writers block when it’s a sponsored post -Murphy’s Law right?!
Janine says
Kristen, that is so definitely Murphy’s Law in action!
Bev says
I find the writer’s block is rarer than it was for me a couple years ago, but it definitely still happens. Or I’ll have a post in mind that I want to write but the words won’t come out. I find, like you said, it’s best to step way and come back to it later!
Janine says
Bev, I know stepping away really is a huge cure for me as I said, too.
Gingi says
Added my linky! Thanks for the fun meetup doll! <3 –
Janine says
Always my pleasure, Gingi!! 😉
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom says
I have a blog post ideas list and about two dozen drafts on cue. It’s been a while since I got hit with writer’s block or lack of inspiration but when it hits, it’s no fun. However, often it hits at a time when other things in life really need my attention.
Wishing you well my friend.
Janine says
I love that you do have that list and are prepared. Wishing you well, too. Xoxo 😉
lisacng @ says
Good you have your own way of dealing with writer’s block and indecision! I just walk away and come back when I’m feeling inspired.
Janine says
Lisa, I know walking away really does help so much and couldn’t agree more.
Kristi Campbell says
I feel like I have nothing to say every time I need to sit down and write. It’s weird. Like for Finish the Sentence Friday (THANK YOU for it) every week, I have nothing. I sit down at 8pm with NOTHING. And I think about how dumb blogging is, and about how I need to put my son to bed and about all of it and BOOM. Something, enough anyway, happens. Love this Janine.
Janine says
Kristi, I am seriously amazed at you and how you can always, always come up with something for FTSF. Seriously, you are awesome and rock!! And I hope you know this 😉
Aunt Gloria says
Glad you got past your writer’s block…..I amaze that you can keep coming up with topics on a daily basis! You do a bang-up job with you blog! Keep up the good work…..and have a good weekend. Hope no more snow but I know it’s predicted. xxoo
Janine says
Aww, thanks Aunt Gloria and just when I sometimes think, god what will I talk about next here, something hits me like a blot of lightening and then I am possessed to write and share all about it!! As for the snow, who knows and have gotten to the point that I figure spring will eventually find us, but until then it is what it is (I guess I am mellowing a bit with my old age on this this, lol!) xoxo 🙂
The Pinterested Parent says
It is funny because there are weeks were I seriously cannot stop writing. I feel inspired & just have it flowing out of me & then there are the times like you mention that I have no clue where to go. I may even have an idea, but cannot wrap my head around making it into something readable. But like you, I have lots of inspiration from a crazy little munchkin that always keeps life interesting.
Janine says
I know our munchkins really are the best inspiration ever and couldn’t agree with you more on that if I tried 😉