Shh!! I have a secret. I like to be able to use the bathroom by myself and in private. That said I have two little girls who derail that mission at all costs all day long.
Take for instance, this morning when I needed to use the restroom for a few minutes in private, that pretty much lasted all of five minutes (mind you all while their father was supposed to be watching them). I had just settled into a comfortable position so to speak (trying not to be too graphic or TMI here) and the first knock or should I say bang on the door happened.
And this is what I hear, “Mommy I need my princess tissues.” Yup Emma for some ungodly reason right at that moment needed her box of tissues that have the princesses on the actual box from the local Dollar Tree. Yes we buy lots at the Dollar Tree, because I can’t reason spending $6.99 on a box of tissues, but that is neither here nor there.
So back to the princess tissues that needed to be had right at that moment. Of course I am now sitting there trying to reason with a three year old through a locked bathroom door (yes I really thought a locked door would stop my rug rats, silly me!). I got her to leave by promising her that I would be done in a minute.
Two minutes later, when I am not quick enough for the masses, the second knock comes from my husband asking why he can’t have the tissues and then he would leave me in peace (right I think I should know better by now). Now seriously, when he is in the bathroom, which is pretty much off and on all damn day, (because men, at least my man, do everything in there), I try never to bother him and just improvise. But again he seems to do everything from reading to thinking to you name it in there and I am pretty self-sufficient when he does this. Yet of course he can’t even make himself an English Muffin for breakfast while I am taking a shower a little while later this morning. So that just says so much, but sorry ladies hands off he is all mine!!
But anyways, I am left pondering how did my routine bathroom visits become an national exhibit for one and all in my house. I literally don’t remember the last time I took a trip to the bathroom without having my two small kids at my feet or if the door is indeed closed and locked them banging profusely for something on the other side of the door like my earlier experiences.
I get that recently I have been discussing a lot about the bathroom with potty training my youngest on my blog. So I guess it is only fitting that my daily bathroom trips are indeed a field trip at this point with my kids there for all the action and possibly to make sure I too am doing a bang up job or to at least see that I also know what I am doing as far as using the bathroom goes. Anything is possible I guess, but I leave you will these final thoughts. Is nothing sacred and will I ever get to use the bathroom by myself again?
JanineHuldie says
Sorry I tried to keep it PG here, but just couldn't help but share. Thanks though for letting me know that it will at least get better bathroom wise with kids. I do agree about Kevin though and as my mother-in-law told me on our wedding today, "Congrats's it's a boy!!" 🙂 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Oh my husband does the same whenever run errands at the store (and just like you this is not often enough), but he is out all day at work and I don't call him all day saying when are you coming home! So believe me can so relate and thank you so much for letting me know I am not alone and isn't just me! As for the door that is exactly what I did by locking and shouting through a locked door, but somehow they always seem to find me. I swear it is like the mafia and just when you think you are out, they keep pulling you back in, lol!! Thanks 🙂
Amy says
I'm so sorry about this!! 🙂 It does get better eventually. There was a time that my girls and even my dog was trying to keep me company in the bathroom (she didn't like to be alone either) and I remember feeling like I would die without a few minutes of privacy. Now i can get a couple of minutes in the bathroom, but rarely an entire shower in peace…
JanineHuldie says
Amy, seriously thanks for also giving me just a bit of hope. I am starting to think the bathroom is just a room to have a party in, because it truly is their favorite place in the house. I know we have had this discussion before, but it is just so true!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks, but sad thing is it has truly come to that Julie. I seriously don't have any shame nor dignity left in that arena!! Sounds like we have even more in common though that one could have ever imagined lol!!
Melanie Chisnall says
You know, for us who don't have kids this is so entertaining. I know, I know it's going to happen one of these days…but for now,….reading your blog is one of the highlights of my day, never fails to make me smile (or laugh). I don't know what I'm going to do as I have an extremely shy bladder, lol! I'm sure you'll miss this one of these days…maybe? Lol – great post 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thank you so much Melanie for saying that. I do try to find the humor in my life, because seriously without I may go crazy!! That said trust me you make do and I too had a very shy bladder, but after two kids that truly is a thing of the past, lol 🙂
Stacy Harris says
I am pretty sure all moms… notice how I didn't say parents… probably get this kind of treatment. My son is 3 and recently potty trained. It took forever for us to get him to go number 2 on the toilet so to get it to happen, we taught him to be excited about it and not fear it. Needless to say… now if I am going to the bathroom… and it doesn't matter if it is a 1 or a 2… he always disturbs me and asks in his loudest voice. "Mommy – you pooping!" If only the bathrooms were private!
JanineHuldie says
Stacy, I can totally relate to the potty training going through that right now with Lily and also Emma potty trained last year (so that is still fresh in my mind). They both see it as a total good old time, because just like you that is what we made it to be. In order to get them excited, you have to be excited, but can't help but not love the we all go to the bathroom together. Thank you seriously for sharing and also letting me know that you too experience similar and you are right about it being a mom thing!!
JanineHuldie says
Jamie, they never do. For some reason, it is only mommy who gets this distinct honor. Thanks for commenting and trust me you aren't alone on this 🙂
Emily (OhBoyMom) says
Oh yes, the bathroom privacy issue is pervasive in my house too…I was hoping it would get better as they've gotten older, but I still get those knocks all the time! Hang in there…it has to get better eventually – that's what I tell myself anyway! 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Emily, that is truly what I keep telling myself and sometimes even voice it out loud, because if I actually say it maybe someone will hear me!! Thank you and sorry you too go through this, but would be lying if I said I wasn't happy that you could relate 🙂
Christy says
Hehe Janine, thanks for sharing about your privacy issues and hope it gets better 🙂
JanineHuldie says
No problem Christy. I usually is like second nature to me, but sometimes I can be a bit frustrating and needless to say this just was one of those times. Thank you for commenting and tweeting too 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Richard, that sums it up nicely and love yet again how you get very much to the point. Thanks seriously 🙂 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Audrey, thanks and glad to bring back some good memories. It sounds about right and what I hear and get too at this point 🙂
Dianna Mendez says
I remember those days. If you don't lock the doors, they will come in! Even if you lock the doors, they will come in! Great share and made me laugh.
JanineHuldie says
Thank you Dianna and glad to give you a laugh and also that you too could relate, too 🙂 🙂
Cyndi says
Once again, I continue to get glimpses into the adventures of parenthood. I'm thinking I might install a thick, soundproof bathroom door if we ever have kids. LOL.
JanineHuldie says
Oh love your idea Cyndi and only wish I had the money and resources to do it. Thanks 🙂 🙂