You just had a baby! Congratulations mama. The newborn bliss is real, but so is the postpartum stress. Between your new routine and your changing post pregnancy body, there’s a lot to get used to. And that’s even before you confront the issue of postpartum hair loss.
Since our hair gets thicker and lusher during pregnancy, a little shedding is normal. But if your hair is falling out by the handfuls you’re not alone. Up to 90% of all women report suffering from noticeable hair loss after pregnancy, but don’t stress—there are many solutions to this common problem.
Here’s what experts want you to know about the postpartum hair health habits you should adapt to keep your strands happy.
Snack your way to happier strands
One of the most common culprits in postpartum hair loss is diet. Sadly too many women feel pressured to diet their way back to a pre-baby body right after birth, but this can actually do more harm than good—especially if you’re breastfeeding.
According to CDC estimates, you need to consume between three and four hundred additional calories per day if you’re breastfeeding. Even if you’re a formula household, all that sleep deprivation and time spent caring for a demanding new little person can cause you to burn more energy than usual, necessitating more calories than your body relied on before.
Whatever the cause, experiencing a calorie deficit is bad for your body in a myriad of ways. And in terms of your hair, it can cause your body to go into telogen effluvium, or sudden hair loss. Increasing hair health promoting foods to your diet is a great way to make those calories earn their keep. Add in superfoods like:
- Nuts and seeds
- Hair health friendly protein sources
- Foods high in iron
- Vitamin C boosting fruits
- Foods high in omega 3 fatty acids
- Foods high in zinc
It’s also a great idea to “eat the rainbow” of fruits and veggies as much as possible, making sure you get all those tasty micronutrients your strands need to thrive.
Find ways to minimize stress
Having a new baby around isn’t exactly relaxing, and all that crying, new mom anxiety, and lack of sleep can leave your cortisol levels elevated. Higher levels of this stress hormone have been linked to many negative health outcomes, including increased hair shedding.
Try to be as gentle with yourself as possible, and rely on your village whenever you can. You just grew a whole person—there’s no need to expect perfection, just sit back, and take it slow.
Self care is key here, so take time for yourself whenever you can, and don’t let the mom guilt get you down. A bubble bath, short solo walk, yoga session, or even a simple ten minute meditation can do wonderful things for your stress levels.
Another excellent hair health promoting stress buster is a scalp massage from your partner or another loved one. Not only are they relaxing, increasing feelings of closeness and boosting oxytocin, they’re great for your hair health. A gentle massage can help boost blood flow to your follicles, making sure they’re getting a fresh infusion of the oxygen and nutrients they need to thrive.
Upgrade your hair health routines
If you’re like most moms, you might be finding it hard to make time for a shower these days—much less a complicated hair health supporting beauty routine. That’s why you need products that will work harder, and smarter, to get your strands back to where you want them to be, without too much extra work from you.
We love this complete hair care regrowth system designed to nurture the health and happiness of your strands. Developed by derms and clinically tested, it contains a hair growth supporting serum, shampoo and conditioner, and derma roller to help the products penetrate deeper into your strands. Packed with vegan phyto actives and other good stuff, these formulas help replenish your depleted follicles.
Don’t want to go in for the whole kit? A derma roller is an amazing investment to upgrade any hair care routine. This at home microneedling treatment has been shown by several small scale studies to positively impact hair growth and health, and is an amazing way to take care of your strands. Paired with those lovely scalp massages, your scalp will be positively glowing with health, and your strands will show it.
Patience is a virtue
Last but not least, while you try these solutions remember to be patient with your body. It can take up to six months for postpartum hair loss to stop, but adopting a hair health supporting diet, habits, and product routine can get you back on track more quickly and effortlessly. Before you know it, your strands will look better than ever.