Welcome back to Finish The Sentence Friday Blog Hop (FTSF). We give you a sentence and you finish it (however long or short you’d like). Please feel free to link up and follow any or all of our hostesses, which are below.
And now for this week’s sentence to finish: “One of my hidden talents is…“
Next week’s sentence to finish: “The most unexpected part of being a grownup is…”
One of my hidden talents….
Is handling my kids, the terrible twos and tantrums, too!
I wrote all about this here.
But now that my girls are no longer two years old, I have recently asked myself, “When do little kids outgrow the terrible twos?”
When does said terrible twos turn into it being more about said child being spoiled rotten having a full on temper tantrum for all to see?
I have had my fair experience with the terrible twos having just come out of the other side with my second child in a little under 3 years time now.
And for the most part, I learned quickly that up to a certain age, temper tantrums are just that.
But I still readily admit that the terrible twos were indeed terrible for all of us involved. However, for the most part, we knew that this was the age to begin testing boundaries and as parents to stay firm.
As bad, as the terrible twos stage was, at least I felt as though I knew that they were still babies heading into a new, uncharted phase.
But at almost 5 years old, when we recently took my both girls out to the Disney Store as a treat to pick out one item as a Valentine’s Day present from us, Emma proceeded to have a meltdown over not being able to get more then one thing making an absolute spectacle of herself in the mall for all to witness. This I am fairly sure can no longer be blamed on the terrible twos.
I must admit, my kids are fairly good when I bring them somewhere nowadays and have counted myself as lucky that they may act horrendous at times in the privacy of our own home, but never dare act this heinous out in a public place of business.
So, this was now new and uncharted territory for me.
It started out like any other Sunday. It was a bit of a lazy morning, before soccer. Then, we did indeed have soccer at 11:30. When it was over, Kevin and I decided to take them to the mall and the Disney Store to get something for Valentine’s Day, which was coming up on Friday. Both of us knew we would be working the rest of the week and also not sure what the weather would bring. So thought it was a good time to do our shopping.
Both girls are obsessed now with the movie Frozen, as most that follow my blog know. So, they of course were drawn to the Frozen section of the store, which was a bit sparse, because of how popular the movie is.
Even before we got to the store, they were told, they could indeed pick out one item.
Emma picked out an Anna stuffed doll and also an Olaf the Snowman cup. I tried to explain to Emma that she needed to pick one or the other. And that is when the mother of all tantrums began. I tried to reason with her, as well as, Kevin. But this was to no avail and once she was in tantrum mode, we were pretty much sh*t out of luck (no pun intended)!
Disney Store Olaf Cup That Caused Emma to Meltdown!Lily was content with just the Anna doll and we walked to the cash register together, while Emma stayed behind with Kevin to continue her meltdown.
Turns out with Disney card, I get 10% off (I knew this and just forgot in the chaotic moment). So essentially, I would get one cup for free it I bought the two.
I caved and bought the damn cups, but hid them in my purse in a separate bag figuring I could always give them to the girls at a later date, but sure as he’ll wasn’t rewarding Emma for her bad behavior in the foreseeable future.
Emma did eventually calm down, but then on the way out of the mall had another smaller tantrum about carrying her bag from the Disney Store out and even answered me pretty rudely.
I had to control myself and just get her out of the mall as steam was rising and billowing from my head now.
Once home, she was punished by having to sit in her bed and would not allow her to have the Anna doll. I still haven’t given her that doll and put it away for now.
She has told me she knows that acted badly and even did apologize when all is said and done.
Honestly, I am hoping that she did learn her lesson and will think twice before doing this over a toy in a store, but have a feeling my sweet baby is growing up now and will be in for so much more as the years do progress.
God help me and will need all I can get now, because even after this incident, Emma had a few more tantrum worthy moments this past week alone.
Kevin and I have both had to stay strong through these moments and it truly hasn’t been easy. Just fearful, if and when Lily starts to now act out more like this as she ages, too.
So, I am not sure now that my hidden talent is to deal with little girl tantrums even as much as I admitted last week here how much I love being a girl mom.
In effect, I think I may just have indeed lost my hidden talent and not sure if I will find one to replace it with it anytime soon now. But say some prayers that I make it out of this new phase in one piece, because if it is this bad at almost 5 years old, I need all those prayers for the teenage years now!
Now that I shared about my hidden talent (or not so hidden talent) here today, please share your with us today.
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For those, wanting to get any and all Pandora charms, please be sure to check out my Pandora article here.
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Kristi Campbell says
OMG while I do not have little girls (EEEP I WISH that Tucker had 2 little sisters so much), I so get the weird horror of balancing a pleasing them while sticking to what we say is okay as parents and not giving in. Gah, it's so hard, right? SO hard. I think you handled it perfectly.
Janine Huldie says
Aww, thanks so much Kristi and trust me I kept hoping I did the right thing with this one. Kevin, even told me, I was to soft with caving and buying the Olaf cup, but I just couldn't help it. But I totally made sure she didn't get it immediately and when I did give it to her, she actually asked when I got it. Kevin asked her if she remembered throwing a fit in the store and proceeded to tell Emma that that was when I bought it for her to make a point in sharing how ridiculous she really was acting.
Sarah says
Yay to you and Kevin for standing firm. That is SO HARD!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Sarah and seriously never realized how hard until I had kids!
notinjersey says
I definitely do not have that talent! I so easily lose my patience when the kids have tantrums that soon I am having a tantrum along with them.
Janine Huldie says
Dara, I am trying, but seriously I would so love to have a tantrum right along side them and I know it really is just so hard to have patience when they act like this.
tamaralikecamera says
hmm…I can turn my ankles backwards! Is that a talent, though, or just plain weird?
I had a playdate today with a friend and her older daughter and Scarlet. Scarlet and her friend (both 4.5) took turns melting down obnoxiously.
And we were both fried and stressed and tired and we just kept looking at each other and trying not to laugh. And she said, "I spend most of my life trying to make her happy and this is how she treats me??"
Janine Huldie says
When we meet you need to show me that one! But seriously that last line that you friend said was exactly how I felt. I mean if I could be treated this one at only a little under 5 years old by Emma, god help me for the dreaded teen years! 🙂
tinarobmorley says
This was a great story and many parents have been down that road. The ones who take the easy road and give in will have more potholes up ahead than the ones who stand their ground and teach their kids from the start what is right and wrong (in a humane way, of course). 😉 It gets easier as they get older, that is, if you are doing the hard work now, as this story shows.
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Tina and I hope you are right. I seriously am trying, but wow nothing prepared me for this and definitely gives us a run for our money though!
Brittnei Washington says
Eeek! I can only imagine. It sounds like you handled it pretty well. Go mama! I'm not exactly sure how I would have done it but I like what you did 🙂 JR is starting to have meltdowns in the house, but it hasn't happened in public. I typically talk to him like a person and just let him know he better stop it or something. Usually it's when he hears the word "espera" which means to wait. I hate when he acts like he can't wait a second! I just let him cry for a minute since I have to. You go before me on this one so maybe I'll get some pointers from you on what's ahead. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
I will try to pass down anything I deal with or learn here, promise Brittnei!! 🙂
Karen says
OMG Janine, I swear that every year the tantrums get worse. I think as their brains develop they want to express more and just can't. Anthony knows he shouldn't act that way, but he truly wants something or doesn't want something and there is no way to deal with him. He is of course remourseful about his behavior and knows better afterwards…but anything can be a trigger…I agree…it seems they are all training for their teenage years. I only have one…I can't imagine having to deal with two, even if one is calm and the other is upset…I give you TONS of credit.
Janine Huldie says
Karen, I think you are right and they do get worse as the brain develops more and they begin to become aware of how far they think they can push us. And same here with the remorseful behavior when all is said and done. Thanks for the credit, but sometimes I totally feel like I am at a loss.
massholemommy says
Three was far worse than two, and four was far worse then three. Around five it all leveled off, but by then they learn how to back talk.
Janine Huldie says
God help me for the talking back and am almost there, because she will be 5 in July!
Lisa @ Golden Spoons says
Well, my girls are 11, 9, and 6. My youngest threw a tantrum last night because she didn't like dinner, so she wouldn't eat one single bite, so I wouldn't give her chocolate cake for dessert. Her "tantrum" was more of an intense put – she cried, stomped off, and slammed the door to her room. Most of the times, tantrums are few and far between these days. When they do happen, they are not the crying, screaming, fall int he floor one that happen during the terrible two's. They are mostly just bad attitude, pouting, and arguing.
Janine Huldie says
We already have the food arguments with Lily who is my picky eater. The other night she asked for quesadillas for dinner. I made them and they she fought the whole way eating them. Emma ate all her dinner and Kevin allowed her ice cream for dessert, but he made a point of not allowing Lily dessert, because she didn't eat her dinner. So, totally have these moments and so much more, too!
Amanda Love says
I took Madison to the Disney Store last week as well and she also had a mini one because she DIDN’T want to leave the store. She picked up a fee Minnie Mouse items and it’s tough telling a toddler she couldn’t have them all. I guess next time we’ll just have to keep that store for treats. I’m here in pain in my hospital bed but I just had to stop by. Happy Friday.
Janine Huldie says
I have been thinking about you, but didn't want to bother you. Thank you for letting me know that you are Ok, but sorry to hear that you are in a bit of pain. Hoping you feel better soon and I so agree about the Disney Store, definitely more for treats not hen anything after the last visit! 🙂
The Vanilla Housewife says
I admire your will power! I sometimes find myself giving in especially when I am in a hurry and need to get something done. My little girl will turn 3 next week and I hope to God she turns a leaf! I am so done with terrible two's but I heard I need to prepare for what 3yo's can do. Sigh.
Janine Huldie says
Jhanis, I have found 3 not as bad and it is almost the calm before the storm of the fighting fours! Seriously, I think they calm down at three to lull us into a false sense of security!
The Dose of Reality says
I'll let you know when the terrible twos stops over here. My son is almost 14…and it's still going strong! 😀
But you handled that like a true PRO!! You are definitely talented in this area! These kinds of situations are just TOUGH. I would literally STARVE on the side of the road than stop at a Cracker Barrel when we are on a road trip. Oh no…I LOVE the food, but (and I am not exaggerating) it is IMPOSSIBLE for my children to walk though the gift section without begging for SOMETHING…and it always leads to one (if not two) tantrums. I now refuse to stop there at all! Being stuck in the car, seething with 4 more hours to go is just not pleasant. 😀 –Lisa
Janine Huldie says
Lisa, thank you for saying that, but honestly I felt like anything but a pro and still don;t when these moments creep up. I totally just try my best and hope and pray that I am doing something right. And as for Cracker Barrel, I totally feel your pain and would not stop there either if it was going to lead to more then it was worth in aggravation, even if it meant 4 hours more to go being so unpleasant! 🙂
ginnymarie says
My Emmy sounds a lot like your Emma! She was the tantrum throwing queen! Now that she's six years old, it's getting better, but the tantrums still rear their ugly heads every now and then. It is so hard to stay strong and not give in. But I think it's worth it in the long run. Good job, Mama!
Janine Huldie says
I can't say thank you enough for sharing that here today and you gave me hope that it will indeed get better!! 🙂
another jennifer says
My kids haven't been too bad with tantrums (thank goodness!), but we did have an incident not too long ago during a quick trip to the grocery store. We were just picking up a couple of things and Biz (4) wanted to get a big bag of peanuts to feed the squirrels at daycare (they do this on a regular basis apparently). I compromised and told him we could get the small bag that was on sale. He started to meltdown and I told him we wouldn't get a thing if he kept it up. (Four is much easier to deal with than 2, in retrospect!) He continued on and I put the peanuts down and my oldest and I went along to find the next item. To my surprise, Biz recovered fairly quickly and didn't make a scene after that. We never did get those peanuts!
Janine Huldie says
Jennifer, I just told my husband this morning that if you don't give much play to the actual tantrum and say the consequences and move on that 9 times out of 10 they will move on too. So, thanks for proving my point, because not sure he was completely sold! 🙂
Lisa says
You just never know with kids, regardless of their age!
Janine Huldie says
So true Lisa and I know it just is what it is!
Billybuc says
Hidden talents? I'm not sure it's hidden…I am a great listener…I so enjoy hearing everyone's stories…..I'm not good at these questions….sigh! Have a great Friday Janine.
Janine Huldie says
Bill, no worries I just happy you are here to try and share! Have a great Friday now, too 🙂
day-with-kt.com says
I think you handled that situation beautifully!! As the mom of older kids, I can tell you it does get better. The fact that Emma apologized goes a long way to validating the fact that it was indeed a tantrum and nothing else. I think the point at which the kids realize that the tantrum accomplishes nothing except making their parents disappointed by the behavior is when they stop using that tactic as often. As much as I hated tantrums and as hard as it can be to stand your ground, it was always worth it and then when you see your kids have that mental click and even a feeling of remorsefulness after the tantrum – you know that you do indeed have a talent!!!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Kim, but trust me I still always question am I handling it right or Ok when we have these moments. Granted they seem to not last as long the more times that it does occur, but still I am totally just a work in progress when these moments do happen.
Billybuc says
Hold it…I have one….i can juggle! Hooray! LOL
Janine Huldie says
Bill, I love that you can do this and you should check out Kate's video on the linkup, she totally juggles and shows how to do it!! 🙂
Kerri says
Okay, first WOO HOO that you and Kevin were on the same page. That you were consistent and that although you caved and bought the cup you didn't give it to the girls yet. Bonus, Lily saw how you handled Emma. She saw that she got to play with her doll while Emma did not therefore reinforcing that good behavior equals Anna doll and bad behavior equals time alone in your room (HORROR!).
I think you handled this completely right. And the next time the tantrum starts you can say remember when you had to earn back your Anna doll?
But I also worry about when the girls are teenagers. Every time they have a meltdown now I think what is going to happen when they are 13 !!
Janine Huldie says
So true Kerri and I just wanted Emma to know in that moment that that wasn't right before and the same for Lily who wasn't misbehaving. But I know god help us for those teen years and think we may need to have vent sessions with two girls with each other!!
Dana says
That damn Disney Store is just a big tantrum waiting to happen. Just stick to your guns, Janine – they smell weakness and will use it to their advantage. Knowing she can't get her way when she tantrums will serve you well in the future!
The meltdowns are different when they are teens. They are completely illogical and impossible to win. I just take a deep breath and wait for the storm to pass.
Janine Huldie says
Deep breaths are a good a thing and will totally agree that the Disney Store is a huge tantrum waiting to happen. Seriously, am not going to go there anytime soon right about now!
stephanie2006 says
Well, from my vast experience (haha) the Terrible Twos are seamlessly followed by Threevil, followed by pre-puberty 🙂 It probably ends when they get married 🙂 But I think you handled the situation perfectly, and I'm sure Emma has learned the lesson. Have a great weekend, Janine!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Stephanie and wishing you a great weekend now, too!! 🙂
Mommy, for Real says
Yep, it's kind of shocking how the tantrums stick around, even at 5, 6, and 7 years old! I might've caved and bought the cups, too! 😉 Survival, baby! Sounds like you did a great job! We do start to trust ourselves after we've had some experience with this motherhood thing…
Janine Huldie says
Total survival and take no prisoners kind of situations I believe. But thanks for your kind words and I know that you and I have shared these types of moments, so still mic ego know I am not alone in going through this right now.
Ruchira says
it is very tough to be good parents and you will be rewarded later on 🙂
hang on dear!
TGIF…phew! 😉
Janine Huldie says
Aww, thanks so much Ruchira and TGIF to you, too now!! 🙂
Kenya G. Johnson says
Awww – maybe they will be night and day and you won't have to go through that twice. Was Emma the one who "wasn't" in the pumpkin patch picture? I remember one of them was off camera having a meltdown. LOL! 😉
Janine Huldie says
Wow, Kenya. You totally have a good memory except Emma actually took the picture while it was Lily who had no desire to be in that picture. She never really melted down, but honestly didn't try to et in or pose for that picture. But I truly don't know, but have my fingers crossed not to go through this twice if I don't have to! 🙂
jasteck says
I remember tantrums, Janine. It makes it worse when it's in public and people are judging every action. Bravo for sticking to your plan. It will definitely pay off in the long run.
Janine Huldie says
Aww,thanks so much and it does make me feel better that sticking with it now will pay off in the future 🙂
Sandy_Ramsey says
Well, maybe Emma will be one of those that gives you a bit of a rough time and then is fantastic when she's a teen! Wait…..does that happen? You did a good job handling that, Mommy! It's not always easy to follow through on punishments especially when they apologize and look so darn sweet! Hang in there!
Janine Huldie says
From your lips to god's ears Sandy and I truly hope you are right about this. Thanks for saying that giving me hope 🙂
fakingpictureperfect says
It sounds like your hidden talent is to still be clear headed under pressure. I probably would have given them the cups right then and there to stop the melt down. Good job for not doing it!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks for saying that and maybe it is being good under pressure, because I do thrive on pressure even when I work. You may be onto something there 🙂
gigigirl says
I don't see my previous comment…..I thought I had written. Anyway…..You and Kevin did handle the situation well. Tantrums are such a curious behavior. I remember having one when I was about 5 years old and I embarrassed Nanny in public when I refused to go under the turnstile going into the subway. I insisted she had to pay for me because I was old enough now to pay the fare (kids under 5 went free). She paid the money and we went on to the event with the other family, and I don't remember her punishing me when we got home. But I think she did warn me that if I did that again, there would be serious repercussions. I don't remember having another one….until maybe I was a teenager. I guess it has to do with assertion. Hopefully, the tantrums will end and the teen years will be calmer. We can be optimistic. Keep up the good work. xxoo
Janine Huldie says
Aunt Gloria, now I see where Emma gets it from, lol! Seriously though sounds like Nanny handled you perfectly back then and judging how well you turned out, I hope and pray that Emma does, too. Thanks Aunt Gloria for sharing and making me smile this morning. Love you xoxo 🙂
gigigirl says
Yes, that streak of independence has worked well for me. And I think Emma is on the same track….and probably Lily too. I believe you got a touch of that gene also. And that's a good thing! Lots of love and have a great weekend. xxxxoooo
Janine Huldie says
I totally agree that is a great thing indeed and hoping you too are enjoying your weekend!! 🙂 xoxo!!
lovingmarshall says
Public tantrums are the worst, aren't they? I have a really hard time staying calm and get super anxious about them. My husband is much better at keeping a clear head. My son is super loud when he tantrums too, so the before-kids couples look at us like "WE ARE NEVER HAVING KIDS," and the my-kids-are-grown-up couples look at us like, "BEEN THERE. DONE THAT." And the couples with kids our age look at us like "TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND HAVE A BIG GLASS OF WINE LATER." 🙂
Janine Huldie says
So true about the wine and I too hate the eyes of other parents on me during times like these. Thanks Lauren for sharing though and making me feel like I am truly not alone on this 🙂
Rosey says
Good for you for keeping firm. I didn't with my two older boys, the two younger ones, have no such luck. 😉
My kids have always been pretty darn good, I have to admit, until they got to their teens, then they all went through something. My daughter whom I love tremendously, as you know, is 14 right now, and oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, Janine, I miss the little girl days. 🙂 This too, shall pass. 😉
Janine Huldie says
Rosey, not giving me much hope for the teen years and seriously scared here for what will come. But thanks for sharing and hoping to god that it will get better (the calm before the storm) before those dreaded teen years now!
pfchico says
It is hard to know how to deal with these situations. It is great that your husband is on board. This is where me & my hubby often have issues because he is a caver…bigtime. He just can not say no to his little girl. He understands why he need to but can not seem to follow through unless, I am there to wave a finger at him.
Janine Huldie says
Kevin and I in the beginning were not always seeing eye to eye on this either and will say that I was the bad guy at that point more often then not, but now thankfully we are on the same page for the most and try to show a united front so that they girls don't think they can divide and conquer.
realhousewife says
OMG! Janine you just emended me of my perpetual reminder to my girls before entering ANY store! I'd tell them really nicely, "now remember good girls get good things and bad girls don't get anything!" May sound mean but they knew I meant business and they'd repeat it after me so cute! Which told me they understood the deal we had! HA!
Janine Huldie says
That is perfect and you know what Kelly, I am so going to use that now with them. Huge thank you for sharing and hoping you are enjoying your weekend now! 🙂
April G says
I can deal with action. My son just didn’t react. No big tantrums with him, but I see them coming with Miss B.
Janine Huldie says
Good luck to you April with Miss B and totally wishing you no big tantrums any day soon 🙂
Kera says
Guess who's commenting?!?! Lol I know I've been MIA for a while now but when you said you wrote about your experience with the girls having meltdowns I knew I had to read your post! So glad I did, because I can totally relate. Even though Sofia still is in the terrible twos stage, I'm fairly sure she will NOT be the kind of little girl to just outgrow that stage when she turns 3. She is little miss diva and totally a drama queen. So I can totally see her having a tantrum in the middle of a store when she's 5, just like Emma! You are not alone lol. As I'm sure almost every child does these things for a few years even. Just the other day we were needing to leave Target and Sofia threw a tantrum because she wanted me to take her to the potty AT Target. I did that with her once before {as we are also in the throws of potty training} and now every time we're at Target she wants to go the the damn bathroom. Kids. Gotta love them. It felt so good to read your blog again…almost made me want to get back into blogging myself! We'll see 🙂 Love you Janine! xoxo
Janine Huldie says
Seriously, I smiled to see you were commenting and oh how I have missed you on the blogging side. I know we still talk everyday on Instagram and so glad you twisted my arm to hang out over there and love you for that and so much more! But on a more serious, but still funny note, Kevin actually just said that our girls love to visit any stores bathroom at least once, because they need to try it themselves. This coming from him, when he took them grocery shopping one Saturday recently and they made him take them to the bathroom in the middle of shopping. Not going to lie, I couldn't help, but smile on his comment, because now he knows my pain every time I take them to a store no matter how many times we use the bathroom before we leave the house. Never fails every time, they need to use the bathroom again when we are out. So, I totally feel you pain and then some on this. And at the very least with this and the tantrums, sounds like I am in great company though! Miss you and hope you visit here more when you can now 🙂 🙂 xoxo!!
dishofdailylife says
Meltdowns are hard…especially in public! At least she realizes it…I think that is half the battle, getting them to understand they can't do that. It's hard to be a kid and be frustrated.
Janine Huldie says
Totally agree that this is half the battle and oh god how frustrating this really can be.
Nellie says
I am loving the new homepage look 🙂 Yes I have been through the temper tantrumsin public and they are no fun. My youngest cries sometimes but he hasn't yet gone into meltdown mode…lets hope it stays that way! He is just 2 so I have a long way to go 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much Nellie and I thought I would give it a try. I am loving the way it looks too and not as hard to add a featured image as I thought it would be daily to new posts and I think it does look a bit classier. And as for the meltdowns I hope it stays this way for your little guy and have fingers crossed for sure for you 🙂
@HomeOnDerange says
Ohhhhh girrlll! You already know that I'm going to have a similar story, since our crazy girls are basically the same age. Annie (the 3yo) wanted something Frozen while we were at Target. Only, the thing she wanted was $50! No way, considering it will be destroyed inside the week. So I (as calmly as possible) tell her that she can choose between two or three things. Meltdown tantrum commences. I nearly came unglued. I took Leelou and told her dad to handle it. Do you know what she finally picked, after he calmed her down? A freaking Ariel the Mermaid doll. Seriously???? 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Sadly, I can totally relate and I swear our girls could be separated at birth from the stories we each have shared and definitely scary, but secretly so glad you can relate and get it. Thank you Melissa for making me feel a little less like it is just me and more like someone else can totally share with me and relate!! Love you 🙂
catherine gacad says
i used to think tantrums were a "girl" thing, but they're definitely not, as i've seen my nephew have complete meltdowns as well. you handled it perfectly! setting the gifts aside and letting emma think about her behavior. bravo!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Catherine and I guess both sexes have their moments, but it is truly the way you deal with it that hopefully will indeed make a difference 🙂