It’s that time of the year again. You guessed it this another Christmas decorating post (sorry if you have read more than a few recently). But please know I had put the actual decorating off for over a week now for more than a few reasons.
First and foremost, I have been a bit of a Grinch I suppose worrying that my girls would touch and break everything (more Lily than Emma that is going through a phase of needing to not just look, but grab and break everything she does put her hands on).
The Grinch or (Me)!!The second reason was because we were in the midst of painting the girls’ room and our own as well, which has been nothing short of a mess. And let’s not forget the third reason, that Kevin finally got his 60” LED TV, which finally was available for pickup on Friday. Saturday, he decided to put a new entertainment center for our bedroom together to put the 42” TV from the living room into our bedroom. So from around 3:30 to almost 9:30 (with an intermission for dinner and dessert for us and my in-laws that came for dinner) my house was overrun from the TV hubbub (please don’t ask what time my kids actually went to bed that night, because I don’t want to alarm anyone!).
Emma, for days, has been asking (more like begging) for us to put our decorations up. So, once my morning chores were done we went through some more of the girls books and toys (more donating, because toys just seem to multiply around these parts). Finally after about two hours of this and getting lunch into the girls, we took down our Christmas decorations to jumpstart the 2012 Christmas season finally here here and joinng Gingerbread the Elf, too.
Kevin put the tree up (it is pre-lit) and had the girls help him (as Emma put it), ‘fluff’ the branches. Once that was done, I had to get new batteries for our Mickey and Minnie Tree topper, who were then placed atop the tree. The next step was the red bows, which got interrupted by the girls wanting to put all the Disney, Princess and family related ornaments on the tree. We got the tree done in record time, believe it or not with our little helpers. Only one ornament got broken and is gluing as we speak. Emma accidentally broke Kevin’s “Walle” ornament. The girls were truly ecstatic and even though our decorations are nothing fancy, they felt like they had won the lotto.
Here Is How My Heart Felt After Decorating with My Girls..I will add this that the Christmas I was first pregnant with Emma, I went to Hallmark and The Disney Store to make sure to buy all the Mickey, Minnie and friends decorations (including a personalized Mickey/Minnie Wreath, Tree Skirt and Tree Topper), plus Princess ornaments, too. Our tree is very kids oriented and fortunate for us they love all the characters that I had originally picked it. I also bought Christmas stuffed animals of many of these characters, which both girls fell in love with as soon took them out of their boxes. I remember being so excited when I purchased them and pictured our kids someday loving these decorations as much as I did (I wasn’t always a holiday Grinch). I guess those purchases paid off, because the girls love our tree and decorations.
So without further ado, please enjoy the photos of our newly decorated house for the Christmas holiday. And I will admit the grinch in me has left the building, because as I typed this was actually sitting admiring and in love with my lit and decorated Christmas tree. Amazing how two little girls have melted away my Grinchiness and left me all warm and fuzzy inside now!!
PS. Don’t ask me how I felt when they almost knocked the tree over later horsing around by it. Needless to say the Grinch resurfaced ever so slightly!!
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Emily (OhBoyMom) says
Your tree and the other decorations look fantastic — so very festive and yes you're right, sometimes we need our excited kids to pull us out of our grinchy moods (I can get that way too during holiday time…). Time for us to go get a tree so we have one to decorate…we are always a little late around here.:)
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Emily and must say I loved sitting and typing my writing while the kids slept to the light of the Christmas tree. It was so very relaxing and peaceful!!
BeautifulInHisTime says
aww it all looks cute!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Aprille so very much 🙂 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Amy and I am glad the Grinch left too, but will be honest my kids are so beastly sometimes and even later in the day, when they were being absolutely atrocious, the grinch snuck back in momentarily, but for the most part I love this time of the year 🙂
Bill says
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Beautiful pictures; the girls definitely look excited. Thanks for sharing!
JanineHuldie says
Oh I love that song Bill and thanks so very much. They really are in 7th heaven now with the tree and all the decorations are up. My pleasure sharing and glad you enjoyed, too!!
Stacy Harris says
I have to say… the grinch has not left the building over here. My husband has been begging and begging to put the tree up yesterday. I didn't want to because we had a sick kid and he wouldn't really be up for it. Not to mention the only reason I would even give in to putting the tree up this year is so we could get pictures. A kid as pale as a ghost with vomit on his shirt would not be a good option. Maybe I will leave the grinch behind soon too! 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Stacy, you have the perfect excuse and seriously do not even think about the decorations right now. Just worry about getting everyone well in your home again. Thanks seriously for reading and commenting right now!!
Cyndi says
Glad the tree got up without the Grinch hehe. It looks lovely and the girls look so happy! I love the tree and Kevin seems more than content with his television. HEHEHE.
JanineHuldie says
Lol, thanks Cyndi and you are right about his TV. He stayed up late last night watching The Lord of the Rings on it, just because it looked so awesome on it!!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Julie and I think you are right broken ornaments are truly part of the territory and just thank god for Elmer's Glue. Believe it or not it works wonders for stuff like this!
JanineHuldie says
Oh sorry Kelly and I am sure there will come a day when kids won't enjoy it as much. This year truly was the first year that both of my girls could help and had so much fun doing it. So, I am going to enjoy it as long as I can.
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Heather. Hope to see your in pictures. Our is fake and pre-lit thus the reason it is up this early 🙂
Cari @ MeetMyHusband says
I love your decorations! I've been a bit of a grinch this year myself, so it's nice to see someone else's home all decked out. 🙂 It looks beautiful, Janine!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks so much Cari and it was hard to stay a Grinch was I saw how excited both my girls truly were. Their little faces were just priceless!!
Ruchira says
The tree topper is beautiful, Janine.
We have a little angel on ours 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thanks so very much Ruchira and would have done an angel, but when I saw the tree topper back when I was pregnant with Emma, I fell in love and so glad I did, because both my girls love it!!
Christy Birmingham says
Awe cute photos Janine!
JanineHuldie says
Thank you so very much Christy for your kind words and tweet, too!!
Courtney~Club-Conten says
Love that face on Emma!
JanineHuldie says
Oh thanks Courtney and so happy for that face, too!!
JanineHuldie says
Thank you Vikki and they can be so cute, but so bad, too sometimes, lol!!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks so very much Mel and always loved decorating and just was nervous of my kids with the actual ornaments and having to have them possibly take off and need to put them back on twenty times over, lol!!
Stephanie Sprenger says
Yay!!! Love it- beautiful decorations and photos! I am quite worried this may be the year our tree gets knocked down, between the sommersaulting six year old and grabby toddler! Great post!
JanineHuldie says
Lol, Stephanie, we seriously almost had that happen last night with our glider rocker getting knocked over with both girls in the chair and almost into the tree. So I can totally relate!!
JanineHuldie says
Oh thanks so much Camille. Thinking of you and can't wait to hear that you had your beautiful baby girl 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Melanie and the girls seem to love it all too, but thankfully they weren't touching as much as they were the first night yesterday, but sure that that could change at any moment around here!!
Meredith says
I love that you go for it with Mickey and Minnie! They get top billing around here too, so my kids would LOVE your decorations, Janine! Tree looks great 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Oh thanks Meredith and must admit the kid in me loves our decorations, too, because who doesn't love Mickey and Minnie 🙂 🙂
gigigirl says
Beautiful tree and decorations. Emma is really thrilled! Thanks for sharing – wish I could be there in person. Happy Holidays!
JanineHuldie says
Happy to share Aunt Gloria and truly wish you could be here, too. You are missed and just glad you are all doing Ok in Florida!!