“You are disgusting,” Lily says as she is picking her nose. I kid you not on this! And so not sure where she heard this or from whom, but now every so often she will say this phrase and tonight was truly the best, because as she was indeed uttering this and of course teasing Kevin, she had her finger so far up her nose you would have thought she was mining for gold. By the way, I must tell her at least a few times a day now about not picking her nose, but she is at the age where anything goes and this is one of them.
Thankfully with Kevin, he knows she is teasing him and goes right back at her, but recently she said this to one person in our lives in particular who is a bit old fashioned and also has a hard time taking a joke or seeing that she is in fact only 2 years old. This person is my dad and as much as I love him, he got hurt when she said this line to him. Don’t get me wrong he is her grandfather and loves her dearly, but he still didn’t see it as funny and when she uttered those three little words asked her, “Why would you say that to me?”
And when he asked her that, he literally sounded like a wounded child, who was just hurt by his best friend. Granted as much as I felt bad, I kind of couldn’t help, but laugh a bit. I, of course, had to conceal it and walk into the other room. When I came back into the room where they both were, I had to explain to a 63 year old man that she was only 2 years old and thinks she is being funny. She loves him just as she loves her father, who she does this with and doesn’t see anything wrong with it. I explained further that the more I make of it, the more she will probably keep doing this, because that is what kids are notorious for.
So back to tonight and the conversation, of course landed back on the sillies, which seem to rule so often in our house. The one thing I remember when looking for a potential mate was someone who could take a joke, because growing up as you can see my dad was not the man for that job. He has a lot of other good qualities, but his sense of humor isn’t all it is cracked up to be. My grandfather (my mom’s dad) was the jokester in my life and that is probably where I learned how to tease and yes be a bit sarcastic, too. When he passed away, there was a void left there and I just couldn’t help, but look for another person, who could make me laugh and laugh right alongside me, as well.
So, when I did find Kevin and he possessed a very unique and similar sense of humor to myself, I latched on for dear life! And at moments like the above two stories, I am glad I did, because at least he does know how to laugh and not take something our kids say so seriously unlike my father. Again, I do love my dad, but I always wished growing up I could joke with him more, but knew my limitations there. Thankfully, I do believe my kids will never not know this type of laughter or teasing, because Kevin truly is so very good at this with them and with me also.
Linking up yet another week with The Happy Wives Club:
Last, but not least, Happy Valentine’s Day to all!!!
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Cyndi says
Happy Valentine's Day, Janine! I'm up early co-hosting this blog hop. Hehe. Funny post and I can't BELIEVE how early you get up. Haha.
Janine Huldie says
Lol, Cyndi I have to get up early if I want to get anything done around here. In about a half hour two little crazy girls will be up and this, naptime and bedtime are the quietest times of my day!! Happy Valentine's Day and happy you are co-hosting today!!! 🙂
Michelle Grundy says
Happy Valentine's Day Janine, I hope your lovely little family have a great day together 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks so much Michelle and the same to you, too!! 🙂
Sue says
I had a good giggle and can so relate to grandparents not having a sense of humor!
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks so much Sue and trust me my dad is a great guy, but he is from another generation, so he looks at things a bit differently!! 🙂
The Next Step says
Oh a sense of humor is SO important!
Janine Huldie says
You said a mouthful Lori and couldn't agree more!! 🙂
Katia DBE says
Grown ups need to realize you can't hold a 2 year old up to the same standards as you would another grown-up. At the same time kids have the ability to say things that make you cringe. My 3 year old told his beloved baby sitter who has been like a part of our family since he was 6 months old that she is "not handsome". At the time he was learning the difference between handsome and pretty and how you would use each one for a different gender, but she didn't know. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
That is definitely cute Katia and it is a valid mistake when learning the difference between the two. I do agree with you on needing to realize that this is coming from a 2 year old and not an adult. Thanks for sharing!!
erintheirishmama says
My youngest, Sean, is now a nose picker too. I was so proud to have raised two non-nose picking boys but then it started about two weeks ago! It grosses me out!!! But it's a kid thing!! I grew up with the dad who was the non stop jokester and wanted the same in a hubby!!! My hubby is just a little overboard! Hahahaha but I love him anyway! Sounds like you picked a good guy!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Erin and I know she just recently started to do this too and we keep telling her not to do it, but she continues anyways. Hoping it is just a phase and she will outgrow it!!
Bill says
My dad and I always teased each other, unless he was in a bad mood of course. LOL I had to learn when those times were, but for the most part we had a good relationship with lots of laughter, and I think that is so important for kids to experience growing up.
Janine Huldie says
So true Bill and my dad was more serious at times, but my grandfather was more the humorous one and where I think I got my sense of humor and sarcastic tendencies from too!!
Janine Huldie says
Happy to have you here and heading to your site in few moments, too!! 🙂
Emily says
What a nice post for valentines day..I too like a jokester because that's what makes life fun (and funny). Sounds like you've got a house full of silly people! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Emily and I am the same with you and love my jokester. And yes my house is full of silly people more often than not!! 🙂
Lanaya @ Raising Rea says
LOL ~ Brian and Reagan are both jokesters. Help me now! So cute!!
(¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo http://www.raising-reagan.com
Janine Huldie says
I know Lanaya and it is really just too damn cute for words!! 🙂 xoxo!!
Rabia @ The Liebers says
My family is full of jokesters, but my husband's family is not (except for my hubby, thankfully). It does make for some awkward moments!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Rabia and thankfully it is my own father and have learned a long time ago how to handle stuff like this with him and am also thankful though that my own husband is anything but like yours!! 🙂
Kim- One Classy Moth says
I pictured her with her finger up her nose, saying that, and I had to crack up!!!
Our house is nothing but jokes and mildly amusing insults…thank goodness my husband is like yours!
Janine Huldie says
I know Kim, believe me I actually had to walk out of the room, because I was laughing (snorting) so hard on that image and what she was saying along with it. Happy to hear that your husband is similar to mine, because it makes for some fun moments, right? 🙂
crystal says
That is so cute. I don't have much of a sense of humor on some days. Other days, I'm the one with the most humor. Go figure! I'm glad you have a man who has the sense of humor you were looking for. 🙂 Sounds like your little one is going to have it as well. 🙂
clarkfarley says
Other than (insert the joking, exaggerated reference to some physical quality/characteristic to the potential mate being referenced …here…), can there be a more valuable asset to a person's asset than a robust and flexible sense of humor? As you have a father, I have a more distant relative with that same trait missing. Great person, hell of a dentist, very limited sense of humor.
But if I had to give up traits/qualities/whatever we call it of my own personality, my sense of humor is totally the next to last thing I give up.
Ruchira says
aaww…this is so sweet to read that Kevin humors around the girls. They must be adoring him 🙂
Happy Valentine, Janine
Voted for you on both.
Ruchira says
I don't see the other badge on your blog…Is the competition done for that one?
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Ruchira and the Circle of Moms closed last night, but thank you as always for all your votes. I truly appreciate it more than you know!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
I totally agree with you on this Clark and that is truly one of my favorite things about Kevin. His sense of humor pretty much had me at Heilo!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks so much Crystal and I do agree my Lily is a riot already and can only see that getting more and more as she gets older!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Amy and I couldn't agree more!! 🙂
Rose A says
My hubby and i have similar senses of humor too, it's nice when someone 'gets it.' 🙂
Visiting today from Thursday's Favorite Things. Happy Valentine's Day. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks so much Rose and it is truly nice to know they we aren't the only ones with similar senses of humor!! 🙂
WhenCrazyMeetsExhaus says
I love to eavesdrop on my husband when he's with the kids! I take notes on what he does to get them into a fit of giggles, but try as I might, I can't get them to laugh like Daddy does!
Janine Huldie says
Stephanie, so very true and very much the same here. Kevin just has that special way about him with making my kids double over in fits of laughter. I can get laughs out them don't get me wrong, but not on the scale that he can!!
gigigirl says
A sense of humor gets us through a lot! I do remember your grandfather teasing me as a child (I was about 5 when they got married) and knew I was loved! If I didn't get the teasing, I would feel like he didn't care. The teasing was always light and never damaging, so it is important for kids to have that in their life. Kevin has that knack….you are loved! Love that photo of Lily and her dad. Happy Valentine's Day to all…..lots of love, Aunt Gloria
Janine Huldie says
So true Aunt Gloria and I do remember hearing those stories of when you were a little girl from my grandmother. and again you are right that his teasing was always very light and never meant to hurt anyone. Thanks again and hope you had a very, Happy Valentine's Day, too!! Love to you xoxo!! 🙂
The Dose of Reality says
My hubby lives to tease our girls, and they delight in teasing him right back! It is so much fun to watch! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh I agree that it is a blast to watch and thanks so much for sharing. Have a great weekend!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Julie, it is totally so sweet to watch and can't help but smile even thinking of it! Happy Birthday again 🙂
Christopher Desatoff says
LOL I love the way kids will say something funny once and get a laugh, but then they're so happy with people's response that they'll go and use the same joke OVER and OVER and OVER til they beat it to death. 🙂
The nose-picking is cute too…until every wall in the house has a little special surprise smeared on it hahaha.
Janine Huldie says
I love this too Chris especially how she gets a charge out of the reaction she gets. As for the nose picking, truly gross, but just so hope it is a phase now!!
Katherines Corner says
giggle……………….thank you for adding your wonderful blog to the Thursday Favorite Things hop. xo
Janine Huldie says
Oh my pleasure and happy to give a giggle on this. Hope you are having a great weekend and thanks so much for the linkup as always!! 🙂
Jelli says
I could almost picture the scene between Lily and your dad, his face crumpling up and wondering where she pulled that phrase from. Glad to hear that you & Kevin can appreciate a little toddler humor! Thanks for linking up with me at the Mommy-Brain Mixer this week.
Janine Huldie says
Thanks again Jelli for the awesome linkup and we do try our best to enjoy her humor!! 🙂
Carol Early Cooney says
You are right – trying to stop her from saying "you are disgusting" would backfire on you. It would be pretty surprising coming out of a 2 year old! TALU
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Carol and I know it sure surprised me the first time I heard it out of her little mouth, too!! 🙂
kenyagjohnson says
Janine one time my son said, "You're lying" to my MIL. He was six I think. But she was so hurt and disappointed by him saying that it brought him to tears. She went on and on about how you don't say that, "that's not nice". Guaranteed it was no laughing matter but he meant, "you're teasing". I felt so bad for him. He's very careful to this day what he says to her. That was a helpless mommy moment. I think if it was my dad I would have lit into him but since it was MIL I had to let it go.
Janine Huldie says
Kenya, being that it was my own dad, I did pretty much lay it on the line for him. But I know what you mean and have had my own issues with things even recently with my in-laws and have had to bite my tongue on quite a bit. So I can totally relate!!
Jeannine Everett says
He whispered "F off"
Into Grandma's ear. Good thing
she's hard of hearing
With love, from Momaiku, who didn't know her 2 year old knew that phrase and wished she could have said it herself once or twice
Janine Huldie says
Jeannine, seriously wish I too could say that once in awhile, but not to my own mother probably to a few choice people, lol!! 🙂
Chris HyeThymeCafe says
OMG, I can totally see my Dad going to pieces over something like that … and he WAS the one who gave my sister and I our crazy sense of humor. He would have been devastated … at least for a while. Then he probably would have swatted her across the face at the next available opportunity – with a wet sponge or slice of bologna or something. You never wanted to be standing next to him at the kitchen sink!! 😉 [#TALU]
Janine Huldie says
Lol, Chris and seriously glad to know it isn't just my dad who had this kind of sense of humor or the lack thereof at times!! Thanks so much for sharing and commiserating with me a bit!! 🙂
Anne Kimball says
Oh my gosh, kids are so funny! Love your take on this.
Thanks for linking this up with the TALU!
Janine Huldie says
I couldn't agree more Anne and thanks as always for hosting TALU!! 🙂
Raising Humans says
So sweet! Happy SITS day!
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks so much and glad you enjoyed!! 🙂
Kendra Larios-Mendez says
Happy SITS Day! I'm glad that your daughters have a father that understands the silliness of children. I did growing up and let me tell you, even to this day I'm able to laugh, goof off, and crack jokes with my dad. Those will always be some of my favorite memories.
Janine Huldie says
Oh so true Kendra and I was lucky enough to have a grandfather, who was so much like how my husband and your dad was, too. But you are so right and thank you for stopping by today!! 🙂
Wanda Hoffs says
Omg we joke constantly in my family! My husband has to be the funniest guy I have ever met! Sometimes my girls get a little to sarcastic and I have to remind them that I am mom, but we joke all the time. It's what makes us , us!
From Sits
Janine Huldie says
Oh Wanda, I love that you guys joke too and getting to know you a bit here. Thanks so very much for stopping by and sharing!! 🙂
mrs_karenC says
sounds like you have a great husband and father to your kids. my hubby can be silly in a "I'm the only one laughing and don't realize it" way LOL
Janine Huldie says
Oh Karen, my husband is sometimes the same way, too and do know exactly what you mean!! 🙂
Ugochi Jolomi says
My husband is does play a lot and I am always excited to watch them. We should be grateful the Bossy/No-nonsense Dad era is fading out!
Visiting from SITS, congratulations on being featured!
Janine Huldie says
I truly do agree Ugochi and so nice to hear that your husband is so similar to how mine is. Thanks so much for sharing and stopping by today!! 🙂
Adrienn says
So cute! Great post. Stopping by from SITS, have a great day!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much Adrienn and so happy to have you stop by!! 🙂
Sheila Skillingstead says
Your post made me smile. I hope you can get Lily to stop digging. I teach high school and in one period I have a student who digs and eats. Ewww. Enjoy your SITS Day.
Janine Huldie says
Lol, Sheila. I taught middle school and came across one student who did the same one year and definitely gross!!! Thanks for stopping by!! 🙂
Lynne says
Laughter is the best, and what a blessing to have a home where laughter is frequent. What a joy for your girls.
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Lynne for stopping by and so very true!! 🙂
Kelly Gentry says
It is so funny when kids say such adult things! Honestly, a relationship with no laughter is tough so it sounds like you found a good match! I just had a baby and her name is Lily also! Visiting from SITS!
Janine Huldie says
Oh love that your baby's name is Lily, too and couldn't agree with you more about having laughter be a part of a relationship. I feel blessed to have it and thank you for stopping by Kelly!!! 🙂
another jennifer says
Too cute. We speak fluent sarcasm in this house. If others don't get it, well, they learn pretty quickly! Happy SITS Day!
Janine Huldie says
Lol, so do we as you can clearly see Jennifer and thank you so much for stopping by here today!! 🙂
Miranda Pridgeon says
That is so sweet! My husband is a silly goofball and that is what I love about him! I'm glad you found the perfect other half!! Visiting from SITS!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much Miranda for stopping by and sounds very similar to what I love so very much about my own husband!! 🙂
Keia Blake says
I have an 18 month old and I cannot wait for her to start talking and saying funny things! This was great.
Happy SITS Day!
Janine Huldie says
Keia trust me it is coming and sure you will have some great stories to share, too. Thanks for stopping by here today!! 🙂
MotheringFromScratch says
{Melinda} I agree … a sense of humor is a MUST when you're raising kids! Hope you have an amazing SITS Day! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh so true and couldn't agree more!! Thanks so much for stopping by!! 🙂
Kate says
So true. Sense of humor is a must have with kids. Happy SITS day!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much Kate and very much do agree with you on this!! 🙂
Mary @ A Teachable M says
Sense of humor beats out everything in my book. Good thing cause my hubs has it in spades. Happy to hear yours does too! Happy SITS Day!
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Mary and again couldn't agree more!! 🙂