“It is just like riding a bike, you never forget!” I have heard this statement over the course of my life many times. However, having small kids, who are closing in on owning their very first bikes, this line takes on a whole new meaning.
I know I mentioned previously how much I loved doing outdoor activities as a kid and even shared the story of how I hurt myself roller skating in one of our FTSF linkups here. Well, I also loved riding my bike outside as a kid, too (and no worries I am an equal opportunist when sharing my mistakes and injuries with biking also).
I have some very early memories that I still think of when bike riding. The first was when I was first learning to ride a two wheeler without the aid of training wheels. I was on the smaller side not unlike Emma and my dad had bought me this beautiful pink Huffy Bike. Only problem was I wasn’t able to reach the ground with my feet yet or even barely touch the peddles. I was a bit scared and hesitant to say the least. I still can hear my dad telling me there was nothing to be afraid of and to just try it.
I fought back hard and he fought back even harder. See my dad was a very old fashioned Italian father (he has mellowed a bit with age). He was born and raised in East New York (Brooklyn) as a kid. So, he had very little patience for the scared, whiny little girl in front of him at this point in his life.
Enter my grandfather (my mom’s dad), who I just happened to be the apple of his eye. He somehow got a hold of an older red colored rusting bike that was on the smaller scale with no training wheels. Not even sure where he found it and it wasn’t very girly, but damned if I cared. It was just my size and as soon as I sat on it for the first time, I recall my feet touching the ground with plenty of room to spare.
My grandfather actually stood behind that bike holding onto the metal bar behind the seat, while I began to learn to pedal that bike. I slowly gained my balance and confidence, while my grandfather promised not to let go of that seat until I was ready for him to let go.
Apparently my grandfather had done this before and believe he taught my mom (his own daughter) and also my aunt (my grandmother’s younger sister). So, he had plenty of experience when to let go and that he did. It took me less than a week and I was a pro, thanks pretty much landed on him for that.
Another few weeks, before I actually tried that pink Huffy bike again, but when I did I was riding it just fine still not having my feet touch the ground. Ironically, that same Huffy bike was stolen from our garage overnight only a few short weeks after that. I can still close my eyes and see our garage door that morning looking like it had been tampered with and even can hear the conversation with my mom, where I told her that my bike was probably stolen. She had told me that she didn’t think so, but as soon as we went to look it was indeed gone and that was the end of that.
I went back to using the red rusted bike for a bit, but then did get another new bike, which was purple, but it wasn’t the same as my pink Huffy.
Also, back then as all of you know from the skating disaster I was definitely a bit of a klutz (see I promised above) and after some time of riding on my purple bike outside, I actually fell one time and remember skinning my knees so badly that the cuts oozed for weeks on end before healing.
It was summer and I used to go swimming daily in my neighbor’s pool that I was very good friends with. Again enter my grandfather who shared with me not to be scared to get my cuts wet (hey I was worried how much the water hitting these open cuts would hurt), because the chlorine would help to heal them. Yet, again my grandfather was right and did know best.
You might be asking what prompted me to share these stories about biking riding in my youth and my grandfather. Quite frankly, spring is right around the corner and we are buying Emma and Lily their very first bikes. Yes, these bikes will have training wheels, but eventually the training wheels will come off and for some reason it truly got me to thinking about all of the above.
In remembering this, I was smiling when thinking about my grandfather, because just proves again to me how very important he was to me and just how truly wonderful he always was to me. I hope that my girls will have just as fond memories of this time when they were little and first learning to ride a bike as I do.
Not sure I can ever be as good at this as he was, but I am going to try my hardest to be more like my grandfather was and less like my dad. Also helps to have Kevin, who I already know excels at being a very patient and loving father with them up to this point. So, I truly can’t see him being anything, but with both girls, while they learn to ride bikes.
This is such an important milestone, too and also kind of excited to see them for the first time on their bikes in their helmets. You can bet that I will have tons of pictures to share, too.
Also, I am going to make sure that their bikes are size appropriate, because like I said I do remember that fear all too well (even after all these many years). And just hope that neither is as clumsy as their dear old mom was with biking riding. On second thought maybe looking into knees pads, too!! I am just saying!!
Do you remember first learning to ride a bike? Were you just as scared as me? Do you have fond memories? Hit me up in the comments.
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Robin Rue says
My first bike was a super cool Strawberry Shortcake one (I totally just dated myself) and I totally remember the first time I rode it without training wheels. I was so excited to give it a try and I remember the shocked look on my parents faces because I don't think they thought I'd be able to do it LOL.
Janine Huldie says
Robin, awesome memories and believe it or not they do have Strawberry Shortcake, as well and Emma almost picked her. What threw me though is that she has never really watched or played with Strawberry Shortcake. Go figure!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Clark, for the most part you got my grandfather down except he was never really quiet. My grandfather was the life of the party and the practical jokester of the family, too. Major memories and so glad you enjoyed. Thanks!! 🙂
Rose A says
My first bike was a yellow Huffy. 🙂 My son's about ready to get his first real bike, I think this summer may be the time. We'll see. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
I love that you too still remember your first bike, too. I will say this being the one shopping for my kids' bikes was definitely an experience and think if you do buy him one you will see what I mean, Rose 🙂
The Dose of Reality says
I loved riding my bike as a kid. I, too, had a pink Huffy! There was something so freeing about that time of life! Great post! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
So true and glad that I was't the only one with a Pink Huffy Bike!! 🙂
Dani Ryan says
I remember when I got my first bike. It was Christmas morning. I must've been about 5 or 6, and as we were opening gifts my Mum asked me if I could go and close the back door because it was drafty. When I got to the door, there was a new red bike waiting for me from Santa. You can imagine the screaming that ensued!!!! Thanks for bringing back the memory!!!
Janine Huldie says
Dani, oh my pleasure in bringing back that awesome memory and seriously just like you I can remember it like it was yesterday!! 🙂
Cyndi says
The day I learned to ride a bike without training wheels, I got a concussion. LOL…I'm a klutz. I got good at riding and then tried to not hold the handlebars. The bike jackknifed in the street and I fell over, hitting my head. oops. Some nice man (my aunt's neighbor) picked me up and carried me home. I wasn't scared after that, though…and despite being hit by a car on my bike, I still love to ride. Can you believe that? My recommendation: don't let the girls go in the street, have them wear helmets at all times and watch for cars – even on the sidewalk. 😀
Janine Huldie says
Great recommendation and we did make them pick out helmets, too. And Cyndi, I knew I loved you before, but even more so now, because from one klutz to another could so relate to what you commented here!! 🙂
Amy says
We are working on the bike riding here too. I am sure you will do a great job. I am in awe in the grandfather in whom is the master bike riding teacher. That is so touching. I can't remember when I got a bike, but I do remember a particular wreck I got in. In MS there are ditches…since moving to the east coast they are considered canals..but canals are big…and a ditch is small…so if you are familiar with that term….I wrecked into the ditch, it threw me forward off the seat onto the bar….it hurt. I knew how to ride at that point. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks for saying that about me doingOk teaching my girls. I hope so and I too am still a bit in awe that my grandfather just had a way with this one. As for the ditch that does sound painful Amy and will say that even though I didn't fall in a ditch I still like you remember the pain and can so relate!!
Janine Huldie says
Happy to share Michelle and same as you even through it all it didn't stop me from getting back on that nike and continue riding!! 🙂
Bill says
Great memories Janine! About all I remember concerning learning to ride a bike is falling off countless times, and the feeling of pride when I finally made it. 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Thanks Bill and I do remember that a bit, too on my end!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Heather, I so wish I would have had an actual picture of my first bike, too. The above picture is pretty darn close, but still wasn't mine. That said, we too rode our bikes all day long, all summer long as kids and also never had to wear helmets. My kids picked their helmets out though and just hoping they won't fight wearing them. But we shall see!! 🙂
Jane Marsh says
When my father taught me to ride my bike, he ended up sending me down a flight of stairs… amazingly, I made it down, did not fall, and eventually learned to forgive him. It was a foreshadowing of how he would teach me to drive…
Janine Huldie says
Jane, sounds a bit like my own dad, who pretty much told me that I needed to learn on a bike that was just too big for me. I thank god for my grandfather. Don't get me wrong my dad has done plenty over the years for me, but he just not a patient man by any means. Would love to hear that driving story though!! 🙂
Kat Biggie says
It's funny, I can remember when my parents gave me my first little red bike with training wheels, but I don't really remember learning to ride it. But once I learned, I rode all the time! Loved that little bike! I hate it that your bike was stolen! 🙁
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Alexa and funny but I still remember so much from that time in my life including waking up that morning and just knowing that my bike had been stolen. Funny the things we do remember and glad you have great bike riding memories, too!! 🙂
Leslie says
My parents lovingly captured my first attempt at bike riding on film. I have lovely pictures of wipe outs, my mom running behind me and a few brief moments of success. LOL. I also remember when my brother was learning, I was showing off and took a huge spill and I still haw the scar on my knee to mark that accident. I am a klutz too, 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Loved how you have video of this Leslie and will totally have to remember to take video of my girls, too. My brother is also younger and was a great big show-off too when he was first learning. Surprised I didn't do more to myself injury-wise, because I truly am such a klutz, too!! 🙂
Kera says
Awe I love this post. I remember learning to ride a bike–it was on my mom's bike from when she was a kid. A banana seater lol! My grandparents lived next door to us growing up and my grandpa also taught me how to ride that first bike. I remember being so excited when I finally did it! Since then, I've always loved riding bike, but don't get to do it that often anymore. And wow–in that picture of you with your grandparents, I think Lily looks like you! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Kera, I love that your grandfather also taught you to ride your bike and mine also had a banana seat, too!! As for Lily, I think she reminds me of my mom at times when she was a kid from pictures I have seen and I happen to look like my mom, so that may make a bit of sense. Never saw it before, but I just went back to look at that photo and I saw it there. Wow and it blew my mind a bit, lol!! 🙂
Roshni Aamom says
Grandparents are the best! It was my grandfather who took us to the circus, zoo, playground etc because my dad used to work long hours, so this post really resonated with me! I too remember how very patient he was and how he used to really get down to our level to make everything fun for us!
Janine Huldie says
Roshni, i totally agree with you (as you already did know) on this. My grandfather was always there for us and did totally get down to our level. Happy to know that you can relate and that your grandfather was similar with you and your siblings, too!! 🙂
Stacy Harris says
The first thought that came to my mind was not the first time I learned to ride a bike… but the first time I got a 10 speed. I don't know why I was intimidated. I was obviously riding a bike before I got it. But for some reason it felt like I was learning all over again!
Janine Huldie says
Stacy, I forgot about getting my first 10 speed and you are right Stacy using the handbrakes was like learning all over again, too. Can totally relate!!
sara says
Grandparents are the best. What great memories you have of your grandfather teaching you to ride a bike. BTW I totally had the same bike. Those pink handle bars made that bike sooo cool.
Janine Huldie says
I love that you had this same bike Sara and truly didn't know anyone else that did up until now!! So true about grandparents and I miss mine terribly, but love being able to share all my wonderful memories of them here!! 🙂
erintheirishmama says
What a great picture of you with your grandparents!!!!!!
Janine Huldie says
Oh thanks Erin and have to tell you one of my favorite pictures with them!! 🙂
Janine Huldie says
Julie, I am so with you on never pushing and I totally understand. I think out of my two girls, Lily will be my child to be more hesitant at times. She still scared at the playground, where Emma is my dare-devil. So, I think all kids are different on stuff like this and I am so with you like I said on not pushing!!
Justin K says
I had a Huffy bike too, but it wasn't pink! It was silver and black and I loved it. Great post. You've painted a beautiful picture of your Grandfather! Well done!
Justin- Writing Pad Dad
Writing Pad Dad Blog
Writing Pad Dad on Facebook
Janine Huldie says
Awesome Justin that you too had a Huffy bike. I think they were definitely a bike deal during that time period. I was so happy to share about my grandfather, because he was truly the best and loved him so very much!!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much Richard and I knew you could relate to mishaps with bikes, lol! And the double whiskey and coke sounds like it may be well used if need be!! 🙂
lablover22 says
First time with bikes and helmets? PRICELESS! they are so cute and because it's a memory so many of us have, you just feel so connected to how they are feeling. Enjoy it!
Vicky http://www.thepursuitofnormal.blogspot.com
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much Vicki and can totally so you are right this experience is definitely going to be priceless!! 🙂
Melanie Chisnall says
Awwww, Janine! You look so cute in that photo! I can tell how excited you are. Riding a bike or tricycle for the first time is a huge experience. I have so many memories of riding those things when I was small. Enjoy the moments! 😉
Janine Huldie says
Thanks on all account Melanie and I am so going to try to enjoy every moment of this!! 🙂
April says
I don't remember my first bike ride, but I've been traumatized by riding. My two major childhood accidents occurred while riding my bike. I used to love them, but I figured it wasn't meant for me to ride them. You are so adorable!
Janine Huldie says
Thanks so much April for saying that. I, too, am a klutz as you read, but I kept getting back up and trying again!! 🙂