“That is it, I need that damn Elf now!!” That was me the other night after my girls were again having their 1,234,567,890 meltdown of the day. It was bedtime and of course that meant they had to get one last temper tantrum in for good measure.
At this point, I was so down and out and of course ready for the day to indeed be over. I finally caved and thought that even Santa Claus wasn’t cutting it. That’s right, I tried using any form of threat, including the good old Santa warning that sounded something like this, “Santa’s watching and isn’t going to bring you any toys if you keep screaming, especially that EasyBake Oven.”
Guess what it didn’t work, because they were just plain tired. Anyone who has little kids knows over-tired and bedtime is is a recipe for disaster. Add a mother who isn’t feeling well and just wanting to collapse to that mix, as well as a father who wants to sit down to watch TV after working all day; so tensions were definitely heightened around these parts at this point.
So what is a mom to do? This one bemoans that she needs a damn little Elf to help out with the situation. Yes, most already know where I am going with this post with The Elf on the Shelf. So, I will not bore the reader with the background story on the Elf on the Shelf. If for some reason, you have been living under a rock, you can read all about it here.
Now let me be clear we have had this Elf since Emma’s first Christmas back in 2009, before it was even a fad or huge hit with the masses. This was also before it was a slimmer and the more plastic version and Grandma bought for Emma. Sorry even though this is not the new hip version, I am not spending any more money on an elf that gets used for a month out of the year (Ok mom guilt running high, but not that high!). But anyways, take a guess though how many times I moved that damn Elf each Christmas before this that I put it out.
You guessed it. Zero times!! I am the least creative and laziest person with stuff like this and then of course I have read and heard the many varied stories of how others come up with these grand plans of moving this little elf every night for a month (yeah way to make me feel like the world’s worst mom of the year). There are even whole posts (my favorite is here and see why Jen went viral with this awesome nugget) dedicated on just how this Elf got moved yet again and who made their Elf do some zany activity like make a huge mess by breaking dishes or dirtying plates/cups, drawing on walls, and my personal favorite (I overheard this classy concoction in the supermarket) putting dirt in the toilet bowl (seriously I loathe and detest cleaning the toilet bowl and now I have to do it one more time than I normally would!).
My first thought when I read stuff like this in the past is, “What kind of sadist, nut job does this crap?” And even better, I have thought, “Why make a mess?” Do you know how many messes a day I clean up with two beastly little girls and a husband who gives just as wonderful directions as Frasier, but doesn’t move a muscle to clean said mess up (yes I swear to god my father-in-law called him this when we first started dating and no truer words could have been uttered)? Seriously, too many to even count anymore. Why the hell would I want to start my day off with one more mess to have clean up?
The answer to this supposedly is that I want to have a few days of sanity with my kids not acting up and or being little beasts (hey a girl can dream), but could an Elf really do the trick? Well, it looks like I am willing to find out, but I promise you this I will not be making any real messes that yours truly will have to indeed clean up, because as much as I value peace and quiet, even more I value not giving myself anymore work than is necessary either. Also, it won’t be really all that creative, because I don’t have enough time in the day to come up with these types plans of grandeur for our elf, plus my kids are only 2 and 3 years old respectively (I am so thankful that they are this little and are still easily amused).
Meet our Elf, who has been named Gingerbread by our own Emma and game on folks (at least for the next month)!!
By the way, if you too do Elf On the Shelf in your home, hit me up with some of your ideas in the comment section. This momma could use some inspiration, but please nothing too difficult or messy, because I will probably zone out or at least roast you on the next post about this!! No seriously just joking, all your stories are welcome.
By the way, if you were curious what I was asking Santa to bring me this year, please go visit, The Mom of Year’s Blog today here today to see what yours truly asked from Santa.
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Jane Marsh says
I hear you on the "how badly do you think I need one more mess to clean up" rant. Good luck with the Elf project–keep us posted.
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Jane and I really am a closet hater of cleaning, but alas I do it, but not happily, lol. And will definitely keep you posted 🙂
Emily (OhBoyMom) says
Wow, I guess I HAVE been living under a rock because I never heard about that Elf on a Shelf until now! I wonder if it will work with my teenage boys whose maturity level seems to be going backwards with age. I used to tell the boys that if they didn't behave, they'd get coal in their stocking…it worked like one time. Anyway, I say try the Elf again, you've got nothing to lose at this point!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Emily and I am sorry if I sounded snarky that everyone must know about the elf, but damn that is all I have heard about now for two Christmases and this year I am going to try for at least my sanity sake of keeping my two beasts in line at least. Already this morning, we have had more temper tantrums that I could count out of Emma and it isn't even noon!! When is the elf going to start working, lol 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Kate, if your mom has one definitely take her up on it. I am telling you that it is always worth a try. Anyway, could our three year olds be more alike. Mine has not stopped all morning and I am ready to sell her to the lowest bidder, lol!! Seriously, thanks and do hope your mom finds the Elf for you 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Stephanie and so very true about trying just about anything to indeed keep them in line. I am willing to try seriously, to even just get some peace and quiet. Hey one can dream,lol!!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Michelle and glad to have shared this with you. Definitely check him out and let me know what you think 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Ok, now I just feel bad that I said about living under a rock, but everywhere have turned the last two Christmases it has been smacking me in the face making me feel like I was the world's worst mom who actually owned the damn thing and never moved it. Glad to share with you though and I do really hope that it makes this time a bit easier for me with my girls, because they have been nothing short of monsters lately, lol!! Thanks though Kelly 🙂
Katherines Corner says
Elf on the shelf is something our grandchildren look forward to every year ( even the teenager) xo P.S> subscribed 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thank you so very much for sharing that your grandchildren love this and also for subscribing. So very much appreciated and am subscribed to many blogs myself, but not sure if I am subscribed to you too and would love to follow you back if I am not. Hit me back up with all your info so I can do the same for you if I haven't already yet, thanks 🙂
Cari Lorine says
I'd never heard of Elf on the Shelf. I'll definitely be using it in the future! 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Cari and have no doubt you too will join the ranks with us crazy moms on this one, lol 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Vikki. No need to think you are a bad grandma, because I have had the damn thing from 2009 and never moved him once before this year like I said, lol! So I will not be getting any World's Best Mommy awards any day soon!!
Stacy Harris says
I have been contemplating getting the little Elf on The Shelf for the last couple of years… but I will admit, I never thought of moving the little devil around. I thought they were just supposed to report back to the parents. If it works with your kids let me know – I am all for saving some sanity this time of year! LOL
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Stacy and wish it were that simple of having them just report back to us. Supposedly, you are supposed to move him each night as though he has flown off to the North Pole to report to Santa about how the kids were during the day and then returns in the morning. Thus having him appear in a different spot. That wouldn't be all that bad if some people didn't take it to another level and have him do crazy things when he moves. Will definitely let you know how it goes though 🙂
JanineHuldie says
I am with you on the bribing and Jen's post was amazing and bow to her on that one, because I have read her post and re-read it a few times with the same outcome of fits of laughter. Glad though I am not alone in looking forward to being able to use this to get a bit of sanity back in my life even if it is just for a month, lol. thanks seriously for reading and your kind words, too 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Thanks, I know Julie and like I need more craziness like I need a hole in my head, lol!! Seriously though, I just want to stop the many varied temper tantrums and am hoping for a miracle here!!
Sunshine says
The Elf appeared today! He was sitting on the TV, just hanging out. Faith got home from school and she was so EXCITED and a bit shocked in a funny way! Haha! All the neighborhood kids do the Elf thing. It's too cute to hear them talking about where they found their elf 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Oh, I love that Faith and her friends do the Elf thing, too. You may need to share some of your Elf's secrets with me in the future, because I could truly use some much needed inspiration. I can truly see the excitement on Faith's little face too, priceless and seriously thank you so much for sharing this here with me 🙂 🙂
Ruchira says
Interesting concept but I have not dared to bring this concept in my home…lol
Happy holidays, Janine And hope Santa brings you sanity:)
JanineHuldie says
Oh thanks Ruchira and Happy Holidays to you and your family, too 🙂 🙂
Cyndi says
I am experiencing – right now – kiddos who are tired and it's their bedtime…my sister's kiddos. Well, fun post as always and hang in there!
JanineHuldie says
Oh Cyndi, I can tell you bedtime stories with my girls that would make you want to never have kids, lol!! Seriously, they always seem to do their worst at bedtime, lol!! But still I love them to pieces and can't help but want to go back for more each and everyday 🙂 🙂 Thanks!!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Melanie and wish upon a star that I would get even the 5 minutes of peace and quiet, but shopping, coffee or massage would be absolutely divine 🙂 🙂
JanineHuldie says
Oh thanks Eddy and wish you too a very happy and holiday season!!!
Rebecca Fiskaali says
I chuckle as I read your post simply because my girls are 4 & 5. All I can think of is 'been there, done that. Although the people making messes presumably by their "elves" handy work? Have on child, an infant who cannot walk yet would be my guess. Happy Holidays our elf "Ellie" (also named by my daughter) will be making her apperance this weekend.
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Rebecca and so very true about those who do make messes with their elf. I love that your daughter also named your Elf (Ellie is such a cute name) and Happy Holidays to you, too!!
JanineHuldie says
Thanks Richard and know someday I will join those ranks too, but for now you are so right about those messes and I am so not making anymore than I already have in one days time to clean up!!!
JanineHuldie says
Oh thanks so much Eddy and just so glad you are here. I agree here is to so much more reading and sharing for us. Lots of love right back at u!!